
英国论文代写价格-电子商务的应用。电子商务的应用在短时间内取得了巨大的增长。现在,社会在计算机网络(internet)的帮助下获得了交易产品和服务的特权。尽管私营部门恰好是一个以全球消费者为中心的利润驱动市场,但“电子商务业务能否被有效利用,以产生更多收入和社会地位”的问题没有改变。互联网设施和服务的爆炸式增长为各种创新铺平了道路,这些创新被认为是开创性的(Huang & Benyoucef 2013)。主流电子商务的出现为传统的经营模式提供了一个可行的替代品(Hajli & Khani, 2013)。在当今的商业世界中,电子商务可以被描述为利用技术进行电子商务的创新方式。如今,是电子商务的时代和时代。

E-commerce is popular as the subset of electronically operating business or E-business that puts more emphasis only on commerce domain. E-commerce is all about what a business does to possess keys to success (Huang &Benyoucef 2013). Commerce is all about exchanging goods and services in replacement of goods and services or for revenue. E-commerce redefines the base of competitiveness with regard to information content and delivery mechanisms (Turban et al., 2015).

Online transactions for businesses and citizens: Once government take initiatives to move beyond purely informational yet passive web sites, it in general creates the ability to support numerous interactive, online transactions. These range from relatively simple interactions linking businesses or citizens and governments to more complex transactions which fundamentally involve the fee payment to the governmental agency directly.
Government procurement: The privately operated businesses are using B2B E-commerce transactions to drive down their shopping costs; one set of online activities that is potentially of the most advantage to governments themselves is the use of the internet to acquire products and services required by the government. E-commerce gives governments the opportunity to consolidate product purchasing across the departments and agencies operated by government (Curty & Zhang, 2013). Therefore, E-commerce notably is reducing the transaction costs associated with each individual agency buying decisions and permitting required items to be shopped in significantly higher volumes, driving down the cost to purchase.
Private sector e-commerce activities by governments: Broadly because of concerns related to the funding of E-commerce operations managed by governments, sometimes governments found to be engaged with e-commerce activities that happen to be virtually identical to those accepted by private sector E-commerce entities.
Outsourcing of non-core governmental functions: It is the substitute pathway available wherein government is found involved in and supports the e-commerce development is in the course of outsourcing to private sector entities of endeavours that formerly had been performed by the government but those are now endorsed as the non-core.
Plus-points of government participation in E-commerce:
The most imperative benefit of government participation in e-commerce is that they serve to educate governments regarding the economic and business realities of online transactions and regarding the interdependence of online public and private sector activity. The close relationship between government and e-commerce leads to a similarly supportive regulatory infrastructure. E-commerce incompliance with government helps creating a market for corresponding private sector involvement (Hajli & Khani, 2013). Because government seek to web enabled activities for which they create a demand for equipment, telecommunications networks and secure services along with other physical infrastructure.

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