

从Lehman(2016)的观点来看,西方动画电影产业是近代全球流行的产业之一。在过去的一百年里,动画组织如迪斯尼,皮克斯,照明公司和其他公司都在评估。最受欢迎的2d动画,如米老鼠、猫和老鼠秀都是由这些公司推出的。在20世纪,这些公司用手工制作的图片来制作电影和卡通系列。根据Vault.com Inc.(2017),在1970年之后,这些行业在CGI技术的帮助下得到了极大的重估。

虽然西方动画电影产业在全球范围内的普及率很高,但东方动画产业并不落后于西方。年轻一代主要被《萤火虫之墓》(1988年)、《风之谷》(1984年)、《攻壳机动队》(1995年)等不同的动画电影所吸引。根据Thought co.(2017)的报告,在19世纪期间,东方动画电影产业引入了一种新的动画形式,称为“动漫”。东方动画机构通过使用不同的高清晰度摄像机,采用了细胞动画技术。第二次世界大战后,东映动画公司推出了风靡一时的ShōnenSarutobiSasuke(1959年)系列,并与华特·迪斯尼展开了激烈的竞争。此后,该公司又推出了几部电视剧,如横山Mitsuteru的《女巫莎莉》、《铁津28》等。东映动画的这个动画系列在动画市场上获得了巨大的人气。因此,东方动漫产业推出了一些动画相关产品,如原创动画视频等,占领了全球市场。电影爱好者追求的是那些不那么漫长的东西,而那些想要更精细的版本的人则会选择电视剧。到了21世纪,日本或东方的组织推出了《火影忍者》、《龙珠》系列、《死亡笔记》系列等高画质动画,这些动画在当时和近代都很受欢迎。这些组织已经建立了数字网络来销售动画,他们开始向日本和非日本消费者提供高质量的动画系列。Napier(2016)认为,可以说东方动漫产业是西方动漫产业的主要竞争对手,这可以看作是对东方动漫电影产业的一次大评价。

This study has conducted to collect adequate knowledge and information about the timeline of the cartoon and anime movies, which has developed and is still developing with the growth of science and technology that has helped to provide realistic graphics. In accordance to Hou (2017), over the ages, both the countries, Japan and America have given a tough competition to one another by developing a large set of characters and anime’s and is still developing to attract the audience towards viewing their animated film and series. In this particular section of the study, the evaluation factors of Western and Eastern Film Animations will analyze, which has elaborated below.

From the view point of Lehman (2016), western animation film industry is one of the globally popular industries in the recent era. In last hundred years, the animation organizations such as Walt Disney, Pixar, illumination and others are evaluating tremendously. Most popular 2-D animations such as Mickey Mouse, Tom and Jerry Show had been introduced by these companies. In 20th century, these companies had used handmade pictures to animate the film and cartoon series. In accordance with Vault.com Inc. (2017), after the 1970, these industries have been immensely revaluated with the help of CGI technology.

Although the popularity of the western animation film industry is very high globally, but the Eastern animation industry does not stand very far behind it. The young generation are mainly attracted by different animation movies such as Grave of the Fireflies (1988), Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind (1984), Ghost in the Shell (1995) and others. According to the Thought co. (2017) report, in the period of 19th century, the Eastern animation film industry had introduced a new form of animation called as ‘Anime’. The eastern animation organizations had been used cell animation technology by using different hi – definition cameras. After the World War II, an animation company named Toei animation has introduced ShōnenSarutobiSasuke (1959) series, which had been very popular in these days and this company also has started a huge competition against the Walt Disney. After that, the company has introduced several television series such as Mitsuteru Yokoyama’s Sally the Witch, Tetsujin 28 and others. This animation series of Toei Animation had gained huge popularity in the animation market. Consequently, the eastern animation industries had introduced some animation related products such as OAV (Original Animated Video), and other products, which have taken all the global market. The film lovers are those people who go for a those things that are not that long and the people who are looking for a elaborated version go for the TV series. In the period of 21th century, the Japanese or eastern organizations have introduced high graphics animations such as Naruto, Dragon Ball series, Death note series and others, which had been very popular in these times and in the recent era. The organizations had started digital networks to sell the anime and they started to provide a high quality animated series to Japanese and Non-Japanese consumers. According to Napier (2016), it can be stated that the eastern animation industries are the major competitor of the western animation industry, which can be considered as a great evaluation of eastern animation film industry.
