


养老金改革提议挑战最低退休年龄。过去,最低年龄是65岁,67岁退休是例外。但是,在经济合作与发展组织(OECD)的许多国家,67岁退休年龄已经成为一种常态,而不是例外。在一些国家,这个年龄已经被移到了68岁,甚至68岁。捷克共和国已经对退休年龄政策进行了无限期的提高(CESIfo, 2015)。现在根据这项政策,退休年龄增加了,每年两个月。一些国家在可持续性方面引入了自动调整机制,并试图重新平衡其养老金体系。已授权对可能影响领取养恤金者的养恤金福利并将对该国未来的财政规划产生影响的人口、经济学和其他财务参数进行广泛研究。


这里的主要挑战是,这是一个非常复杂的问题。政府需要结合社会因素和个人的生活历程来了解经济因素。在这里,仅仅纠正养老金制度可能没有用。由于单靠它们无法纠正不平等,因此有必要对养老金制度将如何影响退休人员、它将如何影响当前和未来的工薪阶层,以及如何在几代人之间处理日益加剧的不平等问题进行更具战略性的思考(OECD, 2013)。私人养老金在这方面的作用也需要分析和理解。

Pension reforms have been created for countries over the years in order to handle the challenges in pension system. The major reforms happened during and after the economic crises. A need for fiscal consolidation and an urgent need to improve existing policies were understood at this time. Some pensioners were spared benefit cuts, and some of them were part of reforms that made use of the economic stimulus. However, with time, the reforms were more of fiscal consolidation and the aim of such programs was based on the overall public spending and other GDP elements. Overall public spending had increased to around 17 percent as an average across OECD countries and it was within the range of 3 and 30 percent in Iceland and Italy.

Pension reforms proposed to contest the minimum age of retirement. In the past, the minimum age was 65 and a retirement age of 67 was an exception. However, in many OECD nations, the retirement age of 67 has become a norm rather than an exception. In some countries, the age has been moved to 68 or even 68. The Czech Republic has put an open-ended increase in pension age policy (CESIfo, 2015). Now according to this policy, there is an increase of pension age, two months per year. Some nations have introduced automatic adjustments in sustainability and try to rebalance their pension systems. Extensive research on the subject of demographic, economics and other financial parameters that could influence pension benefits to the pensioners and that will have an effect on future financial planning for the country have been authorized.

Pension landscape in the OED countries is changing because of political reforms, financial issues and more. All OECD countries are different in their pension scheme and yet the challenges are similar. Primarily, the challenge is of how to make the scheme financially sustainable for the countries and at the same time assure retired citizens of adequate pension that they need for a comfortable living (OECD, 2013). Costs of pension provision should not become high for the next generation to bear, and these concerns are even more highlighted with countries that already have aging population. Countries with smaller public pension schemes manage with private schemes and yet it cannot be said that all countries manage to have their pensioners above the

The major challenge here is that this is a much complex problem. Government needs to understand economic factors in conjunction with social factors and life course of individuals. Correcting the pension system alone might not be useful here. As they alone cannot correct inequalities, it is necessary to develop a more strategic thinking of how pension systems will affect pensioners, how it will affect wage earners in current times and in the future, and how can rising inequalities be handled over the generations (OECD, 2013). The role of private pensions in this context also needs to be analyzed and understood.
