
  論文代寫-商業環境中員工自我表露的重要性。在商業環境中,自我表露是最重要的。這是因為它試圖揭示一個人的長處、短處、能力和無能。這有助於企業安排任務類型,並將其分配給理想的候選人,從而最大化生產力(Gregory & Pieczka, 2007)。例如,當一個員工不擅長會計但擅長管理時,把管理工作交給他是比較明智的,這樣可以挽救他的聲譽。企業也可以雇傭一名有生產力的員工,這一切都會增加增長和收入。當自我披露成為一種組織文化時,錯誤、失誤、違規、違法行為就會被最小化。

  A crisis situation is inevitable when many people are involved working together. There are multiple commitment levels which vary across the employee demographics. When there is a crisis and there seems no solution, chaos follows everywhere. Processes are disrupted, thinking power erodes, decision power dies out and the helpless people only become spectators and at the minimum try to save their lives. Risk management approaches can define each perceivable crisis in detail, prepare risk avoidance approaches and trains them regularly among employees who are then made aware of their individual and collective responsibility during a crisis.

  Determining the intent of the speaker, one who is experiencing a conflict, is the origin of resolution. When the intent of the conflict experiencing person is heard and understood, it becomes easier to resolve it than when the intent itself remains unclear. Once the intent is known, the best strategy to employ is empathy. Empathy makes everyone aware of their weaknesses, helps them to cope with their problems and also makes them aware of the inevitable nature of conflicts and not to deter from them. Empathising people helps them grow and not become victims of meaner and negligible issues.

  No verbal communication is an important contributor to one’s understanding and lack of the mind-set of the person speaking or who is to be judged and assessed. When one’s nonverbal communication methods are assessed, analysed and aligned with ethical and moral behaviours, it informs plenty about the person’s intrinsic mode of thinking and the way he or she generally represents things. Some people cannot say something openly. Hence a nonverbal communication understanding may be helpful in extracting such thoughts, which apparently may be the most important.

  Reactions of individuals are an important yet explicit indicator of what the person thinks in his mind. Watching reactions of people, which is a nonverbal mode of expression, informs about the person’s thoughts and beliefs about the subject. A weaker eye contact resembles weaker interest in the subject (Kaye, 2010). Body movements while listening speaks about the extent of attentiveness in the subject. These are underlying assumptions of gauging a person’s original response to a subject. If a person were multitasking while listening, it assumes that the person is less interested in the speaker than he is in other work areas.

  Theory X would be preferred the foremost in managing 12 workers. This is because, even in the best multinational company, people are primarily motivated first to fulfil their basic physical needs followed by psychological and objective needs. When a stomach is empty, even the wisest person would not be able to understand. The most important management decisions to be taken would be to understand each employee’s intrinsic needs, aligning their individual goals with management goals, offering individual rewards for each one based on their dominant need projected.

  英國高階論文代寫Advanced Thesis平台機構為留學生們提供英國代寫、essay代寫、assignment代寫等論文代寫服務,幫助留學生們解決論文的寫作困擾,圓自己一個留學提升學位的夢想!