

  A speaker’s first responsibility is to prepare the speech according to his audience. Preparation includes organization, conciseness of content, punctuality and clarity. Firstly, the selection of topic for speech should be appropriate for the audience. The topic should have enough information and facts, sequenced logically. In case of written communication, at least one rough draft should be prepared to mark the errors and improve the content after seeking appropriate feedback before finalizing the speech. If communication to be done is oral, the speaker should practice it several times before speaking in front of audience. The analysis bases on age, gender, culture, values, family structure, education level and background experiences of audience should be done before preparing the speech. For example:

  When a speaker wants his audience to learn about four things when buying a diamond, he should do so by showing them the diagram of diamond with clear pictures of how a diamond is cut to prepare gemstones.

  Use of power point presentations should be done carefully and the selection of slides, graphs, figures etc. should be simple and clear in business presentations.

  While giving lectures to college students, it is necessary for the teacher to relate with students by giving real life examples to maintain their interest and make them learn at the same time.

  A21: Rhetoric is a part of oral communication which is used mostly in public speaking. The use of rhetorical in writing is also considered as a good practice. The three classic elements of rhetoric- logos (logic), pathos (emotional appeal) and ethos (ethics and credibility) are very essential for good writing. A rhetorical situation guides the audience to revise the whole argument and contribute to its effectiveness. By understanding the rhetorical situation, one can understand the context, expectations, audience and purpose of speech. From the perspective of an audience, it is the understanding of who, what, where, why, when and how of the speech. It is very important to include a rhetorical situation for the audience by the communicator in both verbal and written communication.

  While organizing a presentation I am imperative for the communicator to be respectful, trustworthy and think on egalitarian terms. Precisely, the communicator should be ethical in his approach while preparing a presentation. He should hold good character and reputation for doing what is right and treat his audience the way they want to be treated. For example,

  Sending out a promotional letter to announce sale of an item at $100 which originally costs $500, specially in a situation when there is only one piece of this item left in stock, which is not only unethical but also an illegal practice. Such strategy is mainly adopted by the seller to attract customer to the store and apologize to them on non-availability of this item. At the same time, the seller would urge the customers to buy a similar item costing $400. This method is known as “bait and switch” and is a punishable offence. To gain the trust of customers and build long term relations with them, the communication made to them should be ethical and true.

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