
目前的時裝批量生產只在很短的時間內充滿商店,這說明在未來的幾年裏,個人囤積或出售的古董永遠不會缺乏(Petrizzi 2014)。這說明vintage fashion的供需從來沒有下降過,而且隨著時間的推移,vintage fashion購買者的數量也在不斷增加。Vintage fashion被認為是另一種真實的市場,因此也被認為是消費者的主要偏好。顧客對vintage fashion需求增加的關鍵原因之一是文化消費欲望的增強(Reiley 2005)。vintage fashion的使用被認為是大量女性和年輕人的一項社會活動。Vintage fashion被認為是一種象征來源,而懷舊感被認為是社會成就的標誌。有關論文代寫-Vintage Fashion購物者和趨勢的討論如下:

A number of shoppers have accepted the idea that vintage fashion is extremely unique, wearing a piece out of history that might not be accessible by everyone or anyone. In the ironic sense, a number of adopters can just be seen to follow the crowd. Brands of fashion have been seen seizing the trend of vintage from several perception and pushed and interpreted it in a number of different ways in front of the customers (Chung 2006). Some labels have been boasting to source authentic fabrics of vintage fashion for the creation of items. As a significant example, shoppers can now purchase designer jeans of high price made out of vintage denim.

A number of independent designer have been choosing a specific era and focus to reinvent these looks for the suitability of current customers. Typically, these tend to be displaying the creations across a stylish boutique. Larger names of clothing obtain their foot within the trend of vintage fashion by the mass production of items in the genre (DeLong 2011). No longer, vintage fashion can be considered equal to cheap fashion. Prices for genuine items of vintage trend have been rising at a significant rate. Apart from pricing, sizing can be considered as a significant issue. Looking for the right size can involve major confusion as sizes of clothing from the past had been different in comparison with what they are in the current era (Fırat 2013). Yet, there are several die-hard fans of vintage fashion who, irrespective of the key drawbacks, will be seeking out authentic items of vintage fashion actively.
The influence of vintage fashion can also be seen evidently by broadcasting media. As a significant example, critically acclaiming Mad Men, the television drama series tend to be recording a whopping population of 3.4 million viewers as estimated from the sixth season of the series (Harms 2012). The accurate depiction of the drama from the settings of 1960s has resulted in enrapturing audiences and spawning other vintage dramas on the television like Playboy Club and Pam Am. As a result of these exposures, the theme of vintage has been gaining currency across the population of retailers. As a significant example, Nailtini, a manufacturer of nail polish, launched a line of colours as inspired out of Mad Men, while collaborating with the designer of the show (Isenhour 2010). In the similar sense, by the utilization of vintage filters for photo editing, the popular application of Instagram has been enabling the users for taking a photograph and changing the feel and look by the use and application of several effects. From vintage styled weddings in Scotland, to vintage fashion being used as a major trend in Hollywood, the theme of vintage can be seen at the forefront in the industry of fashion (Ju 2013). As the industry of fast fashion emerged across stores such as Zara and H & M, compressing the cycle of fashion within 2 to 3 weeks, has been breeding fatigue of consumer and a preference for fashions across a life span of longer period.

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