
印刷质量、清晰的声音和连通性是区分一家公司与另一家公司的主要因素。福克斯、英国广播公司(BBC)、英国电信体育频道(BT sport)和网飞公司(Netflix)总是面临着这样的威胁:一家新的创新公司可能会在收视率上取代它们。因此,他们不断寻找新的技术,以保持观众对自己的频道的忠诚。来自海外市场的新技术竞争一直是一个威胁(威尔斯和奥利弗,2010)。当狐狸、英国广播公司、BT运动或Netflix决定进一步拓展业务他们显然策略壁垒将面临新战略成本、分销渠道、供应商、壁垒通过政府法律要求,影响经济,产品验收和独特性,资本成本、其他杂项成本和退出政策。这些现有的渠道可以通过限制价格、检查新竞争对手提供的价格、提高自身品牌知名度和忠诚度等方式确保自己在市场中的地位。重要的是这些现有的电视网络品牌要有良好的现金流,品牌忠诚度,在市场上的知名度,声誉良好的合作伙伴,已建立的分销商和产品的可用性,以维持在市场上。新渠道进入市场的威胁较低,因为与新渠道相比,现有渠道已经具有成本、经济、品种等方面的优势。接下来有关英国代写论文-英国广播公司(BBC)的分析如下:

The strength of BBC being the oldest and most watched TV network, largest broadcaster in the globe and give high respect to its employees. BBC has very robust brand image , high on revenues and profits always, variety of products like radio, television, internet, broadcasting etc., first in introducing colour television, High Definition TV and 3D, Their website is also always updated and radio is broadcasted in multiple languages for listeners all around the world. Their weaknesses are in broadcasting one sided views, cost of operation is high for the viewers, employees has faced threat in war zones and are criticized on news for Iran, Turkey, political matters and religion. Their opportunity lies in not broadcasting biased views, increase the number of correspondents worldwide, more aware of their brand in international market, increase business in Asian countries, focus on latest fashion and technological trends. They face threat from CNN channel and they should focus on international market and not launch small domestic TV channels.
The strength of Fox lies in sticking to the original content of the show, they cater to all age group of viewers and very high viewership for Fox entertainment. They offer services in diverse fields like creating, distribution, airing, retail etc. their weakness that they rely totally on advertisement for revenue. Fox TV has consolidated with various other small time channels to increase its viewership and increased their ownership in foreign market and that is the opportunity they have worked upon, Fox faces threat from digital platforms offered by Netflix.
BT sport has a wide range of network and service, customer portfolio in 170 countries; they are part of largest energy deal in the world.
Their weakness is relying only on YK market for revenue generation. They have opportunity in telecommunication, mobile growth in European countries. They have threat from regulation and licensing, competition etc.
Netflix has a strong relationship with studios, it is the largest subscriber of online DVD’s, and it has limited set of suppliers. They have an opportunity to expand in digital technology and their threat is their fluctuating prices which are not appreciated by the viewers.

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