

  The Umayyad caliphate differentiated between the ‘House of Islam’ and the ‘House of War’, because it considered house of Islam as that where it was the major religion and was practiced peacefully, whereas house of war was other countries where Islam was not the major religion and had other religions as majority ones. The Talas river war was more important than the Poitiers one. The Talas river had stopped the invasion of the Tang dynasty and expansion of the Chinese into the west and central European region. Poitiers was also important as it allowed to establish its kingdom over Gaul after its victory and developing its own majority kingdom in the middle east which to the current day enjoys significant majority.

  A Muslim will wage war if they are oppressed and are attacked, which makes a just retribution and act. They are more protective of their religion and are allowed to protect it if it is attacked by non-believers and thus are kept guards for their own religion.

  The Orthodox Church remained the most powerful institution in the Byzantine Empire, whom most people placed their trust on. The emperor was responsible for the safety of the citizens and looked after their welfare, the army was responsible to defend the frontiers of the region, and the church kept giving spiritual guidance. The instructions of the icons of the church was called as iconoclastic and this was seen in the Macedonian Renaissance.

  Muslim rule in Cordoba was a successful one, where it boasted of 70 mosques and religious learning centers along with the Jews. It had a very renowned cultural heritage of Muslims that was left behind and it was a prosperous region in the religious learning and scholarly attributes. No, Muslim countries must not be considered part of the west at all, because they invaded and won and were not entitled for the region.

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