

  The article is more of a non-research analysis by comparing different literature of employee engagement. The results and the conclusion of involving the four key initiatives is wonderful and proves to be real impactors for the element of employee engagement, but since it is a synthesis, it is more or less a compacted conclusion involving multiple literature. The authors’ interpretation is inclined towards engagement which is the sole focus of the article which can be ambiguous because of the varied interpretation that is possible for all conclusions. There is less of micro analysis for engagement, and the involvement of psychological studies suggested proves to costly, variable, and lacking standard interpretations.

  This research can support my research because it involves the maximum literature covering the engagement factor and involves multiple interpretation possibilities which can work in varied organisational settings. It is helpful in covering a vast literature from this single synthesis which otherwise could have taken more time and investment.

  The authors provide an interesting take on employee engagement while studying 410 engineering faculty members in a university. It is observed that organisational support proves to be insignificant in having an impact on employee engagement. The analysis shows that the employees are already engaged even when there is no organisational support. This provides a contradictory view of the above articles where organisations are encouraged to support employee engagement. The article provides a fresh view of employee engagement in extreme situations where they have least external and internal support, thereby testing the moral inclinations of the employee to remain engaged in the scope of work assigned.

  The article has a limitation that it is involving engineering faculty members from a university in India, where there is significant crisis of non-employability. This particular unemployment stigma and situation can be proven to mould the quality of the conclusion and the broad consensus about employee engagement. Besides, the article and the research is during a time when the crisis is existent, which cannot be taken as a sound conclusion, because extreme situations when there is excessive organisational support can change the conclusion altogether. The article proves to be a good research but can only be taken as limited to the prospects of engineering faculties and the working of educational institutes.

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