

在1984年,Walter R. Fisher提出了一種新的範例,他對敘述修辭的使用進行了探索和強調。有一種觀點認為關於這種敘事範式的基本哲學似乎是本體論的,費雪認為它最終是包容而不是否認前面的。只要有新手和經驗者對其應用所尋求的限度,毫無疑問,敘事範式可以被認為是有影響的(Thanouli, 184)。這一範式受到了許多人的批評,因為它主要關注文本內現實的形成是如何通過使用關鍵事件和字符與敘述相關的。這種對修辭文本敘事特徵的深入研究,使批評家能夠發現、討論和評價文本中隱含價值的嵌入性。本文的目的在於界定經典敘事範式,同時考慮敘事建構的原則。基於這一討論,我們將對兩部電影進行分析,看看它們是如何挑戰或顛覆經典敘事範式下的傳統的。為此選擇的影片有《重慶森林》和《驚魂記》。


經典敘事範式可以被稱為一種理論,沃爾特·費雪(Walter Fisher)在20世紀首次提出,每一種理智的溝通都是一種提供事件或講故事報告的形式。考慮到對這一理論的理解,人類傾向於體驗和理解生活作為一系列連續的敘述,每一個都考慮自己的目的、中間、開始、人物和衝突(Hansen, 62)。根據這一理論,每一種形式的交流都可以被認為是塑造故事的性格、文化和歷史。然而,當敘事範式與維特根斯坦的“理論態度”(McClure, 210)所包含的概念短語對立時,在概念上可以被創造為“敘述態度”(the narratistic attitude)。敘事範式中最成問題的異常顯示出對傳統理性在批判性評估中所扮演的角色的關注。這個理論中引入的概念,即理性世界範式或理性邏輯,最終隨著時間的推移而改變,但仍然模棱兩可。


In the year 1984, a new paradigm was proposed by Walter R. Fisher that explored and emphasised on the use of narrative rhetorically. With an argument that the fundamental philosophy regarding this narrative paradigm appeared to be ontological, it was claimed by Fisher that it ended up subsuming instead of denying the preceding. Provided with the limit to which neophyte and experienced have sought on its application, without any doubt, the narrative paradigm can be considered as influential (Thanouli, 184). The paradigm has been criticized by many as it has key focus on how there formation of intra- textual reality is related to the account by employing the key events and characters. Such close research on the narrative features of rhetorical text tends to enable critics for uncovering, discussing and assessing the embedment of implicit values within the text. The aim of this essay focuses on defining classical narrative paradigm, while considering the principles of narrative construction. Based on this discussion, an analysis will be conducted for two films as to how they tend to be challenging or subverting the conventions underlying classical narrative paradigm. The films selected for this purpose are Chungking Express and Psycho.

The Classical Narrative Paradigm can be referred to as a theory, first introduced by Walter Fisher in the 20th century that every sensible communication is a form of providing a report of events or storytelling. Considering the perception of this theory, human beings tend to be experiencing and comprehending life as a number of continuous narratives, each considering its own end, middle, beginning, characters, and conflicts (Hansen, 62). According to this theory, each and every form of communication appealing to one’s reason can be viewed as shaping the stories by character, culture and history. However, the narrative paradigm may be coined conceptually as “the narratistic attitude” when its presentation is done as opposing to the conceptual phrase incorporated by Wittgenstein that is “the theoretical attitude” (McClure, 210). The most problematic anomaly within the narrative paradigm shows concern with the role played by traditional rationality in conducting assessment critically. The concepts introduced in this theory that is rational world paradigm or logic of reasons has ended up changing with time, while remaining ambiguous.