

英国代写essay:利益相关者的视角。利益相关者的视角和管理是项目成功的关键要素。涉众视角不同于前面讨论的三重约束理论,它的定义不那么容易,而且可能很复杂。这是因为涉众对于项目的内在需求可能是不同的。利益相关者关系的管理因此会对他们的成功感知产生影响。Abeysekera和McLean(2001)的研究工作认为,为了更早地理解利益相关者的观点,发展利益相关者关系的重要性。这将导致更好的项目成功率。Abeysekera & McLean(2001)在他们的工作中,从他们的数据收集和实际项目管理参与者的角度来关注利益相关者关系的不同方面。接下来英国代写essay将为同学们讲解下利益相关者的视角。

利益相关者的一些需求是透明度和参与。当干系人感到项目管理团队对他们不透明时,他们就会对项目不满意。同样,缺乏利益相关者参与也被认为是一个问题(Parmar et al., 2010)。研究人员在争论涉众视角的复杂性时认为,在更现代的时代,有一种基于涉众方法而不是传统方法来定义项目成功的趋势。戴维斯(2013)等研究人员提出的传统方法是成本、时间和范围的三重约束。

与传统方法相比,当代方法被认为影响更深远。Davis(2013)、El-Gohary等人(2006)和Achterkamp & Vos(2008)等研究人员认为当代利益相关者方法的重要性。Davis(2013)认为项目干系人对成功的理解和项目管理对成功的看法可能不同或不一致。因此,即使满足了项目的约束条件,对项目的成功也会有不同的理解。Achterkamp & Vos(2008)认为,对干系人角色的误解,以及在识别相关干系人和干系人级别方面的不清晰导致了项目的失败。El-Gohary等人(2006)发现,冲突的利益相关者也会使项目中途停止,从而导致项目失败。研究者Fowler和Walsh(1999)也支持这种冲突角度在成功理解中扮演的角色。项目干系人对项目中某些问题的看法,如管理不善、需求和开发的不一致或理解冲突,因此导致了项目失败的问题或对其成功的看法不足。

利益相关者关系的管理因此会对他们的成功感知产生影响。Abeysekera和McLean(2001)的研究工作认为,为了更早地理解利益相关者的观点,发展利益相关者关系的重要性。这将导致更好的项目成功率。Abeysekera & McLean(2001)在他们的工作中,从他们的数据收集和实际项目管理参与者的角度来关注利益相关者关系的不同方面。研究人员基于信任、人际交往能力、合作风格、规划和控制形式、合作伙伴关系、合同协议和冲突解决机制等,建立了利益相关者关系的层次模型。涉众对项目中应用了多少风险的看法也会影响他们对成功的理解。

Some of the stakeholder needs are transparency and engagement. When stakeholders feel project management team is not transparent with them, then they would not be satisfied with the project. Similarly, lack of stakeholder engagement is considered as an issue (Parmar et al., 2010). Researchers in arguing the complexity of stakeholder perspectives argue that in more contemporary times, there is a move towards defining project success based on stakeholder approach rather than the traditional approach. The traditional approach that researchers like Davis (2013) present is the triple constraints of cost, time and scope.

Compared to the traditional approach, the contemporary approach is considered as more far reaching. Researchers like Davis (2013), El-Gohary et al. (2006) and Achterkamp & Vos (2008) argue for the significance of the contemporary stakeholder approach. Davis (2013) argues that stakeholders perception of success and project management perspective of success could differ or be misaligned. Therefore, even if the project constraints are met, the project success would be understood differently. Achterkamp & Vos (2008) argue that misunderstanding of stakeholder role, and less clarity in identifying associated stakeholders and stakeholder levels leads to the failure of project. El-Gohary et al. (2006) identify that conflicted stakeholders could make project stopped midway which causes the failure of project as well. Researchers Fowler & Walsh (1999) also support this angle of conflict as playing a role in success understanding. Stakeholder perspective of some issue in the project, such as mismanagement, misalignment of needs and development or conflicted understanding has therefore led to project failure issues or a lesser opinion of its success.

The management of stakeholder relationships will hence have an effect on their perception of success. Research work of Abeysekera & McLean (2001) argues for the importance of developing stakeholder relationships in order to understand stakeholder perspectives earlier on. This would lead to better project success rates. In their work, Abeysekera & McLean (2001) focus on different aspects of stakeholder relationship from their data collection and actual project management participants. A hierarchical model of stakeholder relationships was made by the researchers based on trust, interpersonal skills, cooperative styles, the form of planning and control, partnering, contractual agreements and mechanics of conflict resolution and many more. Stakeholder perspective on how much risk is applied towards project would also have an impact on how well they perceive success.
