
英国曼彻斯特商学院论文代写: 财务经理

英国曼彻斯特商学院论文代写: 财务经理

Bahfen&Associates已任命“Yong Lee”为公司会计和运营部门的经理。 Yong Lee被任命为这个职位,因为Yong Lee被认为是这个职位的最佳人选。永利加盟后,公司在会计部门见到了很多有效的改进和发展。经过3个月的时间,公司财务经理开始接受会计和运营部门员工的投诉(Robbins et al,2015)。财务经理知道有些员工也辞去公司职务,有些员工也搬到了其他部门,有些员工也提出了离开公司或搬到不同部门的申请。员工也避免直接联系“永利”出现任何问题或建议,员工开始担心与“永利”交谈。

工作场所的这种情况是常见的,但这种性质的冲突涉及人际方面。在这样的冲突中进行谈判变得困难,因为员工不想和李永一起工作,宁愿辞去工作,在其他地方申请。只有采用明确的谈判策略才适用(Robbins et al,2015)。本报告是为了确定特定情况下的问题而编写的,并根据所发现的问题提出适用于该情况的行动建议。



英国曼彻斯特商学院论文代写: 财务经理

Bahfen & Associates has appointed ‘Yong Lee’ as Manager of Accounting and Operations department at the company. Yong Lee was appointed for this position because Yong Lee was considered as the best candidate for this post. After Joining of Yong Lee, the company has seen many efficient improvements and developments in the accounting department. After 3 months duration, the finance manager of the company starts receiving the complaints from the employees in the accounting and operations department (Robbins et al, 2015). The finance manager got to know that some of the employees also resigned from the company or some of the employees moved to other departments or some of the employees also gave applications either for leaving the company or moving in to different departments. The employees also avoided to directly contact ‘Yong Lee’ for any problems or recommendations cause, the employee started feeling worried and fear to talk to ‘Yong Lee’.

Such situations in workplaces are common but the conflict of such nature has interpersonal aspects involved. Negotiation in such conflict becomes difficult because the employees do not want to work with Yong Lee and prefer to quit their job and apply elsewhere. It would only be appropriate if a clear negotiation strategy is applied (Robbins et al, 2015). This report has been prepared in order to identify the problem in the given case and to recommend actions applicable in the situation based on the problems identified.

Problem Identification and Analysis

The company has some issues in the accounting and operations department after the joining of accounting manager ‘Yong Lee’. Though ‘Yong Lee’ has several years of in depth expertise in accounting, operations and related regulations, and seems right person to take care of the department.