

  論文代寫價格-中國消費者對無現金支付的態度。中國市場上的大多數顧客都用借記卡和信用卡購物。中國的年輕一代已經接受了數字支付系統和數字購物(Tee和Ong, 2016)。中國的年輕人使用各種各樣的網上購物。調查顯示,中國人對在線支付系統有自己的觀點(Khanna, 2017)。無現金交易實際上是指商品和產品在沒有現金的情況下進行交易的經濟過程。無現金支付的趨勢日益明顯,我國政府正推動社會向無現金化發展。

  Most of the customers in the Chinese market are using the debit and credit cards for purchasing and shopping. The young generation of China has accepted the digital payment system as well as the digital shopping (Tee and Ong, 2016). The young Chinese people are using miscellaneous types of online shopping. According to the survey, the people of China have shown their own point of views regarding the online payment system (Khanna, 2017). A cashless transaction actually refers to an economic process by which the goods and products are transacted without cash. The trends of the cashless payments are increasing day by day and the government of China is pushing the society towards cashless.

  In order to accelerate the use of non-cash payments, the Chinese government increases the number of transaction machines for the people to transact freely in the market. The older people of the country are facing some problems with online transaction system because the most of the older people in China are not well equipped to make such type of transaction (Osborne et al., 2017). The technologies of China are revamping day by day and the Chinese electronic goods are becoming popular all over the world and the younger generation are friendlier to use those electronic products such as the laptop computers, Smartphone, smart watches and some other products. The researchers have found a number of reasons to know the attitude of the people of China (Sharma and Arora, 2017).

  Some older people of China claimed that they could not understand the entire procedure of the online transaction. Because of that, they take the help of those people who are accustomed to this system. Therefore, it is mandatory for the older people to share their password with the others. However, this is not secured to share password with others and it may also increase the tendency of cybercrime as well as the corruption. Some people claimed that the government should make a training session with the people of China regarding the online transaction (Patel and Doan, 2017). The younger people of the country mentioned that they have no issue regarding the online transaction system and it is easier to them because they do not need to go to the bank all the time to withdraw money. Credit cards, debit cards and online wallets are now acceptable in the shopping centres and the restaurants all over China (Saidu and Hassan, 2016). Although the Chinese market consists of a lot of risks in terms of online transaction, the online payment method is widely accepted over here.

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