

英国代写:实证主义哲学。实证主义哲学中有一些关键的假设,有必要了解这些假设,以便负责地分析为定量研究方法收集的数据。首先,对现实世界和分析对象假定一个客观的实在性。其次,这种范式假设人们在分析数据以得出结论时理解了这个客观现实(Neuman, 2000)。被揭示的客观现实被理解为与人们的知识是分离的,因此被研究的对象与主体是分离的。这使得实证主义更加科学,对真理的揭示也更加公正和客观。接下来英国代写将对实证主义哲学进行以下分析。


实证主义哲学背后的哲学或意识形态是,无论研究者对世界拥有什么样的知识或信仰,只有一个单一的客观现实(Carson et al., 2001)。因此,识别这一单一的客观现实成为实证主义研究范式的焦点。有控制和有组织的方法只有助于确定这一客观现实(Churchill, 1996)。为了不玷污这种客观分析,实证主义研究人员将需要脱离参与者。他们以情感中立的方式收集数据,这样研究人员就不必执着于数据收集过程。理性与情感的分离是对客观现实的识别。一个明确的隔离个人经验,甚至主观的知识被搁置一边遵循严格的实验方法和统计调查(Neuman, 2000)。调查结果是这样被接受的,因为它们是理性的,经过逻辑计算的。不受时间和背景影响的概括是由实证主义研究人员做出的,他们相信通过将自己与研究参与者分开,他们已经使他们的研究结论尽可能客观。事实和价值判断在这里也被分开(Hudson和Ozanne, 1988)。

实证主义和定量研究方法之间的联系在于,定量研究方法有助于客观地看待事物,正如实证主义所要求的那样。定量方法,如社会调查,统计调查等往往可以收集大量的数据,因为所收集的数据的数字性质。实证主义认为,社会事实是建立客观现实所必需的,必须大量收集社会事实。在这里,趋势和模式比个人更重要。科学技术和研究方法将被应用于揭示社会关系的形式、模式、因果关系和收集数据的明确确定的变量之间的相关性(Ponterotto, 2005)。

基于假设的研究是在定量研究的实证主义范式中进行的。假设将涉及两个或多个变量。变量根据某种逻辑或因果关系进行操作,并被确定为自变量和因变量。收集到的数据通常会证明假设或替代假设是肯定的(Lincoln和Guba, 1985)。

There are some critical assumptions in the positivist philosophy and it is necessary to understand these assumptions to responsibly analyse data as collected for the quantitative research method. Firstly, an objective reality is assumed with respect to the real world and the object of analysis. Secondly, this paradigm assumes that people understand this objective reality when data is analysed to generate conclusions (Neuman, 2000). The objective reality being uncovered is understood as being separate from the people’s knowledge, and hence the object being investigated is separated from the subject. This makes positivism more scientific and the uncovering of truth is unbiased and objective as well. Thirdly, there are prediction and control assumptions.

A general pattern of cause and effect is assumed when understanding how a phenomenon is triggered or affected. Identifying these patterns leads to the identification of newer knowledge or newer causal relations. The final key element is that there is complete empirical verification of these perceptions, which lead to data that are more accurate. This form of research is bias free, and objectivity is achieved.

The philosophy or ideology behind the positivist philosophy is that irrespective of what knowledge or belief that researcher possesses of the world, there is only a single objective reality (Carson et al., 2001). Therefore, identifying this single objective reality thus becomes the focus of the positivist research paradigms. A controlled and structured approach would only be helpful in identifying this objective reality (Churchill, 1996). In order to not stain this objective analysis, positivist researchers will need to detach themselves from the participants. They collect data in emotionally neutral ways where the researcher does not have to get attached to the data collection process. Reason and feeling are separated to identify objective reality. A clear-cut segregation of the personal experience and even subjective knowledge is laid aside to follow a strict experimental method and statistical investigation (Neuman, 2000). The results of the investigation are accepted as such, since they are rational and logically calculated. Time free and context free generalizations are made by the positivist researchers who believe that by separating themselves from the research participants, they have made their research conclusions as objective as they possibly can. Fact and value judgements are also separated here (Hudson and Ozanne, 1988).

The connection between positivism and quantitative research methods lies in the fact that quantitative research methods help see things as objectively as positivism requires it to. Quantitative methods such as social surveys, statistical investigations and more can often gather large amounts of data because of the numeric nature of data being collected. Positivism sees social facts as being necessary to establish the objective reality and social facts have to be collected in large amounts. Trends and patterns more than the individual are given more importance here. Scientific techniques and methods of study will be applied to uncover the form of social relationships, patterns, causal and correlations between clearly established variables for which data is collected (Ponterotto, 2005).

Hypothesis based research is done in the positivist paradigm of quantitative research. The hypothesis will involve two or more variables. The variables are operationalized as per some logical or causal relationship and it is identified as independent and dependent variables. The data collected will usually prove the hypothesis or an alternative hypothesis is affirmed (Lincoln and Guba, 1985).
