

  論文代寫-社交媒體與品牌文化的聯系。雅詩蘭黛(Estee Lauder)的倩碧(Clinique)品牌被指推出了一部名為《蘇菲的日記》(Sufei’s Diary)的電視劇。基於此,公司獲得了更多的贊助。利用這個概念,我可能會開發一個中文系列來幫助人們與這個社交媒體門戶的品牌建立聯系。為了做出適當的決定,不斷地學習和評估是很重要的(趙,Park和周,2014)。中國消費者需要找到與品牌相連的共同點。社交媒體企業社會責任必須采用與當地文化相關的方法。否則,這些努力將在翻譯過程中付諸東流。例如,星巴克中國(Starbucks China)試圖與中國社交媒體以及實體零售店的用戶建立聯系。這幫助他們在農村興旺發達。然而,杜蕾斯品牌卻未能在新浪微博上建立企業賬戶。由於沒有與當地文化相聯系,人們不知道這個方法。因此,可見性將被人們所重視。這是為了找到方法與社區進行有意義的互動,並確保對社會產生真正的影響。有必要深化不同品牌的客戶參與(Sun et al., 2016)。論文范文論文代寫-社交媒體與品牌文化的聯系分享給留學生閱讀。

  Estée Lauder’s Clinique brand were observed to have launched a drama series named Sufei’s Diary. Based on this, the company was able to gain more patronage. Using this notion, I would probably develop a Chinese series to help the people connect with the brand of the social media portal. It is important to continually learn and evaluate in order to make the appropriate decisions (Zhao, Park and Zhou, 2014). The Chinese consumers need to find a common ground to connect with brand. The social media CSR must adopt a method that is relevant to the local culture. Otherwise, the efforts will be lost in the translation process. For example, Starbucks China tries to connect with the people used in the Chinese social-media efforts as well as the brick and mortar retail stores. This helped them thrive with in the country. However, the brand Durex failed to establish a corporate account with Sina Weibo. The approach was not known to the people owing to the failure of connecting with the local culture. Hence, visibility would be given importance by the people. This is to find ways to interact meaningfully with the community and ensure that there is genuine real impact in the society. There is a need to deepen customer engagement with different brand (Sun et al., 2016).

  The CSR efforts would be transparent for all the public to see and the efforts would be in cohesion with the government. There will be focus to ensure that there is a positive spiralling of events. There is also the need to ensure that the right tools are used for connectivity. This lack in the analytical tools can cause the individuals not to understand the trends. Efforts will be taken to help the people in the community. I believe people across the cultures would be happy with the efforts that cause positive changes in the society.

  論文范文論文代寫-社交媒體與品牌文化的聯系就為留學生分享到這裏。英國高階論文代寫Advanced Thesis平台機構為留學生們提供英國代寫、essay代寫、paper代寫等論文代寫服務,幫助留學生們解決論文的寫作困擾,圓自己一個留學提升學位的夢想!