标签存档: 英国代写推荐



  A number of lessons have been learned from the survey and the literature review. Firstly, it is very important to use social media in the present world as it forms to be one of the most important factors in the present times. In this chapter, the use of social media has been done to engage with the present and the future employees. In the present times, each and every company has been using the social networking companies such as Face book, Twitter and LinkedIn for the purpose of communication. The social media can help the organization to promote themselves in order to have employee engagement in an effective manner. In contrast to some of the more traditional recruitment techniques for the purpose of advertising, social media can help the companies to allow the passive as well as active job seekers. Social media can allow the organizations to engage the employees to access passive and active job seekers (Sashi, 2012). From the experience of the survey, it can be shown that the degree of success can help in engaging the potential employees via the use of LinkedIn and Twitter. Another lesson which has been learned from the research is that the social media is a very important and an active commodity for the purpose of employee engagement. It has also been learned that social media is one such platform which has highly influenced the process of learning and has also included the internal marketing of the company. The social media can prove to be fruitful for the process of recruiting, employer branding and value proposition. Another lesson learned is that social media can be the ambassadors of the organization. There should be an in-depth focus for the use of the social media for the purpose of employee engagement.

  论文范文英国代写论文-社交媒体的影响就为留学生分享到这里。留学生论文不会写怎么办?英国论文代写推荐英国论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构,此代写平台还有一些paper代写、essay代写、assignment代写等论文服务, 英国论文代写Advanced Thesis 会以专业认真的教学态度来帮助留学生们完成论文写作,从而顺利拿到专属自己的学位证书!



  The analysis of these articles provides a fair idea that the benefits of bilingualism and its intangible benefit in adult life. However, in deeper probing it makes the proposals weaker because of counter arguments and examples providing equally valid looking reasoning. This infers that there is never a definitive conclusion that bilingualism is more beneficial than those who are monolinguals, but there are exceptions in cases of children which are not possible to be covered by the most expansive of research. It is concluded that bilingualism must be promoted, but after assessing its impacts on the child’s cognitive abilities and intelligence, and in cases where it is not suited to the child, it must be immediately withdrawn. Simultaneously, monolinguals also must never be discouraged from being creative and learning, especially when they are harbouring an internal competitive spirit with bilinguals in mind. The growth of bilinguals can provide more sensitive individuals to our society and monolinguals being equally confident and competitive can repair the social disorders and disparities that arises due to language and fair communication.

  Noble and Dalton (1976) presents the advantages of bilingualism asserting that bilinguals because of information overload are better able to focus on what is important and what is unimportant. This proposal is correct and provides an addition to the contention that complexity makes the intelligent more resourceful, attentive, focused, and learns to unlearn the unrequired. Though the proposal is sound, it is not full in its reasoning when the children with poor cognitive skills during complex situations. When information overload is apparent and has arrived, it is the cognitive abilities along with the faulty of reasoning that plays a major role in dissecting the important from the baseless, so the very fact that only bilinguals have this advantage is outrageously invalid and without proper foundation. Being successful is not the authority of bilinguals, as ascertained by this research, but the ability of triumphing over complex situations with simple reasoning and progressive action makes winners and successful people (Roberts and Akinsanya, 1976). Hence, the learning of two languages among children of age 3-5 is more or less a dual condition which harbours the motivation for bilinguals as seriously as the discouragement of monolinguals to consider themselves less accepted and competitive. The parameters of IQ tests and intelligence is never complete, because they always keep growing and decaying in the minutest moments which are not even perceptible.

  论文范文论文代写-双语教学思维对儿童的影响就为留学生分享到这里。留学生论文不会写怎么办?英国论文代写推荐英国论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构,此代写平台还有一些essay代写、assignment代写等论文服务, 英国论文代写Advanced Thesis 会以专业认真的教学态度来帮助留学生们完成论文写作,从而顺利拿到专属自己的学位证书!



运输的必要性是从传统的货物运输方式演变而来的。现在对物流的需求有了很大的增长,各组织开始依赖货物的运输和跨洲运输。快递业负责为股东的投资创造价值。快递公司一直强调快速服务的紧迫性,准时交货以及服务的准确性(Frankland et al., 2013)。快递公司有责任了解消费者的需求和需求性质的差异。对需求的认识有助于确定需要专门服务的特定类别的消费者,如律师、环境保护主义者、抵押贷款经纪人和涉及卫生部门的人员。快递和包裹服务部门正在逐步发展,以满足消费者和商家的需求。通过包裹和快递服务,递送到世界任何地方都是可能的(Goetsch & Davis, 2014)。

联邦快递是著名的物流快递公司之一。本组织变革的必要性产生于信息技术和有关系统的即兴发挥。由于该行业的领域广泛,它需要高效和最先进的信息技术的参与,这可以简化联邦快递现有的物流战略。本报告讨论了实施变革的紧迫性和组织变革的原因(Gerth, 2013)。联邦快递目前存在的问题,与IT创新领域实施的变革有关,在本报告中有详细说明。根据IBM关于变更实现的有效性的一项研究报告,41%的被调查组织显示完全实现了变更目标。44%的组织表示,他们未能达到其中至少一个目标,其余15%的组织报告说,更改过程要么无效,要么失败。


The necessity of transportation evolved from the traditional forms of goods transportation. Now there is a substantial increase in the demand for logistics and organizations are becoming dependent on shipments of goods and transporting goods across continents. The courier and parcel service industry is responsible for rendering value on investments of shareholders. Courier companies have emphasized the urgency for fast service, punctuality in deliveries as well as accuracy of services (Frankland et al., 2013). Courier service companies are liable to understand the demands of consumers and the difference in the nature of demands. The recognition of demands helps in determining specific categories of consumers who need specialized services such as lawyers, environmentalists, mortgage brokers and people involved in the health sector. The courier and parcel service sector is developing gradually to address the needs of consumers as well as merchants. Deliveries to any part of the world have been made possible through the parcel and courier services (Goetsch & Davis, 2014).

FedEx is one of the renowned firms related to logistics and courier services. The necessity for change in the organization arises from the improvisations in information technology and relevant systems. Since the domain of the sector is widespread, it requires the involvement of efficient and state of art information technology which can simplify the existing logistics strategy of FedEx. The reasons for urgency in implementing change and the cause for organizational change have been discussed in this report (Gerth, 2013). The current issues in FedEx which are related to the changes implemented in the domain of IT innovation have been illustrated in this report. According to reports from an IBM study relating to the efficacy of change implementation, 41% of surveyed organizations showed complete realization of change objectives. 44% of organizations revealed that they had failed to achieve at least one of the objectives and the remaining 15% organizations reported that the change process was either ineffective or aborted.