


聚丙烯的这些特性被认为是半刚性、半透明和良好的耐化学性。这可以是坚韧的坚固材料,具有良好的抗疲劳性。它们具有整体铰链性能,也具有良好的耐热性(Doran & Cather, 2013)。聚丙烯不会出现这些问题,在复杂的温度下,它提供了更高水平的电阻和耐化学性。聚丙烯所表现出的性能与聚乙烯相似。然而,有一些细微的先天差异。这些包括较低的密度,较高的软化点。它们具有较高的刚性、非弹性和硬度。这些添加剂应用于这些商业生产的聚丙烯树脂。这些用于在加工过程中保护聚合物和增强这些最终用途。聚丙烯被认为是一种易于注射的材料,尽管它是半结晶的性质。有一些机械性能导致较低的熔体粘度。值得讨论的是,在较高剪切速率下,聚丙烯增强了这些冲击。在这种情况下,注射成型的熔体温度在200和250℃左右。除此之外,还有一些阻燃等级只有在220℃时才能正常工作。熔体流动指数表示关于熔体流动行为的更粗略的指导Haque等人,2008)。


Polypropylene (PP) is considered to be a linear polymer hydrocarbon. It is denoted in the form of CnH2n. The compounds Polyethylene and polybutene (PB) is a product that is a polyolefin or saturated polymers. The Polypropylene is estimated to be one of the most versatile polymers that are available in applications. These can be in the form of plastic or of any fibre. This is used in ubiquitously all plastic end-users.

These properties of Polypropylene are deliberated to be semi-rigid, translucent and good chemical resistance. This can be tough robust material that has a good fatigue resistance. They have the integral hinge property and also a good heat resistance (Doran & Cather, 2013). The Polypropylene will not present with the problems and it offers higher level of electrical and chemical resistance at the sophisticated temperature. The properties that are exhibited by PP are similar to the Polyethylene. However, there are some minute innate differences. These include lower density, higher point of softening. They have a higher level of rigidity, inelasticity and hardness. These additives are applied to these commercially produced polypropylene resins. These are used for the protection of the polymer during the processing and for the enhancement of these end uses. Polypropylene is deemed to be an easy material for the injection of the mould that is used in spite of the semi crystalline nature. There are some of the mechanical properties that lead to the lower melt viscoscity. It is noteworthy to discuss about the pseudo plastic nature and the polypropylene enhances these impacts at higher shear rates. In this case, the melt temperatures of the injection moulding are around 200 and 250oC. Added to this, there are some of the flame-retardant grades which will operate properly only when it is 220oC. The melt flow index indicates about the rougher guide for the melt flow behaviour Haque et al., 2008).

These results form the pseudo plastic nature of polypropylene. Moulding shrinkage by the polypropylene is perceived to be around 1%. The prediction of the values is difficult as it is based on the kinds of polypropylene mouldings. Three kinds of polypropylene are currently available in the markets. These three kinds of polypropylene are currently visible. Each of the suits is a particular specification that is costing. Homopolymers is pondered to be a general-purpose grade that can be utilized in a series of different
