


与美国国家广播公司相比,福克斯广播公司允许新闻以更快的速度通过网络传播给观众。与公共服务广播公司相比,这家广播公司有很多子板块,但很明显,该公司不会改变新闻标题,也不会像美国广播公司(ABC)的国家广播公司(radio National)那样快速更新Facebook页面。这一点从该公司最近一次更新Facebook页面是在6月21日(Kaplan, 2010)。尽管页面上添加了很多新功能,但该公司似乎仍未能以尽可能好的方式使用其社交媒体功能。与abc国家广播电台(abc Radio National)的另一个不同之处在于,Facebook上的公司不是福克斯在线广播公司(Fox Radio online),而是Sirius XM公司。这可能会从整体上影响Fox广播网的品牌知名度。

当看到这个网络的历史,很明显,这个网络已经通过它的广播方式24小时提供新闻广播,但是社交媒体已经成为它的一个新功能。根据电视台的隶属关系,他们要么接受5分钟的新闻广播,要么接受1分钟的新闻广播(Windschuttle, 2008)。关于突发新闻、记者和通过采访获得的报道也是有新闻价值的事件,它将对发生在自然中的事件进行报道。与公共广播服务提供商相比,这家商业服务提供商似乎与社交媒体技术不那么同步。这是两个网络的关键区别。即使在这两个在线广播系统的不同网页上,很明显只有ABC的RN在正常工作,只有这家公司了解社交媒体的真正用途。


In comparison to Radio National, Fox radio allowed news to be reached to their audiences over the web at a much faster pace. In comparison to the public service broadcaster, this radio broadcaster had many sub-sections but it was evident that the company does not change its news headings and does not update its Facebook page as fast as Radio National of ABC. This is evident from the fact that the company last updated on its Facebook page on 21st June (Kaplan, 2010). Even though there were many added features on the page, still it seemed like the company has not managed to use its social media feature in the best possible manner. Another point of difference from ABCs Radio National was the fact that the company on Facebook does not operate as Fox radio online but as Sirius XM. This might influence the brand visibility of Fox Radio Network on the whole.

When viewing the history of this network, it is evident that the network has been providing newscasts around the clock through its radio airing method, but social media has been a new feature for it. Based upon the affiliation of the station, they receive either a five minute news-casting or a minute based news-casting (Windschuttle, 2008). Reports of breaking news, correspondents and availabilities through interviewing are also newsworthy events anchoring coverage of as it happen nature. This commercial service provider seems to be less in sync with the technology of social media than the public service provider for broadcasting. This is the key difference between the two networks. Even across the distinct web pages of both the online radio systems, it was evident that only ABC’s RN is functioning appropriately and only this company has understood the real use of social media.