



缺点是缺陷问题仍然需要控制。此外,随着时间的推移,详细的测试级别是必要的,以了解技术的全部潜力。然而,技术问题不是NIL的最大挑战,挑战是衰落的半导体和硬盘行业。“大多数半导体制造商已经决定未来的节点采用EUV或193i双模式。只有一小部分人在积极研究纳米印记”(Malloy & Litt, 2011, p. 032011)。



NIL is beneficial for high volume manufacturing. Its ability to resolve small features, with better resolution, uniformity and line roughness is established in research. Throughput is a serious concern for nanoimprint technologies and nanoimprint lithography has a better throughput than traditional methods.

The cons are that the issue of defects still has to be controlled. Furthermore, elaborate levels of testing over time are necessary to understand the full potential of the technology. Technical issues however are not the biggest challenge for NIL, the challenges are that of the declining semiconductor and the HDD industries. “Most semiconductor manufacturers have decided on EUV or 193i double patterning for future nodes. Only a small number is actively investigating nanoimprint” (Malloy & Litt, 2011, p. 032011).

The NIL technology in itself is understood as a potential improvement over traditional technology in the way it does not make use of photons or electrons for modifying the resist and this way improves overall resolution.

The resolution of NIL mainly depends on the template feature size that must be fabricated. Its feature size is very much limited by molds and the nanoimprint mask itself has to be created by making use of other lithography techniques. In future work it is possible that most of these limitations would be handled well. Self-assembly structures could be created that would present periodic patterns at 10nm scales or even lesser. Template generation issue might also be addressed by making use of a double pattern inducted scheme.
