

  英国论文代写-品牌信任对消费者意愿的影响。信任是一个建立在消费者如何感知产品基础上的概念。消费者必须能够相信品牌能够满足他们的基本需求,并基于品牌做出选择。为了影响信任变量,研究人员新&温等(2008)发现,品牌必须尽可能透明的活动并确保透明度是客观的,这意味着它是一个实时的用户目的(新&温,2008)。这给了它更多的真实性。经过大家的努力,公司的品牌信任度得到了加强。可以说,品牌的价值随着客户信任的增加而增加(Erdem et al., 2006)。目前已经进行了几项研究,以了解品牌的重要性。在当今时代,人们对建立品牌信任和忠诚产生了极大的兴趣。

  This trust in a brand cannot be generated in a short span. A company needs to maintain the standards meticulously to address the needs of the brand. They must factor in the consumer attitudes and behaviour loyalty of the consumer before devising a plan (Hsin & Wen, 2008). Many researches are undertaken based on the different cultures and social factors. The brand trust is developed from quality of the products. In addition, the average consumer must be willing to rely on the brand to meet their objectives. There is different notion of brand impact in the society. The trust must factor in the local culture and social values in the society.

  In considering brand trust, there are many more dimensions of trust that has to be considered in context, such as brand affect and attitudinal loyalty (Luk & Yip, 2008). The two factors are significant in understanding trust brand affect and attitudinal loyalty are both part of the relationship system between client and company. These factors are hence presented in detail in the following subsections.

  Brand affect is defined as the potential of a brand to elicit a positive emotional response in the average consumer. This is the emotional response and it connects to brand trust, because positive emotional responses are associated with trust as researchers present it. It is important to have the appropriate relationship between the customers and the brand. It must meet the needs of the consumer while maintaining the standard quality (Erdem et al., 2006). It can be defined as the evaluations of the consumers and the society with respect to the particular for brand. Another plausible definition can be the eliciting of a positive emotional response when the brand has been considered (Caudhuri and Holbrook, 2001). While factoring in the creation of the brand trust, therefore, it is also necessary to factor in brand affect.

  The brand that meets the consumer needs on a continual basis will lead to an increase of trust in the brand and these would lead to the overall development of the brand affect. Once the customer sees a trusted brand, they will have positive reaction or affect (Fournier, 1998; 1999). The continual deliverance of the brand quality and meeting of the requirement with the consumers will eventually lead the companies to develop trust (Caudhuri and Holbrook, 2001) The brand affect will invariably lead to the positive impact and the trust would be formed. Another important factor that needs to be considered is the attitudinal loyalty and the innate brand trust. These are explained in the following.

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