
assignment代写:整合营销传播原则。整合营销传播(IMC)是企业与目标市场和消费者进行沟通和互动的指导原则。整合营销传播的目标是协调和控制促销组合中的许多元素,如广告、个人销售、公共关系、直接营销、促销等。IMC想要产生一个统一的以客户为中心的信息,它可以实现许多组织目标(Boone和Kurtz, 2007)。然而,社交媒体和社交网站的出现,极大地改变了与消费者沟通的策略和工具。接下来assignment代写将为同学们讲解下整合营销传播原则。

如果IMC战略是成功的,它们可以清楚地反映公司的使命声明和价值,并有助于实现公司的业绩目标(Mangold和Faulds, 2009)。Blackshaw和Nazzaro(2004)指出,社交媒体综合术语指的是由消费者创建、发起、传播和使用的在线信息的新来源,这些消费者希望彼此了解产品、服务、个性、品牌和问题。有各种类型的社交媒体,如在线和口碑论坛,如公司赞助的讨论板,博客,聊天室,社交网站,消费产品或服务评级论坛和网站等。Mangold和Faulds(2009)认为社交媒体的探索能够影响消费者行为的许多方面,如消费者的意见、意识、态度、购买行为、信息获取、购后沟通和评价。

Forrester Research指出,2008年75%的互联网冲浪者通过参与社交网络使用了社交媒体,比如给购物网站写评论,阅读博客等等。社交媒体的这些用户不仅仅局限于青少年。使用社交媒体的X一代正在急剧增加。因此,社会化媒体可以被视为一种革命性的新趋势,组织应该在如何运营他们的在线空间上投入更多的努力(Kaplan和Haenlein, 2009)。社交媒体是一组基于互联网的应用程序,它们建立在Web 2.0的意识形态和技术基础上,允许创建和交换用户生成的内容。社交媒体有无数的机遇和挑战。特别是,从组织的角度来看,公司需要意识到,基于社交媒体的协作项目正逐渐成为许多消费者和用户最重要的信息来源。有很多不同的社交媒体平台,如果公司决定使用它们,他们需要在所有的平台中仔细选择,并选择一个对他们最有利的社交媒体工具。如果消费者使用社交媒体,他们可以直接与品牌代表沟通和互动,他们也可以与他们的朋友就品牌进行交流。因此,Vinerean et al.(2013)等研究人员认为,互联网,特别是社交媒体和社交网站已经完全改变了营销人员和消费者之间的沟通方式。例如,社交网站是良好的口碑传播平台,因为这些网站为现有用户提供了易于使用的工具来加入网络。因此,公司试图创造更多的口碑传播(Trusov et al., 2009)。社交购物涉及网络口碑。口碑(WOM)在影响消费者决策过程中具有极其重要的作用,这一点已被众多学者认可(Gilly et al., 1998)。口碑被定义为顾客之间交换营销信息的行为,在改变顾客对产品和服务的态度和行为方面起着重要作用(Katz和Lazarsfeld, 1955)。不可否认的是,社交媒体和社交网站的增加促进了网络口碑的发展。Henning-Thurau等人(2004)指出,电子口碑是由前者、实际客户和潜在客户对产品和服务所做出的所有正面和负面的陈述组合而成,这些陈述可以被众多的人和机构获得。电子口碑可以发生在不同的社交媒体平台上,包括消费者评论网站、虚拟消费者社区、社交网站等(Dwyer, 2007)。

If the IMC strategies are successful, they can reflect the company’s mission statement and values clearly and contribute towards fulfilling the firm’s performance objectives (Mangold and Faulds, 2009). Blackshaw and Nazzaro (2004) indicate that social media blanket term referring to new source of online information that are created, initiated, circulated and used by consumers who are intent on educating each other about the products, services, personalities, brands and issues. There are various types of social media such online and word-of-mouth forums like company sponsored discussion boards, blogs, chat rooms, social networking sites, consumer product or service rating forums and websites and so forth. Mangold and Faulds (2009) suggest that the exploration of social media can have the ability to affect many aspects of consumer behaviour such as the consumer opinions, awareness, attitudes, purchase behaviour, information acquisition, and post-purchase communication and evaluation.

Forrester Research indicates that 75% of internet surfers have used the social media in 2008 by taking part in social networks, such as by writing reviews to shopping sites, reading blogs and so on. These users of social media are not just limited to teenagers. The generation X who are using social media is increasing dramatically. Therefore, social media can be regarded as a revolutionary new trend that organizations should put more efforts on how to operate their online space (Kaplan and Haenlein, 2009). Social media is a group of internet-based applications that build on the ideological and technological foundations of the Web 2.0, and that allow the creation and exchange of user generated content. Social media has numerous opportunities and challenges. Especially, from an organizational perspective, companies need to be aware that the collaborative projects based on social media are trending towards becoming the most important source of information for a lot of consumers and users. There are many different social media platforms and if companies decide to use them, they need to choose carefully among all the platforms and pick a social media tool that is the most beneficial for them. If consumers use social media, they can communicate and interact to the brand representative directly and they can communicate about the brand with their friends too. Therefore, researchers like Vinerean et al. (2013) for instance suggest that the internet, especially social media and social networking sites have changed the way of communication between the marketers and consumers completely. For instance, social networking sites are great platforms for word-of-mouth because these sites provide easy-to-use tools for current users to join the network. Companies hence try to create more WOM communication (Trusov et al., 2009). Social shopping involves the online word of mouth. The word-of-mouth (WOM) is of paramount importance in influencing the consumer decision making process and this has been recognized by numerous scholars (Gilly et al., 1998). WOM is defined as the act of exchanging marketing information among customers and plays an important role in changing customers’ attitudes and behaviours towards products and services (Katz and Lazarsfeld, 1955). It cannot be denied that the increase of social media and social networking sites has facilitated the WOM development online. Henning-Thurau et al. (2004) indicate that the electronic word-of-mouth is a combination of all positive and negative statements that are made up by the former, actual and potential customers regarding products and services, which can be available and accessed by numerous of people and institutions. The electronic word-of-mouth can occur in different social media platforms including consumer review websites, virtual consumer communities, social networking sites and so on (Dwyer, 2007).




台湾电影产业在社会方面的发展得益于经济发展的方式。然而,需要注意的是,社会发展在一开始并不是那么可感知的,在某种程度上,社会本身阻碍了生产。早在2000年之前,当台湾电影开始得到一定的认可时,人们就认定人们对影视产业缺乏信心,“导致人们对影视产业失去信心”。一些影评人指出,台湾电影人总是随心所欲,没有考虑到台湾电影市场。一些电影界人士批评政府的电影政策,特别是有关补贴的政策,并认为政府的援助越多,台湾电影业的处境就越糟糕”(Hsia, 2011,第13页)。一些大公司被认为是在国际基础上运作的,而其他主要迎合本地受众的国家则受到了缺乏支持的影响。在台湾影视产业中,媒体所承担的社会发展角色受到了挑战。


The Taiwanese film and Television industry introduced to the people the changing technology of their times and created better social integration with Mainland China and Hong Kong. This in itself is a social effect. Taiwanese film and Television industry used to work cooperatively with workers from Mainland China and Hong Kong. The reason behind such working is the similarity in culture, language and history between the regions. Movies and televised series that were presented in Taiwan were used to represent more of an assimilation of regional aspects. Historical dramas presented elements that were common to the different regions. While a decline in the overall interest representation of audience of Taiwan was indeed noticed, it cannot be declined that the introduction of newer technology led to making of movies in a more radical way. Short term making, and release of movies were done.

The Taiwanese film industry has improved development in social aspects because of the way how economic improvements have happened. However, it is to be noted that social developments were not that perceivable in the start, and in some ways, the society itself deterred production. In the early days before 2000 when the Taiwanese movies started to get some recognition, it was identified that people did not have much confidence in the movie and television industry, “leading people to lose confidence in them. Some film critics have pointed out that Taiwanese filmmakers always behave willfully and fail to consider the Taiwanese film market. Some workers in the film industry have criticized the government’s film policy, especially regarding subsidies, and have suggested that the more the government assists, the worse the situation becomes for the Taiwanese film industry” (Hsia, 2011, p. 13). A few companies that made it big were seen to have worked on some international basis and other countries that catered primarily to the local audience suffered without support. The role for social development that the media usually undertakes was challenged in the case of Taiwanese televsion and movie industry.

A new vision for the movie maker of Taiwan was created in 2006. Until the 2006, movie making was more focused on the vision of the director. What the director wanted to portray is usually the core subject. The focus was on the director perspective and not the needs of the audience. The director enforced transnational movie concepts and more in the movie making. In the Golden Horse Awards in Taiwan, the jurors recommended the introduction of movies that entertained people. The jurors did not want directors to only focus on producing the director’s ideals. A new vision was reached in movie making with these comments from the jurors. Taiwanese film making focused only on international affirmation. In any form of business growth, the local market interests will be focused on. Only when the business is doing well in the local business market can they then be expected to do well in the interactional grounds. It is identified that in the case of the Taiwanese film market, the movie makers had forsaken local production interests at one time. Local culture and local audience needs were ignored. The demands of transnational movie making were given much importance. However, this affected their contributions to the domestic market and also deterred their international success.




教育一直与世界上的其他职业相距甚远,因为它有时受到较少的关注,但有时却被人们偏爱从生活中得到的最好的东西。受过教育的人能够提出通常的和一般的问题,因此教育为学生提出问题做好了准备。据说,在哲学上,教育更多的是准备自己过一种道德和伦理的生活,而不是成为经济上的成功(Duarte, 2012)。柏拉图仍然是有史以来第一个有记录的哲学家,他阐述了他的导师苏格拉底的所有教导,他认为苏格拉底是最虔诚的。苏格拉底提出,个人不仅必须过着未经检验的生活(柏拉图,法拉利和格里菲斯,2000),而且要打破思想的障碍,并检查如果一个人试图掌握的可能性。它只是意味着,一个人不仅要过一种自然呈现自己的生活,而且要设法超越显而易见的事情,超越在过一种道德生活中不可避免的障碍和障碍。柏拉图被认为是最佳教育标准的先驱,被认为是批判教育的鼻祖。

Mitra(1965)肯定地揭示了古代印度教育对现代教育体系的贡献。关于特定主题的论述,准备辩论,学习从感官感知、逻辑思维和道德原则中辨别论点,这些都构成了古印度学生的理想教育。许多这些特点反映在奥特伊oa,因为它努力不断提高标准,配备学生的所有基本生活课程。Aotearoa的学生被赋予实践和理论技能(“New Zealand School System | New Zealand Now”,2018),这实际上构成了教育哲学背后的核心宗旨。当一个人被委托一项有社会影响的任务时,他必须准备好实践和理论技能,并理解随之而来的后果。因此,这样的学生更倾向于对自己的表现和行为进行更批判性的思考,因为它对社会和周围的人有着巨大的影响。为了避免不希望的反应或反应,一个人需要学习实际考虑自己的决定。

Education has remained rather aloof from all other occupations in the world, as it is sometimes paid less attention, but sometimes preferred the best an individual can extract from life. Those who are educated are able to question the usual and the regular, and thus education prepares the student to question. It is said that philosophically, education is more about preparing oneself to lead a moral and ethical life than is about becoming economically successful (Duarte, 2012). Plato remains the first ever recorded philosopher who expounded all the teachings of his preceptor Socrates, whom he regards as the most pious. Socrates proposed that an individual must not merely live an unexamined life (Plato, Ferrari & Griffith, 2000), but break the barriers of thoughts and examine the possibilities that are within the grasp if one attempts. It simply means that one must not merely live a life which is naturally presenting itself, but manage to examine beyond the obvious affairs and transcend the barriers and hurdles inevitable in leading a moral life. Plato has been regarded as the harbinger of the best education standards, and is considered the originator of critical education.

Mitra (1965) affirmatively brought to light the contribution of ancient education in India to the modern education system. Discourse about a particular subject, preparing an argument, and learning to discern the argument from sensual perceptions, logical thinking, and moral principles, these all constituted the ideal education of ancient Indian students. Many of these traits are reflected in Aotearoa, as it strives to continuously improve the standards of equipping students with all basic life lessons. Aotearoa students are endowed with practical and theoretical skills (“New Zealand School System | New Zealand Now”, 2018), which in fact constitutes the core tenet of the philosophy behind education. When one is entrusted about a task, which has societal impacts, then one is to be prepared with practical and theoretical skills and understanding of the consequences that follow. Therefore, such students are more prone to think more critical about their own performance and actions, as it has tremendous impact on society and the people around. In order to avoid an undesired reaction or response, one is required to learn practical considerations of one’s decision.




弗洛姆在试图分析彼此的影响时,确实很清楚地说明了他的局限性。他认为,在将精神分析应用于理解社会时,人们“必须明确地防止这样的错误,即当经济、技术或政治因素为社会学问题提供了真实而充分的解释时,就想要给出精神分析的答案”(Bronner, & Kellner, 1989, p. 37)。运用心理分析的错误理解问题的足够的答案被发现在其他方面似乎不必要的工作,但弗洛姆也提出需要使用心理分析,因为尽管政治、经济、和社会观点存在,讨论是关于人类形成一个大的社会学研究的一部分。当人类和人类的心灵被卷入其中时,就不可能将精神分析学与社会学分离开来。因此,弗洛姆的定义设定了必要的边界限制,但同时承认心理分析在社会学的几乎所有领域的适用性,因为不可能将个人心理或大众心理从社会学的讨论中分离出来

展示的核心论点是“有必要调查窟本能和潜意识发挥作用的组织和发展的社会和个人的社会事实,并在多大程度上改变人类的心理结构、意识的增长ego-organization [. .是社会学相关的因素”(Bronner & Kellner, 1989,第28页)。这是精神分析在社会学中的应用。

Fromm in attempting to analyze the impact on one another, does state his limitations very clearly. He argues that in applying psychoanalysis for understanding society, one “must definitely guard against the mistake of wanting to give psychoanalytic answers were economic, technical or political factors provide the real and sufficient explanation of sociological questions” (Bronner, & Kellner, 1989, p. 37). The error of applying psyche analytics to understand questions for which sufficient answers are found in other perspectives does seem an unnecessary job, but then Fromm also puts out the need to use psycho analytics, because although political, economic, and social perspectives exist, the discussion is about the human who forms a large part of the sociological research. Where the human and the human psyche is involved then it would be impossible to separate psycho analytics form sociology. Fromm’s definition thus places the needed boundary limitations, but at the same time acknowledges the applicability of psycho analytics on almost everything within sociology, as it will be impossible to separate an individual psyche, or the masse psyche from the sociological discussions

The core argument presented is that “It is necessary to investigate wat role the instinctual and the unconscious play in the organization and development of society and in individual social facts, and to what extent the changes in mankind’s psychological structure, in the sense of a growing ego-organization [..] is a sociologically relevant factor” (Bronner & Kellner, 1989, p. 28). This is the application of psychoanalysis for sociology.





服务型领导可以被认为是一种积极的领导,它与真正的领导的根本概念几乎没有什么不同。两个领导都有服务人民的愿望,并对授权他们的追随者感兴趣(Vecchio, 2007)。他们拒绝在原则上妥协。它们对建立与人民的关系具有高度的重要性。仆人式领导与真实式领导的根本区别在于,仆人式领导是服务的,而真实式领导是领导的。因此,服务型领导可以被定义为一种哲学,即领导者为其追随者创造一个公正和关怀的工作环境。两者有相似之处,因为真实的和仆人式的领导都会与情商相联系,从而帮助他们的追随者。现在在这个案例研究中,真正的领导被观察到,卡拉汉对他的追随者是开放的,他是诚实的,他的行为反映了他的正直。例如,他对他的员工所做的一些努力,是因为他直接了解长时间工作的影响,因此他希望有政策来纠正它。这些都不是简单地实施,因为他想在他的员工中获得一个好名声,而是他这样做是为了纠正他自己作为员工所面临的情况。真正的领导可以被认为是一种基于性格驱动的领导形式,它不承认领导风格。真正的领导是由于有一种独特的风格发展的经验和内省。这些都是与性格或个性一致的。总经理、他的性格和对工作场所的看法,直接指导着他想要的变革,因此可以说,行动的一致性确实让他成为一个真正的领导者。

Authentic leaders are the leaders who are confident or resilient individuals. They are aware of how the people think or behave. These people use a higher level of integrity and remain committed to building of the organizations. They are credible individuals. These elements of authentic leadership apply to MD Callahan. He is seen to be confident of his plan of recruiting only individuals with the right attitude, and his confident attitude and his unique changes in the company have even earned him the tag of “wacky”.

Servant leadership can be considered as the positive leadership which has emerged little differently from the root notions of authentic leadership. Both the leadership have the desire to serve people and are interested in the empowerment of their follower (Vecchio, 2007). They refuse to compromise of the principles. They provide high level of importance to establishment of relationship with the people. The fundamental difference that is developed between the servant leadership and the authentic leadership is that the servant leader serves and an authentic leader leads. Servant leadership can hence be defined as something of a philosophy where a just and caring work environment is created by the leaders for their followers. There are similarities, because both authentic and servant leadership will connect to emotional intelligence to help their followers. Now in the case of the case study, authentic leadership is observed, as Callahan is seen to be open with his followers and he is honest and his actions reflect on his integrity. For instance, some of his good efforts towards his employees are because he understands the effects of working long hours first hand, and hence he wants policies in place to correct it. These are not simply implemented because he wants to get a good name with his employees, rather he does this to correct those situations that he himself has faced as an employee. Authentic leadership can be considered as a form of leadership that is based on the character driven and it does not recognize the leadership style. The authentic leadership is since there is a unique style developed from the experience and introspection. These are consistent with the character or personality. The MD, his character and perceptions of the workplace directly guide the changes he wants and hence it could be argued that consistency in actions does make him an authentic leader.












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英国论文代写被发现有什么影响?如何避免?很多人都有过论文代写的经历,虽然省事,但是却冒着很大的风险,一旦英国论文代写被发现就会产生很严重的后果,甚至被开除学籍。那么,英国论文代写被发现有什么影响?如何避免呢?下面我们一起来听听英国Advanced Thesis辅导网老师是怎么说的。













今天为大家分享一篇优秀的论文范文-论文代写价格:合同法规。本文讲述的是不可抗力被定义为不可能原则。在某些情况下,尽管合同当事人的本意是好的,但某些事件会使合同无效。自然灾害、政府管制、某些不可预见的事件、事故、停工等使得合同无效(Bagley, 2015)。即使在这种情况下,合同的相关利益相关者也可以在一段合理的时间内暂停活动。在极端的情况下,合同不能实现将导致合同受挫。这被定义为合同受挫。


如果合同的一个利益相关者不遵守合同条款,也没有制定强制措施,则该合同被认为是breeched (Bagley, 2015)。这些责任条款应明确界定的情况下,论文代写价格臀位是界定在实际合同条款。



