

  从本篇论文范文留学生作业代写-法国市场的调查分析中可以看出,法国市场在许多方面与邻国市场相似。这意味着,如果该产品在法国获得成功,周边国家很可能会反映出对该产品的需求。土耳其组织在关注需要保证他们的质量,可靠性随着价格。人们认为,在某些情况下,除了文化和语言问题外,在法国内部运营组织可能会遇到阻力(Unal, 2016)。应进一步考虑支付条件在价格中被考虑在内。从一个企业到另一个企业的交易可以是收到产品的即时付款,也可以是60天的安排付款。在30天的期限内,与公共当局有标准化的付款条件。接下来论文范文留学生作业代写-法国市场的调查分析如下:

  Metropolitan France is regarded as L’Hexagone is diverse, ideally situated and prosperous leather export market for Turkish organization (Gundogdu et al., 2016). It can be considered as stepping stone within other markets of Eurozone.

  In numerous ways the market of France is similar to the neighboring markets. This implies if the product is successful in France, there is high likeliness that the surrounding nations will reflect demand for the product. Turkish organization in concern needs to reassure their quality, reliability along with the price. It is viewed that in certain cases, there can be resistance in operating the organization within France apart from the issues of culture and language (Unal, 2016). It is to further consider that the payment conditions are factored within the prices. Transactions that take place from one business to another can range from immediate payout on products receiving to an arranged payment of 60 days. There are standardized terms of payment with the public authorities within the time frame of maximum 30 days.

  There is significant bureaucracy included in application for governmental tenders in France. However, the rewards that are offered usually are considerably high. Herein, applying or winning a tender is factor on providing attestation fiscale at sociale. This implies that organization applying for tender proves that it is updated in regards with the tax payment.

  DGCCRF is the body of regulations looking within the business competition, protection of consumer and fraud. As far as the agreements of trade are concerned, it is to consider that the France is a member of World Trade Organization and EU (Unal, 2016). However, the products manufactured in UK only are import duties exempt.

  There are certain technical regulations and standards. It is to be considered by Elibol that the packaging and products fulfill the standards of EU. The association of Francaise de Normalisation (AFNOR) is responsible behind assessment, standardization and assessment while DGCCRF is the regulating body for products labelling entering in France. It is to ensure that the labelling is translated in French. Furthermore, the French version needs to be succinctly visible if multiple languages are used on the labelling.

  There is another challenge concerning the Intellectual property (IP). The intellectual property’s primary forms such as design, patents, trademarks and copyrights protection will be present with the organization (Unal, 2016). However, the IP law is not harmonized within EU completely for the protection of patent. Hence, it is of grave importance for Elibol to ensure that the protection of intellectual property is covered by the French Patent Office.

  Company tax is another factor as organizations registered in France as usually levied 33.33 per cent profits rate. Moreover, the internal European Union market is singular in form that enables free goods and services movement. Hence, there will not be an duties on import applicable.

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