


作为一个这样的连接如何可能造成影响的故事,考虑杰西卡·麦克卢尔(Jessica McClure)的故事,她在1986年十八个月的时候陷入了一口井。这个孩子被困在井里,被消防员救出,奥唐奈。奥唐纳的生活由于这些事件而改变,小女孩的生活也是如此(贝尔金)。 CNN的广泛报道当时是一个刚起步的组织。媒体从正在进行的危机中解救出来,大家都看着这个小女孩的救援。观众觉得自己是自己的一部分,这种逼真的电视媒体报道已经超出了事故的范围。媒体还报道了救援人员和救援人员的生命和事件。纽约的一篇文章指出,他们的生活再次不同,一旦媒体炒作,人民就不能恢复正常。发型师指责电视现实主义有时是人为的(哈里曼)。在延长事故及其相关人员的覆盖范围时,这个概念的确给听众和与新闻有关的人们造成了很大的影响,使他们无法从中恢复过来。




As a story of how such a connection could cause effects, consider the story of Jessica McClure who fell into a well when she was eighteen months old in 1986. The child was trapped in the well and was rescued by firefighters, namely one Robert O’Donnell. O’ Donnell’s life changed because of these happenings and so did the life of the little girl (Belkin). There was extensive media coverage from CNN was a fledgling organization at that time. Everyone watched the rescue of the little girl as the media covered it from the ongoing crises to the final rescue. The audience felt they were part of the ordeal themselves and this realistic Televisual coverage of the media went beyond covering the accident. The media also reported on the lives and happenings of the rescuer and the rescued. A New York article states that life was not same for them again, as once the media hype was over the people were not able to return back to their sense of normalcy. Hairman accuses Televisual realism as being artificial at times (Hariman). In prolonging the coverage of the accident and the people associated with it, this concept has indeed created much influence on the audience and the people associated with the news in ways that they were not able to recover from.


Televisual realism used appropriately creates a sense of satisfaction to the viewer consuming the news or the media article. However used for commercial reasons, the very notion of realism is paradoxically aligned with a sense of artificiality. The example of the coverage of McClure is one such study, where televisual realism is seen to have removed the people involved in the incident from their normal and real settings.