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A child can face separation fears, crying at night, violating toilet training, bed-wetting, figure-hugging, grumbling, outbursts, and momentary lapse of conventional self-help abilities, which can induce motherly and fatherly attention.
The extra independent juveniles inclines to react antagonistically to parental divorce, habitually responding angrily and stubbornly, determined to disrespect household rules set by either of the parents. (Mauldon, 2000).
The pubescent behaves destructively to regulate his life by acting ambiguously or rebelliously, resolute to live his life the way he wants, often devoted to his selfishness. He sense a gradual independence in a domestic condition which remains detached.
A child’s attitude to parents post-divorce
Sociologists seldom state that separation leads to agony in kids. The outcomes can be either good or bad (Amato, 2000). For a few kids, the parental split-up can be a tragedy. Other kids may mature from the experience. They may develop more compassion and responsibility. As for families, some might even take longer than three years to overcome a divorce, depending on the circumstances surrounding the divorce.
Its influence on Children’s gender
As a matter of fact, children of both the genders are affected by divorce and require help when a separation befalls. Though, as per a study, it affects the boys more than the girls. Chief cause might be that it is fine for a female child to express her state of mind in publicly. She can shriek at the time of trouble, or express that she is depressed. Occasionally grownups hints to a male child that it is not fine for him to demonstrate their mental state. Mostly boys are more vigorous and violent than girls (Wallerstein, 1999). They display their feelings in this way landing themselves in trouble. By the action of boys, grownups may not understand that they are presenting their distress. Essentially it is noted that children of both the sexes seeks an opportunity for the expression of their state of mind. .









 Opportunity of equality in American Educational systems:
The Gao kao system in china:
The essentials of Gao Kao are taking students away from innovative thinking and is even discouraging creativity in them. They are just left as teat-taking masters by scoring high in Gao Kao. As per the records of a survey of last 30 years, it was revealed that the 1000 participants of Gao Kao the top scorers do not have any exceptional careers as was expected by them. The students of China do not have any opportunity to undertake Gao Kao twice a year as it just happens once a year. The students who secure low grades will have to repeat the exams to be held in next year. This makes the student of China undergo stress of shame and stigma of lagging behind their friends who are studying in colleges.
High Stake testing in America’s education system:
With High stake tests important decisions regarding students, educators, schools and districts etc for accountability purposes. The federal, state and local governments make an attempt with the cooperation of administration of schools for ensuring that the students are enrolled in effective schools to be taught be efficient and effective teachers. The high stake tests are of crucial importance when it comes over the consequences of the system on students and the schooling system. The need for consequences through a formal trigger should not form the basis of high stakes testing programs (Zhao, 2009). In real, the quality of schooling system is judged by the public with the kind of results achieved through test results that can even provide a picture that the choices of children have been affected by the test results.













进入大学校园,真正对自己的专业有所了解后,部分学生可能会为所读专业不如意而懊恼,或对新学校不大满意。此时有些学生可能就已经萌生出国读书的想法, 可以考虑转学分留学。其实,英国的很多大学都接受转学申请,但转学申请一般需提前一年:比如大一准备,大二转过去;或大二准备,大二结束时去国外继续深造。同样,转学申请需雅思,不同的学校对成绩要求略有区别。








季节 月份 英国天气特征

春季 三月、四月、五月 气温逐渐上升,开始看到阳光的迹象,日子开始越来越舒适宜人。

夏季 六月、七月、八月 一年中最温暖的时期,英国享受较长的日照时间。

秋季 九月、十月、十一月 为过渡时期,气温逐渐下降,经常下雨。

冬季 十二月、一月、二月 气温大幅度下将,可能下雪和结冰,日照时间越来越短。







The term ‘Big Science,’ appeared for the very first time in an article named ‘Impact of large scaled science on the United States,’ it was published in a Science magazine in 1961, written by Weinberg, who was a physicist in National Laboratories. This article described the ‘big science’ as a part of the current political economy, as United States had started many researches at a large scale for new projects for the developments in these areas. Weinberg, who sentiments that these are done by individual scientists alone, or with graduate students, they choose their own problems to work whereas scientists working on the projects of ‘Big Science,’ work on the problems or areas required by the governments or big agencies, who are funding for the desired results. The world of ‘Small Science’ did not turn out to be irrelevant but the new world of ‘Big Science’ became the important part of the national security and priority. Early researches results in the development of large accelerators and detecting devices (Weinberg).
Big Science & Government Enterprises
Big science shows same characteristic as of large industries or enterprise of governments, as they are also based on a large scale, require huge amount of funds, which makes it expensive as well, decisions are taken by government, rather than the individuals selected in the company, projects and researches have more than one purpose; like satellites, particle accelerators and telescopes. These researches and developments which are complex and big in size, makes them stand in the competition with the industries and military (Dennis).



小时候看过的一部迪士尼动画片《爱丽丝梦游仙境》(Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland)至今令人印象深刻,而2010年由强尼戴普、安妮·海瑟薇和海伦娜·卡特共同出演的电影版《爱丽丝梦游仙境》更是让人对耳熟能详的故事本身似乎又多了一层寻根的“好奇感”,2016年近期刚刚上映的《爱丽丝梦游仙境2》的主演米亚·华希科沃斯卡再一次带领我们重返仙境,究竟这个经久不衰,受一代又一代孩子们追捧的奇妙故事,究竟发生在哪里呢?答案是牛津,这个有着悠久历史的城市就是爱丽丝的“故乡”,今天高阶英国论文代写网的小编就来跟大家聊聊在这座城市里一家非常有名的爱丽丝主题下午茶店 —— Café Loco。

Café Loco坐落于基督教会学院马路对面。乍一看,确实是一家很有中世纪风格的小店,引人驻足再探探究竟,后来才知道,原来这家下午茶店本身的建筑已经有500多年的历史了!之后才被改造成了“爱丽丝”的主题。虽建筑古老,但它走的并不是“复古路线”,店里装修得十分精致和现代,墙上有很多幅《爱丽丝梦游仙境》经典片段的绘画作品,也突出了这家店本身的主题。

店里供应的食物比较简单,包括早餐;Bagel、Baguettes之类的简餐;甜点以及下午茶。食物的价格挺平价的,一道简餐的价格大概£6-£8,如果感兴趣可以看看它家的菜单。这里最有特色的早餐就是熏三文鱼炒蛋面包圈(Smock Salmon & Scramble Egg Bagel),店员也一般首先会推荐这个,两片面包圈把熏三文鱼和炒鸡蛋夹在了中间,三文鱼鲜美多汁,炒鸡蛋松软喷香,大家不要错过了哦。这家店的所有早餐只提供到中午12点。

接下来再说说下午茶,它家最有特色的是Traditional Afternoon Tea our own Mad Hatters tea Party,价格是£8.95。它家的下午茶分为上下两层,上层是咸的三明治,包括熏三文鱼三明治、黄瓜奶酪三明治、鸡肉三明治。下层则是甜的蛋糕,一般都会是巧克力蛋糕、苹果蛋糕、布朗尼等等。

由于这家店本身就坐落在基督教会学院对面,而基督教会学院的食堂,则是“哈利波特”霍格沃兹大礼堂的外景地,也是大家去牛津必去的目的地之一,所以上午参观完后,顺便就来这里享受一顿安逸的下午茶吧!而这家“爱丽丝”主题下午茶店的旁边,则正是同样以“爱丽丝”命名,著名的Alice’s Shop主题商店,据说这里也是《爱丽丝梦游仙境》中由一只羊经营的店铺原型呢,顺带着,也一块去瞅瞅这里的纪念品吧!








The intension was focused on the use of questionnaires, whether conducting them or referring to the ones already conducted. This was important for the provision of higher validity and accuracy related to the study. This is a tool with huge convenience particularly when there are a number of subjects for being handled. This tool contributes in facilitating quick and easy derivation of information in a shorter duration of time. The information collected has helped in investigating the impact of tourism on crime, and vice versa in a significant manner.
The data collected provides a strong suggestion that there is an extremely strong relationship between crime and tourism. However, the determination of this cannot be done to a greater limit of certainty. Firstly, referring to the data of crime, there are no differences between visitors and resident victims (Foster, 2008). While a rise in the population of tourist in general might result in increasing the level of crime in the entire area by making a contribution towards urbanization, along with other forms related to solution, there is no denial in the fact that the industry of tourist itself is known to be a factor to increase the rates of crime.
Further ahead, it has been found that the rates of crime in the areas of tourism are known to appear considerably high in comparison with what they actually are. This is due to the fact that these places have a large population of tourists as the determination for rate of crime is done in terms of permanent population that creates a rate of crime per 1000 residents. Such places in the United States of America include Honolulu and Las Vegas. If there is an involvement of a number of visitors, there can be an increase in the rate of crimes, but cannot accounted for the establishment of this particular rate (Chesney, 2013). Therefore, it can be stated that huge value should be given for considering the rate of crime.



希尔顿酒店的成功以及效率服务环境证明当客人和员工都满意。这将带来一个平衡酒店管理和证明增加收益率房间的服务。这样可以确保及时关注员工给客人。当员工感到满意和动机,他们就会毫不犹豫地为客人提供更好的服务。这将反过来满足客人。这两个一起带来更多收益希尔顿酒店(布吕根, E. C.,富贝尔B.,& Gremler,D. D,2011)。



The success of Hilton Hotel as well as the efficiency of its servicescape is proved when there both the guests and employees are satisfied. This will bring in a balance in the hotel management and proves to increase the yield in room services. This ensures timely attention is given to the guests by the staffs. When the staffs are satisfied and motivated, they will not hesitate to provide better services to the guests. This will in turn satisfy the guests. Both of this together brings more yield to Hilton hotel (Brüggen, E. C., Foubert, B., & Gremler, D. D, 2011).

Room divisions play an important role in Hotel management. As per surveys, around 60.2 % of hotel revenue comes from room division, which is in the form of room sales. Room division concentrates on providing guests services when they halt in the Hilton’s rooms. Room service is one of the major elements in promoting the Hilton as well as in maintaining the goodwill of the hotel. It is the duty of the room division department to maintain a proper guest relationship so that the customers will be satisfied and will come back to the hotel in future. Room division is a wider concept that includes several departments within it. The departments in room division are Front Office, Reservation, Housekeeping, uniformed services, and telephone.






