

  论文代写被抓-如何为论文定题 想要为一篇论文定好题,是留学生们在进行论文写作时的首要问题。一个好的论文题目,可以直接反映出论文的中心内容,也可以使导师直接了解你的写作方向。所以留学生们一定要多花费时间和精力来好好的完成这一步,虽然增加了留学生们的负担,但是对于提高论文质量是很有帮助的。下文就跟着我们的代写老师来学习如何为论文定题。

  首先,学生自己要非常清楚论文题目的意义。即论文论题的总结,好的论文题目就等于文章成功了一半。因为题目的功能是点明essay主旨,让老师一眼就可以看出文章讨论的基本问题。例如:The influenceof theory of luxury market inChina就知道主要是讲奢侈品在中国市场的影响力方向来展示论述的。


  1. 对自己比较感兴趣的方向。即从自己专长和兴趣入手确定选题。留学生可能对于同一科目,不同的知识要点可能有不能的见解和思考,或在实际活动中也有不同的感悟,起帆论文老师提醒大家对于同一个学科的认知深度是不同的,学生可以根据自己感兴趣的方面进行定题。

  2. 题材挖掘法。对于当今社会新闻,市场动态,以及学校教学的方向来去挖掘出来最具吸引力的热点题材进行定题。

  3. 边缘学科交叉定题法。将其他学科的研究成果与你将要定题的论文结合对比,可以让你视野更广阔的去提供一个比较接近学科的论文题目。

  4. 新角度的延伸法。即对同一问题不同角度并较有深度的总结论文的题目,让题目能更一步深化。

  5. 对比总结法。通过对论文学科中的不同问题进行多方面的比较研究来认识事物,进行总结出来论文题目。


留学 论文代写:什么是压力

留学 论文代写:什么是压力

当出现意外因素或令人沮丧的经历时,压力就会产生。有许多原则与社区和个人的压力原因有关。压力可以被认为是身体对感知到的威胁的适应或反流反应(Calhoun & Tedeschi, 2014)。根据局势的细微差别,这种威胁可以是内部的,也可以是外部的。它被认为是机体基于生理、社会和心理因素对机体终点的一种复杂防御机制。压力不能简单地认为是刺激驱动的行为(Calhoun & Tedeschi, 2014)。基于这一概念可以得出许多含义。具体的遗传特征、刺激-反应反应、个体在童年时期的经历以及个体基于周围环境的主观感知被认为是导致个体应激发展的因素。由此可见,应激反应是由对触发因素的弹性和脆弱性引起的。研究发现,这与个体的年龄、性别和个性特征有关。压力通常被认为是消极的因素。这就是eustress的概念。

留学 论文代写:什么是压力

Stress occurs when there is a surprise element or an frustrating experience. There are many tenets associated with the causes of stress in the communities and the individuals. Stress can be considered as an adaptation or reflux reaction by the body towards the perceived threats (Calhoun & Tedeschi, 2014). This threat could be internal or external threat based on the nuances of the situation. It is considered to be a complex defense mechanism by the body towards the endpoint of the body based on the biological, social and the psychological factors. Stress cannot be simply considered to be an action that is stimulus driven (Calhoun & Tedeschi, 2014). There are numerous implications the can be drawn based on this notions. The specific inherited characteristics, stimulus-response reaction, experiences of the individual during childhood phase and the subjective perception of the individuals based on the surrounding are considered to be the factors that lead to the development of stress in individuals. It is perceived that the resilience and the vulnerability toward the trigger factors caused the stress response to be developed. It is found to be dependent on the age, gender and the personality traits of the individuals. Stress is often considered to be a factors that are viewed negatively. There is the concept of eustress.
This leads to the development of positive action and enables the individuals to perform. Intense prolonged stress is found to cause harm to the body and cause the people to develop impaired ability to experience the pleasures. This causes more harm to the body. Everyday hassles and irritations can be leading cause of stresses. It is found to affect the physical health and the emotional wellbeing of the individuals. In the middle of the routine, there is also the life altering changes that do occur. It is found that it is found to be specific based on the environment and the surroundings. During the academic courses, the students experience a different set of stress triggers and it is found to change in the workplace dynamics and is significantly different for the adult population. These trigger points for stress primarily stem from the conflicts or the difference in ideology. This can stem from interpersonal or intra personal relationship. In the case of interpersonal relationship, there is the development of conflicts with the people around each individual. However, the interpersonal stressful triggers are often overlooked in this paradigm.









  第五种是因果关系。因果关系法可以透过建立或解释某件事的结果来扩展段落中的想法。在因果关系中,作者可运用以下的字词:because、cause、due to 和for this the reason。表示原因的字词如下:as a result、consequently、in effect、therefore 和thus。

  最后一种是叙述。作者透过按顺序排列想法来扩展段落中与某一个想法相关的概念。以下这些词告诉读者哪一件事情先发生以及将会发生什么事:in chronological 或in place 或in the level of importance。在采用时间先后顺序时,作者可以使用表示时间的字词,例如first、second then、after、later 等;在采用空间顺序时,作者可使用以下字词提示位置:below、beneath、behind、behind、 near 等。










绩效管理是指为了达到组织绩效的高度而对员工和团队进行成功管理的过程。属于业绩管理范畴的活动旨在监测各项目标的完成情况。绩效管理可以看作是组织、员工、部门或生产过程绩效的衍生。每个部门对于一个组织的发展都是至关重要的(Banker, Potter & Srinivasan, 2015)。因此,必须考虑组织中性能管理的大量步骤。在给定的案例研究中,RealFit的区域销售经理Lee应该制定一份绩效管理计划,以应对公司最近销售中的缺陷。本报告涉及对组织有益的绩效管理计划、组织政策和目标(Boile et al., 2016)。在给定的案例研究中,RealFit被认为是健身中心、健身房和健身俱乐部的主要设备供应商。公司在相关行业的业绩表现良好,市场占有率不断提高。

公司的战略目标是通过采用低成本的战略、推荐、重复销售和新客户来实现20%的利润增长(Burney & Widener, 2013)。为了为企业提供一个新的运营领域,RealFit正寻求利用私人销售和家庭使用设备的供应。本组织为实现这些愿望制订了一项艰巨的战略,其中包括组成一个由15名销售代表组成的小组。向销售代表提供销售激励,销售经理直到完全了解组织的运营和文化后才开始执行绩效管理流程(De Waal 2013)。通过案例分析,可以清晰地理解RealFit的战略和运营计划。组织目标的差异可能需要一个绩效管理计划来实现为私人销售市场和国内用途开发健身器材供应的目标(Goetsch & Davis, 2014)。


Performance management is a process which is directed towards successful management of employees and teams for reaching the heights of organizational performance. Activities which come under the shade of performance management are aimed at monitoring the completion of objectives. Performance management can be considered as a derivative of performance of organization, employee, department or the manufacturing process. Each sector is crucial for the development of an organization (Banker, Potter & Srinivasan, 2015). Hence it is imperative to consider prolific steps for performance management in an organization. In the given case study, the district sales manager for RealFit, Lee, is supposed to formulate a performance management plan in event of the recent drawbacks in sales of the company. This report deals with a performance management plan, organizational policies and objectives which can be beneficial to the organization (Boile et al., 2016). In the given case study, RealFit is known as a leading equipment supplier for fitness centres, gyms and health clubs. The company’s performance in the concerned sector has shown promising indicators such as a continuously increasing market share.

The company’s strategy is targeted towards achieving a 20% increase in profits by applying cost efficient strategies, referrals, repeat sales and new customers (Burney & Widener, 2013). In an attempt to provide a new domain of operation to the business, RealFit is looking to tap into supply of equipment for private sales and home use. The organization prepared a formidable strategy to fulfil these aspirations which included the formation of a team of 15 sales representatives. Sales representatives were provided with sales incentives and the sales manager did not embark on a performance management process until he was completely aware of the organization’s operations and culture (De Waal 2013). The strategy and operational plan of RealFit can be clearly apprehended from the given case study. The difference in the objective of the organization might need a performance management plan to achieve the goal of tapping into the supply of fitness equipment for private sales market and domestic purpose (Goetsch & Davis, 2014).

英国研究学论文代写:创业者Katie Page简介

英国研究学论文代写:创业者Katie Page简介

本次作业所选择的创业者是Katie Page,她是澳大利亚最大也是最成功的女性创业者之一。她是Harvey Norman的首席执行官,Harvey Norman是由她和她的丈夫在1982年创立的一家大型百货公司(Nauman, 2014)。2015年,Harvey Normal在全球有200多家店铺,从爱尔兰到新加坡。公司已在澳大利亚证券交易所(ASX)上市,是澳洲证券交易所200指数成份股之一。佩奇认为,在ASX 200家公司担任高管的女性中,女性所占比例最小(不到4%),这是一个与众不同的特点(Lehmann, 2015)。其净资产超过5000万美元,是澳大利亚最富有的女性高管之一。哈维诺曼一直享有巨大的成功。

英国研究学论文代写:创业者Katie Page简介
2014财年,公司成功实现销售总收入约30亿美元。根据公司2015年的财务报表显示,自2012年以来,公司的整体利润率已经成功提高了大约30%。这可以被认为是一个零售商在经济困难时期的重大成就(Kruger, 2014)。1956年,凯蒂·佩奇和她的三个姐妹出生在澳大利亚昆士兰州的马雷巴。她是澳大利亚的一名企业高管,以成功经营Harvey Norman的业务而闻名。2015年,在《澳大利亚商业评论》(the Australian Business Review)评选的50位最成功企业家排行榜上,她排名第四。她在各种职业运动中都有后备力量,一直积极推动女性进入运动领域(Korporaal, 2015)。

英国研究学论文代写:创业者Katie Page简介

The entrepreneur selected for the purpose of this assignment is Katie Page, who is among the biggest and the most successful female entrepreneur of Australia. She is the Chief Executive Officer of Harvey Norman that was established by her and her husband in the year 1982, as huge department store (Nauman, 2014). As per the year 2015, there are more than 200 stores of Harvey Normal all across the world to Singapore from Ireland. The company has been listed on the Stock Exchange of Australia (ASX), and is among the component stocks in the 200 Index of ASX. Page perceives a differentiating attribute to be among the smallest share of women (less than 4 percent), holding an executive position of top level at the 200 company of ASX (Lehmann, 2015). And it has a net worth exceeding 50 million dollars which being among the richest female executives of Australia. Harvey Norman has been continuously enjoying immense success.

英国研究学论文代写:创业者Katie Page简介
During the financial year of 2014, the company had been successful in generating the total sales revenue of approximately 3 billion dollars. As per the 2015 financial statements of the company, it has been successful in increasing the overall margin of profit by approximately 30 percent since the year 2012. This can be considered as a significant achievement for a retailer during difficult times of the economy (Kruger, 2014). Katie Page was born in the year 1956 in Mareeba, Queensland, Australia with her three sisters. She is a business executive of Australia and is well- known for successfully running the business of Harvey Norman. In the year 2015, she was assigned fourth rank on the list provided by “The Australian Business Review” for the 50 most successful entrepreneurs of all times. She has a backup in various professional sports, and has been actively promoting women to enter the field of sports (Korporaal, 2015).



Zaltman隐喻启发式技术(ZMET)采用定性方法,引出驱动客户思维和行为的隐喻、结构和心理模型,以及定量分析,为营销组合决策和细分策略提供数据。凯利保留网格和梯子技术是该技术的组成部分,就像视觉(如。消费者提供的其他感官图像。访谈过程中产生的构念被聚合在一起,形成了一幅共识图,它代表了大多数人大部分时间的想法。此外,消费者使用数字成像技术来生成他们思维的总结图像”(Coulter,和Zaltman, 1994,第504-505页)当一个人想到一个品牌时,他们脑海中会浮现出一些视觉表象(Biel, 1993)。公司可能会在品牌中加入隐喻,以唤起这些心理意象。



“The Zaltman Metaphor Elicitation Technique (ZMET) employs qualitative methods to elicit the metaphors, constructs and mental models that drive customers’ thinking and behaviour, as well as quantitative analyses to provide data for marketing mix decisions and segmentation strategies. The Kelly Repertory grid and laddering techniques are integral components of the technique, as are visual (eg., photographs) and other sensory images that consumers provide. The constructs elicited during the interviews are aggregated to produce a consensus map which represents most of the thinking of most people most of the time. In addition, consumers use digital imaging techniques to produce summary images of their thinking” (Coulter, and Zaltman, 1994, pp. 504-505)When an individual think about a brand, some visual representations come to their mind (Biel, 1993). The firm might market the brand with metaphors in them with the intention of evoking these mental images.

So for the same firm to see the voice of the consumer, it is hence necessary for the firm to use techniques such as the ZMET. The ZMET will enable people to collect images representing the base concepts that the associate with a brand would collect non-verbal effects from the consumer. By means of storytelling, the concept that the consumer connects with the brand or the reasoning behind the image collection is extracted and later by the concept of laddering the richest in terms of examples, metaphors, universals and mental schemes. The laddering process is one that is useful for understanding the psychological consequence of the outcomes of a mental model or a construct that is perceived in the consumer mind. Laddering can be of many types, it could be a synonym seeking concept, looking out for parallels and related issues. Laddering-up is a type where the consequences of the feeling is questioned, such as where the phenomenon or the concept behind the image had its origin and laddering down looks at the causes of the phenomenon under investigations.






Post-modernist feminism interpreted that the women in general had a lot of issues with the patriarchal notions of the church. The western feminist movement sought for more rights of women and they wanted equal participation of the women. They advocated the church to involve itself in a number of events that would help the women to participate more in the decision of making process. For a person like Elsie Elliot she wanted to serve the people. Meetings like this held very little value as it did not serve any altruistic purpose expect a religious one. When she went to China for preaching mission, she observed that the rules of Plymouth Brethren were rigid and did not make sense. Her interaction with this form of structured religion made her feel that there was no real service done to the people. There was no interaction with other Christians. Some of the rules of the church could not help people. In the case of the church, the patrons and the female missionary are supposed to have long hair and should wear hat in the church.

There were a number of customary activities that was important to the church. It was found or rather perceived that the church was very patriarchal. This was an internal struggle of the post-modern women with their culture. There were a number of expectations of the women that did not fit in with the internal feminist inside Elsie Elliot. The wife had to implicitly follow the order of the husband or the father without any questions. These patriarchal notions were not considered to make people believe. She did not want to be marginalized based on her gender. She wanted to bring real changes in the society and this stance of the church did not make any reason. She did not agree with the ideology of the Church to help the people and wanted to be more actively involved in the altruistic and the services offered to the people.




因此可以说,工业革命对文化的变化负有很大的责任,也对社会的变化作出了贡献。流行文化是对特定社会秩序下的流行习俗、信仰、品味、娱乐进行分析和描述(McRobbie, 1994)。通俗文化也可以说是大众文化对抗已经被组织起来的精英文化。Eugen Weber把农民大众文化的各种例子写成了法国人的作品。他展示了农村人口如何理解他们自己流行文化的特点。他还强调,“真实”和“人为”的生活方式已经纠缠在一起。这是工业革命和城市化引起的。一些研究也提到,英国早期的工业变革导致了自然和有机文化的退化,并被大众文化所取代。大众文化是普通人的文化,他们想要有一个休闲的时间。(麦克罗比,1994)。


Before industrial revolution, people could not travel far. However, with the invention of steam engine, people could travel to different places easily and in a faster way. With transportation facilities, faster messaging could also become possible. The messages could be delivered by mouth through travelling and also the invention of telegraph and telephones helped greatly. The telephones and telegraphs were considered as the faster and most reliable way of communication. Industrialization also impacted the way of living and living standard. The standard of living was highly increased as people could spend to afford their desires. It also brought prosperity, as people could afford their personal tools and appliances. Even, the people at lowest point of social had changes in their standard of living. The new culture was developed by people and the old one was left behind. Thus, popular culture was that culture, which was developed by the common people (Chambers, 1985).

Thus it can be said the industrial revolution has been responsible greatly for the cultural change and has also contributed in social change. Popular culture is the analysis and description of the popular customs, beliefs, tastes, entertainment with the given social order (McRobbie, 1994). It can also be said that popular culture is the culture of masses against the culture of elites that have been organized. Eugen Weber wrote various examples of popular culture in Peasants into Frenchmen. He demonstrated how the rural population understood the characteristics of their own popular culture. He also stressed upon the “authentic” and “artificial” way of lives have been tangled together. This was aroused due to the industrial revolution and urbanization. Some of the studies have also mentioned that the early Industrial changes in Britain led to deterioration of natural and organic culture and replaced it by a mass culture. Mass culture was the culture of the common people, who wanted to have a leisure time. (McRobbie, 1994).



来自语言和文化多样化背景的妇女可以被认为是不同的,不同的群体考虑不同的结果和问题。随着文化背景的不同,女性的居住地位、受教育程度以及出生和中风的经历也不同。然而,似乎存在着一些共同的问题,这些问题可能最终影响到来自不同语言和文化背景的妇女所进行的产前保健。这些包括但不限于以下因素(Savard‐Preston, 2004):缺乏读写能力或语言能力。无法接受或无法获得卫生保健服务。关于男性卫生专业人员的文化问题。缺乏社区和家庭对女性的通常支持系统。跨主流卫生服务和产前保健的传统做法之间的冲突。

卫生专业人员缺乏文化素质。移民以外的创伤、损失和悲伤的过去。缺乏免费保健的权利。缺乏合适的资源。以下是可在此背景下提供的关键建议(Ramaekers, 2005):孕妇在30周或更长的时间内,通过触诊腹部来评估致命表现,而这种表现很可能最终会影响分娩日期。可疑的非头部表现需要在超声检查中得到证实。现提供37周妊娠期结束后无并发症的单例臀中卒中头侧外翻。相当矛盾的外部版本的头将包括以前的剖腹产,以及许多其他条件有关中风。


Women from linguistically and culturally diversified backgrounds can be considered as diverse and varying groups consider different outcomes and issues. Along with cultural background, the experiences of women are different with respect to the status of residency, level of education and previous experience of birth and stroke. However, there seems to be an involvement of common problems that may end up affecting the antenatal care up- taken by women from backgrounds diversified in terms of language and culture. These are inclusive of but not restricted to the following (Savard‐Preston, 2004):Lack of literacy or language.Unacceptability or inaccessibility of health care services.Issues of culture with respect to male professionals of health.Absence of usual support systems from community and family for the female.Conflict among traditional practices across mainstream health services and antenatal care.

Absence of the competency of culture among the professionals of health.Past of trauma, loss and grief apart from migration .Absence of entitlement to free care of health.Absence of suitable resource.Following are the key recommendations that can be provided in this context (Ramaekers, 2005):Assessment of fatal presentation by palpation of abdomen by the time 30 weeks or more have been completed by the pregnant women, and this presentation, most probably, ends up influencing the date of delivery.Presentation of suspected non- cephalic requires confirmation in the assessment of ultrasound.Offer has been made for external version of cephalic with singleton breech stroke without any complications after the gestation period of 37 weeks comes to an end.Considerably contradictions for external version of cephalic will be inclusive of previous section of caesarean, and many other conditions related to stroke.




由于“金砖四国”(BRIC,巴西、俄罗斯、印度和中国)的崛起,有大量的企业进入中国市场。这导致现有的产品比它们的生产更快地过时。Radio Shack的典型消费者是多重市场人口统计。由于可供人们选择,买主一般都有很大的权力。越来越多的人把注意力转向购买产品,供应商的议价能力很低。买方的激烈竞争对公司产生了复杂的影响。市场上发现了高水平的替代产品。这最终导致了公司的破产。竞争日益激烈,替代产品水平较高(Lavelle, Folger, and (Manegold, 2014)。


Another reason for the company was the weak sales in the wireless customer service. When it was introduced in 2000, there was high consumer support for these products. Eventually smart phones such as Apple and service providers started to provide cheaper services. Since the product concentration had turned only to mobile service, there was a huge decline in the sales. 50% of the sales of the company were depending on the wireless. The key management decisions that lacked in innovation and stiff competition was the reason for the company to fail. These factors lead to the company shares reaching “buy” rating and lead to the eventual decrease in sales and the stock price fell down steadily for the company. In the case of Meso environmental factors the Porters’ five force analysis can be used to make a systematic analysis.

There were a high number of entrants due to the rising of the BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India and China) nations. This caused the existing product to become obsolete faster than their production. Typical consumers of Radio Shack were multiple market demography. There was a general high power given to the buyers because of the choices available for the people. Growing number of people had shifted focus towards buying the products .The suppliers bargaining powers was low. The intensive competition of the buyers led to mixed effects towards the company. High level of substitute products was found in the markets. This had led to the company to fail eventually. There was rising competitions and high level of substitute products (Lavelle, Folger, and (Manegold, 2014).