

照片可能过于锐化,导致边缘出现晕(Maher, 2016)。有时,他们可能过度着色,或可能有一些花哨或不切实际的触摸他们。虽然色彩对人们来说可能是一种主观体验,但理解色彩也是创造一种诚实体验的必要条件。在弗兰普顿的电影中,摄影师谈到了他是如何在拍摄照片时关注色彩的,这是所有摄影师都会关心的问题。然而,目前的照片并不使用颜色来表达观点或创造焦点,而且它们中的大多数就像个人摄影中的自我之旅(Maher, 2016)。他们可能会利用颜色使他们在摄影中看起来很好。以Instagram为例,分享的照片是多种多样的。只有一些照片捕捉到了真实的生活场景,并加以描绘,Instagram上的大多数摄影师被认为是处理了很多色调,并影响了照片的不平衡。

在照片上提供太多的对比会使它显得与背景形成过度对比,与背景没有实际联系。事实上,每一幅画都被视为前卫的园林艺术作品,而这幅画、主体或表现的语境失去了意义,人们所能看到的只是技术的融合(Einstein, 2012)。小插曲将被过度使用,以集中在主题,而留下的背景消失的褪色。我认为这样的照片具有暂时的意义。这些照片没有自己的故事。与那些对背景有更好理解、对人和环境有更真实表现的照片不同,当今时代的照片似乎不是真实的表现。事实上,在我自己的照片中,我可以延伸这种批评。这里有一些我和朋友或自己拍的照片。


Photos might be over-sharpened which results in halos in edges (Maher, 2016). Sometimes, they might be over coloured, or might have some garish or unrealistic touch to them. While colour might be a subjective experience to people, it is necessary to understand colour as also creating an honest experience. In the case of Frampton’s movie, the photographer talks about how he was concerned with the tint and more when he was taking the photograph and that is a concern that all photographer would definitely share. However, current photographs do not use colours to make their point or to create focus, and most of them as in the case of personal photography are on an ego trip (Maher, 2016). They might make use of colours to make they look good in the photography. In the case of Instagram for instance, the photographs shared are varied. Only some of them capture true life instances and portray them, the majority of the photographer on Instagram are seen to be handled with much tinting, and affects that imbalances the photograph.

Too much contrast provided on the photograph makes it appear over contrasted with no background, no actual connection to the context. In fact, every picture is treated as an Avant garden art work and the picture, the subject or the context of representation loses its meaning and all one would be able to see is the fusing of technology (Einstein, 2012). Vignettes would be overused to focus on the subject while leaving the background to die out by fading. I believe that such photographs hold a temporary significance. The photographs do not have a story of their own. Unlike the photographs that were taken with better understanding of context, with more honest representation of the person and the surroundings, the photographs of current times do not seem to be honest representations. In fact in my own photographs, I can extend this criticism. There are some photographs I have taken, with either friends or self.






America and Britain understood the need for the nations to form a united front to deal with the rising communism in the nations. The growth of the Soviet was threatening the governance in these nations. US and Britain had coordinated to form the NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) alliance. United States had used the aid granted to the United Kingdom to move towards the agenda that would best suit the interest of United States. This was the starting point for the relationships between Britain and United States to become more strained. President Eisenhower presidential term of 1952 caused the relationship to be be further strained. The lowest point in the relationship between the two nations was observed in 1920. Nevertheless, these two nations continued to try and maintain good relations. Particularly the handing of the Eden-Dulles relationship during this time, is considered to be the example of the straining relationships between these two nations.

There were sharp disagreements between the nations during this time. The roots of this disagreement had stemmed in 1942 and was known publicly during the Yoshida letter in 1952. The policy dispute was due to the personal and temperamental differences between the member nations. The main issue was the ideological differences in policy that was pronounced because of the Eden-Dulles relationship. The mutual trust and understanding between Britain and United States which pronounced during this time was found to worsen during this situatio. To explain this issue further, the San Francisco Conference in 1950 and the Peace treaty signed by Japan have been probed in detail in the following.






Now the question that arises is how does the propeller work? This has been probed in detail in the subsequent sections. According to the fundamental laws of physics proposed by Sir Isaac Newton, it shahs that each force that is moving forward requires an equal force which is working in the opposite direction. This fundamental principle has been in use in the propeller systems. In the case of plans, it has been found that the propeller attaches itself to a plane and pushes the plane to move forward by basically pushing masses of air in the opposite direction of the movement. Added to this, the propeller has twisted blades and has angles. These blades attach itself to the center hubs known as the pitch. This pitch is used to determine the speed of the plane. This is used to move forward as the propeller spins. There is steepness of the pitch that has been observed.

This is directly found to be proportional with the forward motion. The higher steepness will case the propeller to push the plane forward. This simple understanding of the relationship can be seen by taking into account the bicycle. In the case of bicycle, it can be seen that the pitch of the propeller is found to be the same height of the gear of the bicycle. This turn of the pedaling makes the bicycle to move faster forward. In reality, there are many more dynamics in place. The blade of the propeller is designed with a complex heuristics in place. Based on the fundamental paradigm, it has been found that each blade has a propeller which is used as a rotating wing. This will be found to have forced that would create a thrust. This would be used to pull or push the airship through the air. Apart from the fundamental mechanism, there is a rotating blade of the propeller.



就业条件,至少在正式性质上,一般通过联邦园艺奖(2010)得到保护。然而,这篇文章质疑了就业标准是否足够体面,以及这些标准能否得到一致的遵守(Hardy, 2011)。本文对这一问题进行了一致的探讨,评价了3个问题。这篇文章关注的第一个问题是,劳动力的组成是否会导致揭示劳动力内部的不同层次,其中一些层次比其他层次具有更高的脆弱性(福吉,2011)。文章研究的第二个问题是,是否通过临时工人、移徙者创造了性质不利的群体,利用了收获性、工作随意性和求职过程。

第三,文章研究了是否有关于工资、工作时间和工作强度的证据,以揭示某些工人是否比其他人更容易受到伤害。文章进一步总结了这些因素,这些因素似乎与收获劳动力的分层脆弱性有关,并考虑了政策的某些影响。这篇文章的目的是通过对澳大利亚园艺领域的研究来补充文献。然而,它进一步考虑了收获劳动力的多样性,以及多层脆弱性而不是同质视角的方式(Hall and Partners, 2012)。分层脆弱性概念与造成农民工工作条件差异的各种因素有关。


Employment conditions, at the least, in formal nature are protected generally through the Federal Award of Horticulture, (2010). However, the article questions whether the standards of employment are decent enough and whether these can be observed consistently (Hardy, 2011). This question is explored consistently in the paper to evaluate 3 problems. First issue that the article looked at was whether composition of workforce led towards revealing distinct tiers within the workforce with some having higher vulnerability than the others (Fudge, 2011). Second issue the article looked at was whether harvest work casual nature and the processes of job search were utilized through temporary workers migrants creating groups of disadvantaged nature.

Thirdly, the article looked at whether evidence is present on pay, hours at work and intensity of work to reveal whether certain workers have more vulnerability than others. The article further concluded with examining these factors, which appeared to be related with harvest workforce layered vulnerability and considered certain implications of policies. The article aimed at adding to the literature by focusing upon the sector of Australian horticulture. It went further however through considering the harvest workforce diversity and the manners by which multi-layered vulnerability instead of homogenous perspectives (Hall and Partners, 2012). The layered vulnerability concept has been related with various factors causing migrant workers condition at work related disparities.





推荐信(Recommendation Letter):在英国留学申请过程中,学校通常会要求2~4封来自申请者工作主管或者教授的推荐信函。推荐信是申请文书中非常重要的组成部分。因为推荐信是申请材料中唯一的一个从第三者的角度对申请人学习成绩、学术科研能力、研究潜质和性格特点的评价。














留学 论文代写:创新销售

留学 论文代写:创新销售


留学 论文代写:创新销售

留学 论文代写:创新销售

There is rising competition and the company’s promotional activities seem to depend on the brand name it had generated. This is seen to be a complacent attitude. The company needs to develop more marketing and promotions to increase the sales in the emerging markets, increase the target market demography and to make more sales in the mature market. The target market that has been focussed is India. SMART (Specific Measurable Achievable Realistic and Time) objectives have been proposed for the company to increase the marketing awareness. The company Audi relies heavily on the quality of their products to make the sales. However, in the current times, there are a number of brands that offer the same quality and focus on marketing. The company needs to develop a strong online presence in order to reach out to the target consumer base in the society. There must be a new online campaign that should be developed by the company.

留学 论文代写:创新销售
The first objective is to increase the promotions and create more brand awareness by more than 20%. There must be reaching out to the newer consumers while satisfying the existing consumer base by the company. There must be increased buzz for the company by 40% based on the first three months of the campaign. In the current social media of instant world, there must be viral marketing and increased promotions subsequent to the launch of the activities. The third objective is to increase the sales of the product by 20% by the end of 2017. This must be based on the marketing campaign it had launched. The subsequent section probes in detail about the suitable strategies that must be implemented to meet these objectives.

留学 论文代写:水疗产业面临的挑战

留学 论文代写:水疗产业面临的挑战

本文旨在分析目前影响度假和水疗产业的三个问题或挑战。这篇文章的重点是解释每一个问题,并提出解决问题的建议。此外,本文还分析了度假和水疗行业中可能对该行业未来产生影响的五种新兴趋势。在澳大利亚,度假和水疗产业是主要的创新产业之一。由于人们对健康和外表的关注日益增加,健康行业的服务需求大幅增加。经济状况一直在放缓,但行业内的增长是有弹性的(Cohen & Bodeker, 2010)。这是因为消费者认为温泉是一种廉价的奢侈品,是逃避压力生活的必需品。尽管澳大利亚的健康产业发展迅速,但仍面临许多问题和挑战。人们迫切需要采用新的、现代的方式以更聪明的方式运作。以前成功的方法现在不能有效地使用(Cohen & Bodeker, 2010)。

留学 论文代写:水疗产业面临的挑战


留学 论文代写:水疗产业面临的挑战

This essay aims at analysing three current issues or challenges impacting the Resort and Spa industry. The focus of the essay is to explain each issue and propose recommendation to cope with it. Also, the essay aims at analysing the five emerging trends within the Resort and Spa industry that can have impact on the future of the industry. In Australia, resort and spa industry are one of the major innovative industries. The demand of the wellness industry’s service has boosted tremendously due to the rising concern among people about their health and appearance. The economic conditions have been softening, but the growth within the industry has been resilient (Cohen & Bodeker, 2010). This is due to the fact that the consumers consider spas as an inexpensive luxury and a necessity to escape from their stressful lives. In spite of the rapid growth in the Australian wellness industry, there are many issues and challenges faced. There is a dire need to adopt new and modern ways to operate in a smarter way. The methods that were successful previously cannot be used now effectively (Cohen & Bodeker, 2010).

留学 论文代写:水疗产业面临的挑战
The spa operators are required to explore different approaches to reach new clients and then retain them. The key goals should be to find high value customers, hire talented staff to provide those services and get them again and again to win their loyalty. Amongst the challenges faced by the resort and spa industry, there are three key challenges requiring immediate solutions from the spa operators. Price sensitivity issue: The first challenge faced by the resort and spa industry is the price sensitivity factor. The prices for the spa services are high due to which these have limited accessibility from the consumers. Many consumers are discouraged to use the services due to high prices of the services. Hence, the expensive spa service is one of the challenges faced by the industry. As per D’Angelo (2011), consumers view spa and resort services as a luxury, and hence do not invest in these services much. There is a dire need to reduce the prices of the services and make it accessible to wider demographic.



被选中进行批判性反思的案例是Russell Cty。Cmty。Hosp.诉阿拉巴马州。Dep没有收入,没有。15 – 1683(阿拉巴马州。Trib税收。2016年6月13日)。阿拉巴马州的税务法庭裁决,当纳税人购买了一款软件并对该软件进行了修改以供其专用时,该购买行为将成为不纳税的行为。非税收是由于定制。根据这一规定,阿拉巴马州税务局(DOR)拒绝退款,因为定制的罐装软件中既有非应税的定制部分,也有应税的罐装部分。由于他们没有分开,也不能显示为分开,退款被拒绝。


然而,当案件提交给首席税务法庭法官比尔·汤普森(Bill Thompson)时,法官表示,采用的DOR法规在本质上是矛盾的。确实,非征税只适用于在软件中定制的范围。然而,同样的DOR也被认为将现有的软件作为定制的一部分。根据阿拉巴马州。管理。代码r。810-6-1 -。37 .有一种司法方法可以减少对修改的承认。执政党对税务案件的解释是正确的,因为它根据其最初的目的或意图实施了相关规定。如果对可识别软件的修改有限制,那么这些元素必须明确地声明。这种形式的软件定制正在成为一种趋势,税法应该修改或改写,以明确地呈现定制软件的构成。


The Case in question that has been selected for critical reflection is Russell Cty. Cmty. Hosp. v. Ala. Dep’t of Revenue, No. S 15-1683 (Ala. Tax Trib. June 13, 2016). The Alabama Tax Tribunal ruled that when a taxpayer purchased a software and made modifications on the software for its exclusive use, the purchase would become nontaxable. The non-taxation is because of customization. Based on this regulation, the Alabama Department of Revenue (DOR) denied a refund, because the canned software that was customized had both nontaxable customized portions in it and taxable canned portions in it. Since they were not separated and cannot be shown to be separate, the refund was denied.

However, when the case went to the Chief Tax Tribunal Judge, Bill Thompson, the Judge stated that the DOR regulation which was applied was in nature contradictory. It was true that the non-taxation applies only to the extent of what had been customized in the software. However, the same DOR is also seen to include the existing software as part of the customization. According to Ala. Admin. Code r. 810-6-1-.37, there is a judicial way that is possible to reduce this recognition of modification. The ruling party was correct in interpreting the tax case, as it has applied the regulation that based on the original purpose or intention behind it. If there was a limit on the modifications that could be recognized with respect to the canned software, then such elements must be stated explicitly. This form of software customization is becoming a trend, and taxation law should be revised or rewritten to explicitly present what constitutes customization software.



特易购公司是一家总部设在英国花园城的跨国食品杂货和零售企业。Marks and Spencer plc是另一家总部位于英国伦敦的零售商。英国的家庭商店是另一家在英国的零售商。在这份分析中被调查的三家公司都是英国公司。这些公司能够在英国市场生存下来。他们有不同的国际化战略,使他们得以生存。这三家公司过去都取得了成功,都有独特的产品销售策略。


他们是伦敦的上市公司。在这一分析中,我们了解了公司的具体业务战略以及过去成功的方式以及在业务中克服障碍的方式。特易购(Tesco)和M&S公司(M&S Company)进行了分析,以了解一家公司如何扩张的细微差别。通过对公司宏观环境因素的分析,提出了确定公司宏观环境因素的方法。对合并和战略联盟进行了详细的考察。讨论了在此过程中需要考虑的重要变量,并由公司做出了可能的最佳决定。


Tesco Company is a multinational grocery and general retailer who has headquarters in Garden City UK. Marks and Spencer plc is another retailer who is headquarter in London UK. British Home Stores is another company that is retailer in Britain. The three companies that were probed in this analysis are British based companies. These companies have been able to survive in the UK markets. They have different internationalization strategies that have caused them to survive. All these three companies have had success in the past and have a unique product selling strategy.

They are listed companies in London. In this analysis, the specific business strategy of the company and the ways in which they have succeeded in the past and the ways in which the hurdles are overcome in the business are understood. Tesco and M&S Company are analysed to understand the nuances of how a company should expand. The ways to determine based on the macro environmental factors of the company are addressed. The detailed examination of mergers and strategic alliances are probed in detail. The important variables that need to be considered in this process are discussed and best possible determinations are made by the company.



就商业而言,需要自我保护。然而,这种自我保护不能凌驾于其他政策之上。在这种自我保护的情况下,政府制定了一套程序上的公平。在这一过程中,企业往往会感到困惑,并想方设法满足公平制度,并确保自我保护。公司必须确保他们保持一定程度的保密,以确保有增长和竞争优势(Donaldson和Dunfee, 1994)。


在这种维护商业秘密的过程中,公司不能隐瞒他们的业绩。这是一个需要正确解释的微妙立场。所有的利益相关者都必须意识到实际情况。因此,必须考虑到自我保护和社会规范的任务。公司需要权衡他们如何公平地做出贡献,同时保持商业机密(Donaldson和Dunfee, 1994)。


In the case of business, there is a need for self-preservation. However, this self-preservation must not override the other policies. In this situation of self-preservation, there is a set of procedural fairness that has been set forth by the governments. In this process, the businesses are often confounded and look for ways to meet the fair system and ensure that self-preservation is maintained. It is imperative for the companies to ensure that they maintain a certain degree of secrecy in order to ensure that there is growth and competitive advantage (Donaldson and Dunfee, 1994).

In this maintaining of trade secrets the company must not hide their performance. This is a nuanced stand that needs to be explained properly. All the stakeholders must be aware of the real facts of the situation. Hence there must be factoring in of the self-preservation and social normative mandates. The company needs to weigh in the ways in which they can contribute fairly and at the same time maintain trade secrets (Donaldson and Dunfee, 1994).