


供应商为企业提供需要转换的原始产品。公司一直在寻找降低供应成本和保持稳定供应流的方法(Strauss和Radnor, 2004)。通过这个过程,公司可以更专注于开发所开发产品的质量。公司的任何供应短缺都需要由公司来管理。在这些紧急情况下,没有足够的供应公司需要确保有一个后备计划,以满足要求(凯勒,2009)。一个公司的营销中介涉及到销售原公司开发的产品、促销、零售和分销(Strauss和Radnor, 2004)。应该有一个健全的网络战略,以确保公司的业务运作成功。企业的影响力中心和品牌形象很大程度上依赖于企业的营销中介。customer这个术语是一个宽泛的术语,它包含了不同的消费者群体(Czinkota, and Ronkainen, 2012)。从一个简单的角度来看,客户可以是个人或组织。
因此,公司的这些客户可以是个体家庭、工业企业、政府机构、国际市场和经销商市场(Czinkota, and Ronkainen, 2012)。竞争对手是指为客户提供类似服务的竞争公司或个人。对于公司来说,在产品定价范围内交付效率相同或更高的产品是非常必要的(Czinkota, and Ronkainen, 2012)。公司需要部署足够的技术和资源来制定一个有竞争力的战略计划。公司不断更新自己的技术、流程和优化资源,以发展相对于主要竞争对手的战略优势。政治立法、人口统计学、金融市场的变化、经济因素、各个领域的技术发展和文化影响都对宏观环境产生了重大影响。政治立法被认为是行动的一个必要因素。公司在开发产品时需要遵守某些协议。人口统计学因素包括年龄、性别和人口密度等。公司开发产品是为了服务于特定的人口结构。


Suppliers provide the businesses with the raw products that need to be converted. Companies are constantly looking for ways to lower supply cost and maintain steady flow of supplies(Strauss and Radnor, 2004). By this process companies can focus more on developing quality of the products that are developed. Any supply shortage of the company needs to be managed by the company. In these exigent circumstances where there is not adequate supply companies need to ensure that there is a fall back plan in place to meet the requirements (Keller, 2009).Marketing intermediaries of a company involves itself in selling of the product developed by the original company, promotions, retailing and distribution (Strauss and Radnor, 2004). There should be a robust networking strategy to ensure successful business operations of a company. Centers of influences and brand image of a company are largely dependent on the marketing intermediaries of the company. The term customer is a broad term that encompasses differential segments of consumers (Czinkota, and Ronkainen, 2012). From a simplistic standpoint customers can be individuals or organizations.
Hence these customers of a company can be individual households, industrial business corporations, governmental agencies, international markets and reseller markets (Czinkota, and Ronkainen, 2012). Competitors are defined as the rival companies or individuals who provide similar kind of services to the customers. It is imperative for companies to deliver products that are equal or higher in efficiency within the product pricing range (Czinkota, and Ronkainen, 2012). Companies need to deploy adequate technology and resources to formulate a strategic plan that is competent. Companies constantly update themselves in terms of technology, process and optimize resources to develop strategic advantages over key competitors. Political legislations, demography, change in the financial markets, economic factors, technological developments across the spectrum and cultural influences are found to hacing heavily impact on the macro environment. Political legislations are found to be an imperative factor for operations. Companies need to adhere to certain protocols while developing products. Demography factors in age, gender, and density of population to name a few. Companies develop products to service the particular demography.