


这是我们刚刚开始互相了解的阶段,大多数人都听对方的,但都试图提出他们的观点,作为一个更好的一个,以使他们的想法选择。根据塔克曼的团队发展阶段,一个团队经历了四个阶段,包括形成、规范、风暴和形成。我们的合作项目团队也将经历这些阶段。我认为,作为一个团队成员,当我们的团队达到标准化阶段时,我个人的困难就开始了(Riley-Douchet et al., 1997)。这是因为我还不习惯听取别人的意见,这对我来说是一个问题,让我的想法被别人拒绝。然而,我们很幸运有一个优秀的团队领导,他成功地带领我们完成了这个合作项目。团队领导者经常选择一种变革型的领导风格,这使得他在不同类型的情况下具有灵活性。


This was the stage when we were only starting to know each other and mostly everyone listened to the other but tried to put forth their point as a superior one in order to get their idea selected. According to Tuckman’s team development stages, there are 4 stages that a team goes through inclusive of forming, norming, storming and forming. Our collaborative project team was also to go through these stages. I think that the difficulties for me as an individual team member started when our team reached the norming stage (Riley-Douchet et al., 1997). This is because I was no yet accustomed to listening to others and it was a problem for me to get my ideas rejected over those of the others. However, we were blessed with a good team leader who led us successfully throughout this collaborative project. The team leader often chose to opt for a transformational style of leadership which allowed him to have flexibility in different types of situations.
I think that this was the main reason why our collaborative project was successful and this was because the leader was able to keep the group together by sustaining them to be highly cooperative. As a good leader should do, our team leader also divided work amongst the various team members in order to make sure that each member gets an equal amount of work. I was responsible for preparing the questions for the survey to be conducted on the children selected as participants in this study. For this, I prepared research questions first in order to provide a strong base to the research proposal. These research questions ranged from finding the challenges that stop children from adopting swimming as an activity to experience what can be gained from other sports and advantages of the act of swimming. It was initially a difficult task for me to reach these research questions because this collaborative project was the first project of its kind that I have ever experienced and this is what makes the experience even more unique.