


管理理论包括构建和分析员工的行为角色,避免战略实施中断所需的干预措施,以及监督部门间和人际关系和员工的角色(Bovée & Thill, 2013)。经理的这些活动和责任与员工参与、管理关系和指导所采用战略的发展的领导素质相一致。Daft(2000)密切研究了企业家精神,他断言企业家必须足够灵活,以实践领导者和管理者的双重角色。在他看来,一个好的领导,基本上是一个好的管理者。这使得双重角色根据需求的类型成为可能。企业家成为领导者的可能性更大是因为商业环境的不断变化,这挑战了现状和管理带来的稳定性(Karol, 2015)。当企业需要不断更新以应对不断变化的外部环境时,追求稳定的管理者可能无法引导组织战略,从而无法实现目标。这一特殊观点得到了Rothaermel(2013)的支持,他认为管理企业家精神比简单的管理实践更有利可图。相比之下,一个特别具备管理问题,外部环境挑战,并理解所构建的响应类型和质量的领导者,战略执行继续不受干扰和精简(Cogliser & Brigham, 2004)。例如,Facebook的创始人马克·扎克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)是一个比传统管理者更具有领导力的管理者,因为他所创立的企业类型需要不断的变化和迎接未来的挑战。

Bernasconi, Harris & Moensted(2013)也肯定地提出企业家应该成为领导者而不是管理者,因为技术创新需要对市场中的新干扰保持持续的警惕。Phillips(2009)还提出了领导力管理理论,在该理论中,除了对未来预期的变化和挑战做出反应外,企业家在意识到当前需要实现的承诺时是最佳的。要做到这一点,不仅仅需要成为一名管理者,还必须具备领导洞察力。每天都是不同的,尽管组织行为和过程的稳定性是加强控制和标准化的基本要求,但应对来自组织运营的日常挑战需要领导层的响应(运河,2016年)。现在的企业比以往任何时候都更加脆弱,因为不确定性主宰着市场,这为企业家专注于领导组织所需要的变革提供了强有力的理由。

Samson & Daft(2014)提出,管理带来稳定和高效的组织,而领导力鼓励参与,以解决新情况。对于企业家来说,稳定与领导企业满足新条件和挑战现状一样重要(Sehovic, 2014)。这本身就需要更多的灵活性,这可以由基于员工参与和应对新挑战的民主领导提供。例如,Thrillist Media集团的首席执行官兼联合创始人本·勒勒(Ben Lerer),由于他所创立的业务类型,在每天接受新想法和新产品时必须更有远见,更有创新精神。发现新的挑战需要更少的管理和更多的领导监督(GarcƯa-Ruiz & Toninelli, 2016)。因此,如果企业家只是像一个管理者一样行事,它可能不足以满足组织竞争力所需的新情况。然而,如果企业家是一个领导者,并意识到业务的变化性质,它就足以解决和消除所有预期的风险,因为其操作的结果。Kuratko(2013)确定了企业家的管理能力,他们既具备管理日常任务的能力,也具备监督未来预测的能力,以满足企业的战略目标。考虑到沃尔特·迪士尼,由于工业化时代的不同和企业竞争要求的不同,他相对于同时代的企业家来说是相当稳定的。因此,稳定性可能是一个更可取的属性,但由于持续的不确定性阴影随着业务,这是必不可少的领导者接受和实施变化。

Management theory involves the construction and analysis of behavioural roles of employees, the required interventions to avoid disruption in strategy implementation, and overseeing inter-departmental and interpersonal relationships and roles of employees (Bovée & Thill, 2013). These activities and responsibilities of the manager coincide with the leadership qualities of employee engagement, managing relationships, and steering the growth of the strategy employed. Daft (2000) who has studies entrepreneurship closely asserts that entrepreneurs must be flexible enough to practice the dual role of a leader and a manager. As per him, a good leader is, fundamentally by default, a good manager. This makes the dual role possible dependent on the type of need. More certain for the entrepreneur to become a leader is because of the constantly changing environment of business, which challenges status quo and the stability that management brings (Karol, 2015). When the business requires constant refreshment to be able to cope with the changing external environment, a manager who vies stability may not be able to steer the organisational strategy, and hence fail to attain the objective. This particular view is seconded by Rothaermel (2013) who considers managerial entrepreneurship a more lucrative leadership than simple management practice. In contrast, a leader who is exceptionally equipped with management issues, external environment challenges, and understands the type and quality of response to be constructed, strategy implementation continues to be undisrupted and streamlined (Cogliser & Brigham, 2004). For example, Mark Zuckerberg, who started Facebook, was a more leadership oriented manager than being a traditional manager, because the type of business he founded required constant change and meeting challenges of the future.

Bernasconi, Harris & Moensted (2013) also affirmatively propound the entrepreneur to be a leader more than a manager, because technology innovation requires constant alertness to new disruptions in the market. Phillips (2009) also propounds a theory of leadership management, in which the entrepreneur is best while being aware of the current commitments to be met, in addition to responding to the anticipated changes and challenges of the future. This is not achieved by merely being a manager, but one must also harbour a leadership insight. Every day is different, and despite stability in organisational behaviour and processes is a fundamental requirement in enhancing control and standardisation, meeting daily challenges originating out of the organisation’s operations requires a leadership response (Canals, 2016). Businesses are more fragile now than ever before, as uncertainty reigns supreme in the market, which makes a strong case for the entrepreneur to be engrossed in leading the change that is required of the organisation.

Samson & Daft (2014) proposes that management brings stability and efficient organisation, whereas leadership encourages engagement to address new conditions. For an entrepreneur, stability is as important as leading the business to meet new conditions that present themselves and challenge the status quo (Sehovic, 2014). This, by itself, requires more flexibility which can be provided by the democratic leadership based on employee involvement and addressing new challenges. As for example, Ben Lerer, CEO and co-founder of the Thrillist Media group, had to be more forward looking and equally innovative in accepting new ideas and products on a daily basis, owing to the type of business he founded. Identifying new challenges requires less of management and more of leadership oversight (GarcƯa-Ruiz & Toninelli, 2016). Hence, if the entrepreneur is only behaving like a manager, it may not suffice the organisational competitiveness required to address new condition. However, if the entrepreneur is a leader and is aware of the changing nature of business, it is sufficient to address and eliminate all risks that are anticipated as a result of its operations. Kuratko (2013) identifies the managerial capabilities of an entrepreneur who is equally equipped with managing daily tasks and also to oversee future predictions to meet the strategic goals of the business. Considering Walt Disney, he was rather stable compared to current generation of entrepreneurs because of the difference in the epochs of industrialization and the requirement of businesses to be competitive. Hence, stability may be a more desirable attribute, but owing to constant shadow of uncertainty following the business, it is essential to be a leader to accept and implement change.
