


在这有许多差异之间的佛教信徒,出现了语言的差异,理论上的分歧,非佛教学派的影响,对具体的教师,随着这种分歧,有人喜欢韩瑜,considered Buddha的部落和批判如来佛祖的学说。韩批评很多,有佛教的皇帝;其中之一是隋高祖(隋公元581-618年皇帝)。汉高祖的仆人说,陛下服从僧侣的指挥和派出僧人把如来佛祖的骨,陛下的仆人是愚蠢的,他们不能理解你的统治者是如来佛祖误导。这种聪明的人怎么会相信这种事情呢?此外,他说,这些人是愚蠢和无知的如来佛祖追随者,他们很容易被误导,困难的开明。
虽然很少有人反对佛教扩张汉朝和许多其他日本时期,一个更广的层面这个宗教的扩张已经在东亚地区如中国,几乎所有的地区日本,印度,韩国和更多。中国是第一个承认佛教及其学说的重要性,在他们的影响下,像韩国和日本地区也开始在日常生活中遵守佛教的原则。因此,可以注意到,在这里,即使它经历了几个分歧和批评,中国从来没有让它,甚至使它如此著名,在现有的世界各地的人越来越多地成为这一宗教和哲学的追随者。虽然韩瑜批评Lord Buddha的生活,这是毫无意义的,他是真正的圣灵谁奉献了他的整个生命在教学和帮助别人。


After this there have been found many differences amongst the Buddhist followers, there appeared language differences, doctrinal disagreements, impacts of non-Buddhist schools, loyalties to specific teachers, etc. Along with such disagreements there were people like Han Yu that considered Buddha a tribesman and critiqued Buddha’s doctrine. Han criticized many of the emperors that have supported Buddhism; one of them was Sui Gaozu (emperor of Sui Dynasty 581-618). Han said to Gaozu servants that your Majesty obey the command of monks and sent monks to bring Buddha’s bone, servants of your majesty are stupid that they cannot understand that your ruler is misled by this Buddha. How could such intelligent people believe in this sort of thing? Further he says for the Buddha followers that these people are stupid and ignorant and they have been easily misled with difficulty enlightened.

Although there were few people against Buddhism expansion during the period of Han dynasty and many others of Japan, a wider level of expansion of this religion have been found in almost all the regions of East Asia like China, Japan, India, Korea and many more. China was the first that recognized the importance of Buddhism and its doctrine, under their influences, regions like Korea and Japan also start to obey the principles of Buddhism in their daily life. Thus it can be noticed here that even though it had gone through several disagreements and criticism, Chinese had never let it down and even made it so famous that in the existing world people of across the world have increasingly became the follower of this religion and philosophy. Although Han Yu criticized the life of Lord Buddha, that was pointless and he was in real a holy spirit who devoted his entire life in teaching and helping others.