
research paper 代写:社交媒体与儿童保育组织

research paper 代写:社交媒体与儿童保育组织

社交媒体被认为是组织双向对称沟通的主流方式(Rubin和Babbie, 2016)。因此,为了了解中国儿童保育组织利用社交媒体改善公共关系的方式,分析这些组织的网站和社交媒体页面变得至关重要。以下是通过内容分析可以回答的研究问题:中国的10家儿童保育机构中有多少使用社交媒体渠道?社交媒体如何改善儿童保育组织的公共关系?与传统渠道相比,利用社交媒体改善公共关系的效果如何?在儿童保育组织的社交媒体页面管理中,是否认为社交媒体平台是沟通的重要渠道?以下是基于研究问题而提出的假设。假设1:中国十分之八的儿童看护机构在社交媒体页面上使用双向对称的传播方式与受众进行互动。假设2:中国儿童保育组织的社交媒体页面不考虑现实性和互动性的要求。

research paper 代写:社交媒体与儿童保育组织
假设3:拥有已建立的社交媒体页面的育儿机构管理人员数量可观;将社交媒体平台视为与公众沟通的重要工具。通过各种方式,可以评估社交媒体在改善中国儿童保育组织公共关系方面的有效性。内容分析将初步了解使用社交媒体与公众互动的组织数量。它将进一步让人们了解各种儿童保育组织在其社交媒体页面上使用的不同类型的内容。如Stemlet(2015)所言,内容分析是系统理解用于沟通的内容的有效研究方法(Stemler, 2015)。因此,确定触发交互和促进双向通信的内容类型就变得至关重要。因此,将评估使用的内容的相关性、相似性和类型。

research paper 代写:社交媒体与儿童保育组织

Social media is regarded as the prevailing method for the facilitation of two way symmetrical communication for the organizations (Rubin and Babbie, 2016). Hence, in order to gain understanding of the manner in which Chinese child care organizations have utilized the social media to improve public relations, the analysis of the websites along with the social media pages of these organizations become essential.Following are the research questions that can be answered through conducting the content analysis:How many of the 10 child care organizations in China use the social media channels?How do the social media improve public relations of the child care organizations?How effective is the utilization of social media in comparison with traditional channels to improve the public relations?Does the management of child care organizations with the organizational social media pages consider the platforms of social media as the essential channels of communication?Following is the hypotheses that were articulated on the basis of the research questions.Hypothesis 1: Eight out of ten child care organizations in China use the two way symmetrical communication methods for interacting with the audience with consideration to the social media pages.Hypothesis 2: The social media pages of the child care organizations in China do not consider the requirements of actuality and interactivity.

research paper 代写:社交媒体与儿童保育组织
Hypothesis 3: Considerable number of management executives of the child care organizations with the established social media pages; consider the platforms of social media as the essential tool of communication with the public.There are various manners through which the effectiveness of social media in improving the public relations of the child care organizations in China can be evaluated. The content analysis will initially enable the understanding of the number of organizations that use the social media for interacting with the public. It will further allow gaining insight of the different types of content that are used by the various child care organizations over their social media pages. As argued by Stemlet (2015), the content analysis is the effective research method for systematic understanding of the content used for communication (Stemler, 2015). Therefore, it becomes essential that the content type which triggers the interaction and facilitates two way communications is identified. Hence, the relevance, similarity and the type of content used will be evaluated.