

硕士论文代写:非正式工作组。一般来说,非正式工作组有能力控制其成员的行为,并直接影响生产力的水平。乔治·霍曼斯(George Homans)发展了一个社会制度的模型来解释它们的力量从何而来影响个人的行为。霍曼斯确定了构成社会系统的三个要素:活动、互动和情感。活动是员工通常执行的任务。互动是人们在执行任务时的行为,情感是个体之间发生的态度。虽然这些概念是不同的,但它们之间有很强的相互依赖性(Jibowo 2007)。因此,在其中一个元素中发生的任何更改都会影响其他两个元素。接下来硕士论文代写将对非正式工作组进行以下分析与讨论。

在任何组织中,成员都必须参与某些活动、进行某些互动和表达某些情绪,否则他们就必须离开。有一些活动应该由一起工作的人来完成,并让人们在组织中继续工作感到满意。如果情绪变得更加积极,人们会加强他们之间的互动。如果这个过程持续下去,人们会发展出类似的情绪和行为。一旦群体的凝聚力增强,群体就会形成期望和规范,强调特定环境下人们的可接受行为(Jun et al, 2006)。如果这个群体有明显的凝聚力,成员就不会想离开,他们会很快接受规范。如果出现了员工偏离规范的情况,他们要么会被批准,要么会被迫离开组织。一个强大的非正式团体不应该被视为组织的问题。它可以帮助提高整体性能。然而,帮助他们整合自己的目标并使其与组织的目标保持一致是至关重要的。尽管McGregor等人认为基于X理论假设的人际能力提升管理已经过时,但它仍被广泛应用。此后,尽管它认为人们在工作场所不成熟、懒惰(Kamalian et al, 2010),仍然有许多公司使用它。


Generally speaking, informal work groups have the power to control the behaviour of their members and in directly influence the level of productivity. George Homans developed a model of social systems to explain from where their power comes to influence individuals’ behaviour . Homans identified the three elements that compose a social system: activities, interactions and sentiments. Activities are the usual tasks employees perform. Interactions are the behaviours between people while performing the tasks and the sentiments are the attitudes that occur between individuals. Although these concepts are distinct, there is a strong and mutual dependency between them (Jibowo 2007). As a result, any change that happens in one of these elements will influence the other two.

In any organization, certain activities, interactions and sentiments are required from its members otherwise they would have to leave. There are certain activities should be done by people that work together and be satisfying for people to continue working within the organization. If the sentiments are becoming more positive, people will enhance the interactions between them. If this process continues, people will develop similar sentiments and behaviours. Once the cohesion of the group increases, the group will develop expectations and norms that highlight the accepted behaviour of the people in specific circumstances (Jun et al, 2006). If the group is significantly cohesive, the members would not want to leave and they will embrace the norms quickly. If there are situation when people deviate from the norms, they will be either sanctioned or forced to leave the organization. A strong informal group should not be seen as an issue for the organization. It can help improve the overall performance. It is however essential to help them integrate and align their own goals with the ones of the organization. Increasing interpersonal competence management based on Theory X assumptions is still widely practiced, although McGregor and others consider it as being outdated. Henceforth, there are many companies that still use it today, although it considers people as being immature and lazy at the workplace (Kamalian et al, 2010).

Argyris considers that bureaucratic-pyramidal values lead to poor and superficial relationships between the members of an organization. These relationships moreover are not authentic and lead to low interpersonal competence, because they do not allow the natural expression of feelings. Further on, Argyris points out that an environment that is not psychologically safe is a proper ground for conflict, rigidity and low performance (Khalid et al, 2010). On the other hand, if management emphasizes on humanistic and democratic values, authentic relationships developed on trust will develop among people leading to higher interpersonal competence and organizational competence. In such an environment, people are given the opportunity to develop their full potential and management strives to create an exciting and challenging environment. The members of the organizations are treated as persons with a complex set of needs and are given the chance to influence the way in which they relate to work and environment. The bureaucratic-pyramidal values that dominate most organizations have lead to many issues (Khan et al, 2010). Individuals have to change in order to make the transition toward mature people. First, they need to move from a passive attitude to a state of activity. Next, they should develop to a state of relative independence and start behaving in many ways. The members should develop deeper and stronger interest, while having a long-term perspective.
