
swot analysis 代写:了解敌意收购

swot analysis 代写:了解敌意收购

本文选择的三种重组形式包括并购、敌意收购和联合冒险。其目的是解释每一种形式的重组的目的。敌意收购——这是一种公司内部的收购,通常是违背目标公司董事会的意愿进行的(Gaughan, 2010)。这种独特的收购并不像友好性质的收购那样经常发生,因为收购在这里被认为是很重要的。收购敌意性质对任何公司来说都是痛苦的,反过来对被收购的公司来说也可能是危险的,因为收购公司可能没有能力获得目标公司所需的特定信息(Maksimovic et al., 2011)。公司是购买和解决日常基础。恶意收购的目的在于确保公司在没有得到另一家公司适当批准的情况下被接管。当控制权为公开交易的公司控制权而被争夺时,获得控制权的一方试图接管具有敌意的性质,并可能以一般两种方式中的一种绕过董事会的批准而继续进行收购。目的通过两种方式实现(Cartwright et al., 2012)。

swot analysis 代写:了解敌意收购

首先,收购人可能会试图购买足够的公司股份,以获得公司内部的控制权。其次,收购方更应该尝试说服当前的股东在一个新的董事会中投票,这个董事会接受收购要约。合并:当两个组织联合起来组成一个单独的组织时发生的合并。合并与收购有一定的相似之处,除了在合并的情况下,这两个涉及的组织的利益相关者保留了他们对新组织的集体保留的兴趣。相反,在收购中,一个组织可能会从第二家公司购买大量的股票,从而在新制定的组织中产生不平衡的所有权平衡(Gomes et al., 2013)。整个并购过程通常对公众和相关公司的大多数员工保密。由于大多数试图进行的合并都没有取得成功,而且大多数都是保密的,因此很难确定在特定年份有多少合并可能发生。有可能这个数字比较高,但是考虑到成功的并购数量和不同公司的并购意愿。

swot analysis 代写:了解敌意收购

The 3 forms of restructuring selected for the purpose of this paper are inclusive of merger and acquisitions, hostile takeover and joint venturing. The aim is to explain the purpose of each of these forms of restructuring. Hostile Takeovers- This is a kind of takeover within corporate which often is carried out against the target company boards wishes (Gaughan, 2010). This unique kind of acquisition does not happen as often as takeovers of friendly nature wherein 2 organizations work collectively, because takeover is considered here as important. Takeover of hostile nature is traumatic for any company and then in turn can be risky for the one being taken over, as the company acquiring might not have the ability of obtaining specific information as needed on the targeted organizations (Maksimovic et al., 2011). Companies are purchased and solve on everyday base. The purpose of a hostile takeover lies in ensuring that a company is taken over without board of director of another company’s proper approval. When control is being vied for publicly traded firm control, the one acquiring attempts the takeover of hostile nature and might proceed with it for bypassing the approval of the board in one of 2 manners generally. The purpose is accomplished in 2 ways (Cartwright et al., 2012).

swot analysis 代写:了解敌意收购
The first is that acquirer might make attempts of purchasing sufficient shares of the organization, so as to acquire an interest of control within the firm. Secondly, acquirer should rather try persuading current stakeholders for voting in a newer board, which takes acceptance for the offered takeover. Mergers: A merger happens when 2 organizations combine to formulate an individual organization. A merger is somewhat same to acquisition except the fact that in the situation of merger, present stakeholders of both involved organizations retain their collectively retained interest in the new organization. On the contrary, within an acquisition, an organization might purchase a bulk of stock from second company resulting to create an uneven ownership balance in the newly formulated organization (Gomes et al., 2013). The whole process of merger is generally kept secretive from the common public and often from most of the employees at the companies involved. As most of the mergers attempted do not result in success and most are kept secretive, it is problematic to depict how many mergers have the potential of occurring in a particular year. There is likeliness that the number is quiet high, but considering the successful mergers amount and the mergers desirability for various companies.