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按照学者Henri Lefebvre的说法,空间代表健身房,办公室餐厅或任何其他人与其他人进行社交互动的地方,如果另一个人无法满足他的需求,他们会根据任何人的期望创造关系中的空间。因此,就物理位置而言,以及在关系中产生的差距而言,空间是有限的。在这种关系中,差距会导致人们之间的情感上的分离。这受到关系中的专业化行为变化的影响,并使家庭/个人生活的情感之间存在距离(Henri Lefebvre,1991)。

目前在现代社会,人们受到职业压力或者他们的职业压力,他们的个人生活以其他人缺乏社会兴趣的形式表现出来。一场为了他们的事业和改善经济状况的比赛完成了人们的个人和社会生活。相关差距被称为“空间”,而其他学者Gaston Bache以他自己的方式用“place”的形式描述关系表达式。所有那些以地点/事件形式表现的地方,通过认识哪些人回忆记忆并与他们的心理/情绪联系起来。人们通常认为他们有良好的记忆,但实际上,这些都是对那些影响中期的情绪,并有助于找出情况。



As per the scholar Henri Lefebvre space represents the gym, office restaurant or any other place where people socially interact with other and based on anyone’s expectations if another cannot fulfills his demand it creates the space in the relations. So, space in the terms of physical locations and in the terms of gap that arise in relationships. In such relations the gap results in the emotionally detachment among people. This influenced by the change in the behavior that shows professionalism in relations and makes the distance in the connection of sentiments for the home/ personal life (Henri Lefebvre, 1991).

At present in the modern world, where people are under the pressure of career or their profession spoils their personal life that shown the results in the form of lack of social interest for others. A race for making their career and improving economic conditions finish people’s personal and social life. The related gap is known as “space” whereas it describes by other scholar Gaston Bache lard in his own way with the relation express in the form of “place”. All place those represents in the form of locations/ events by the recognition of which people recall memories and connect with their psychology / emotions. People generally think they have good memory but actual it is all emotions those influence on the mid and help it in finding out the situation.
Fictions Example
An example is regarding the man whose fiancée left him after keeping a relationship with him for six years. The reason of leaving is the Cheating that he has done upon her. He has kept his relationships with other girls and when this matter came in front of her; she refused to continue further with him.



由于持续增长和经济前景乐观,巴西是一个潜力巨大的国家。由于30年的专制统治,该国的政治状况永远不可预测。不仅如此,该国的政策在商业方面从未如此。 (Coha.org,2014)自专制统治结束以来,巴西正在走向民主进程。尽管如此,巴西的政治局面并不乐观,因为选举过程缺乏透明度。购买选举投票及其政治局势中存在的极性可能对巴西的跨国公司和企业构成威胁。 (Makos,2014)
与此同时,该国在2014年进行了全国大选,新政府对国际业务的政策并不确定。在确保当地工业和欢迎外国企业之间尚有平衡。腐败率很高,该国在透明国际访问的180个国家中排名第72位。 (Kaitlin,2011)腐败率较高,包括通货膨胀,并向政府官员反馈,以确保顺利的业务场景。该国政治稳定,但没有担保,并且企业税率高于邻国。 (Lucintel.com,2014)

巴西经济由于人口增长而迅速增长。由于该国存在潜力,外国直接投资流入量在过去几年中有所好转。与外国企业相比,本地工业的建立并不是很大,缺乏商业技术。 (咨询,2015)像ASOS这样的公司可以利用这一事实,因为其强大的营销活动。由于持续的外国直接投资流动,货币近年来不再贬值。 (brazilteam2.tumblr.com,2012)


Brazil is a country with high potential growth because of the continuous growth and positive economic outlook. Political condition of the country has never being predictable because of 30 years of authoritarian reign. Not only has that, policies of the country never been the same in terms of business. (Coha.org, 2014) Brazil however is being moving towards democratic process since the authoritarian reign has ended. Still the Brazil political scenario is not favorable because of lack in transparency in its electoral process. The purchasing of electoral vote and the polarity that exists in its political scenario may pose a threat to multinational companies and businesses in Brazil. (Makos, 2014)
Along with that, the country has gone through its national election in 2014 and the new government is not certain in its policies towards international businesses. There are yet to create a balance between the securing the local industry and welcoming the foreign businesses. The corruption rate is high and the country is ranked 72nd amongst 180 countries accessed by transparency international. (Kaitlin, 2011) The higher corruption rate includes inflation and kick backs to government official to ensure smooth business scenario. The country is politically stable but with no guarantees and contains higher corporate tax rate than neighboring countries. (Lucintel.com, 2014)

Economy of Brazil is growing rapidly because of its increasing population. The FDI inflow is being better from last few years because of the potential that exist in the country. The local industry is not established to a great extent and lack business technicalities as compared to the foreign businesses. (Consulting, 2015) The company like ASOS can exploit this fact due to its strong marketing activities. The currency has stopped getting devalued in recent years because of consistent FDI flow. (brazilteam2.tumblr.com, 2012)




因此,盈利公告不过是宣布公司的利润。这是一个公开声明,它定义了公司一直在为国家贸易和股票市场创收和贡献的利润。反映股票市场盈利方式的收益公告(Kamma et al,2009)。


Earning announcements may be defined as the official public statement of the overall profitability of the company which can be made for the given period of time. This announcement is generally made for some specific period of time, which may be a quarter or the entire year. The earnings announcements are made on the basis of the specific dates which can be specific to the season of earnings. The earnings announcements therefore are made on the basis of the time when the company or the organization can earn more and more profits. The stock markets also respond to the earning announcements of the company. The post earnings announcements also have a significant effect on the markets which are associated with the company or the organization. Thus, earning announcements forms to be an important entity in the markets in UK. It is something which forms the fundamentals of the markets and lets the investors plan themselves. In this research paper the focus has been done on the earning announcements in UK in different sectors. The research will focus on the analysis of the earning announcements, the effects of the post earnings announcements, the methodologies related to the earning announcements and the literature which is associated with the same. Furthermore, the methodology related to the earning announcements will be discussed and studied.

Thus, an earnings announcement is nothing but the announcement of the profit of the company. It is a public statement which defines the profits which a company has been earning and contributes to the national trade and stock market. It is the earning announcements which reflect the way the earnings are done in the stock market (Kamma et al, 2009).





4.杰克要求从山姆退款,但根据1908年货物销售法(立法,立法机关,2014年第14节(1)),其中说,除非另有销售协议有不同的意图,那里是暗示的保证,当买方在销售合同期间没有被宣布时,货物不受任何第三方的任何负担或收费。这表明如果买方不知道任何第三方的任何费用,卖方必须向买方提供保证。杰克可以通过这个行为向山姆索取全额退款,但是山姆也不知道电脑被盗,他也可以向卖给他的人索要退款。但是,第22(1)条提到,当卖方之间存在销售合同时,风险从卖方转移到买方,除非在保证和风险转移中提到了这种情况(Legislation.govt.nz ,第22(1)号,2014)。因此,交易双方都有相应的规定,如果提及,卖方必须提供保证。


3. A. Library books are situated in the library. The owner of the library has the ownership of the library books and people borrowing the books for this library have the possession of books for a short while.
B. The real property in which the tenant is staying is owned by the legal owner of the real property. In short, the legal or the documented proof carrying the ownership of the real property has the ownership of the property. The tenant staying in the real property of the owner has the possession of the property and not the ownership. The tenant is just staying in it and has temporary possession of the real property.


4. Jack has asked for the refund from Sam, but according to the Sale of Goods Act 1908 (Legislation.govt.nz, section 14 (1), 2014), which says that unless otherwise the sale agreement has a different intention, there is an implied warranty that the goods are free from any encumbrances or charge on any third party when the buyer is not declared about it during the contract of sale. This indicates that the seller has to provide a warranty to the buyer if there is any charge from any third party not known to the buyer. By this act, jack can claim full refund from Sam, but Sam also did not know about the computer being as stolen one and he can also claim the refund from the person who sold it to him. However, section 22 (1) mentions that the risk passes along from the seller to the buyer when there is a contract of sale between them unless any such condition is mentioned in it for the warranty and the passing of risk (Legislation.govt.nz, Section 22 (1), 2014). Thus the transaction is open for both to formulate accordingly and if it is mentioned in it, the seller has to provide a warranty.




全球经济衰退始于美国雷曼兄弟(Lehman Brothers)倒闭,当时人们认为这些危机将不会对世界经济造成影响。起初来自世界其他地方的反应仅仅是责怪美利坚合众国的涡轮资本主义,但这种指责的有效性仍然值得怀疑。由于美国货币当局紧随其后的货币政策效率低下,全球经济衰退的种子已经深入人心,正在把目前的泡沫推向国际水平。要消除经济衰退的迹象是非常困难的,因为美国的房地产泡沫已经被证明是世界其他地区住房市场的警告(Brahmbhatt,et al,2010)。


This essay is an effort to shed light on the consequences that were passed by global recession to the processes of economic globalization, internationalization and neo-liberalism. Different viewpoints regarding causes of recession and its impact on globalization would be discussed in this essay. Firstly the initial reasons behind global recession are going to be discussed in first section. Second section of the essay is focused on the consequences of global recession for the current trends in global economy. Third section will shed light on the implications of global recession for “financial and real economic integration”. On the basis of detailed discussion a conclusion is going to be made which would clearly indicate the issues addressed in the essay.

Global recession started with the collapse of Lehman Brothers in United States and at that time people thought that these crises will simply pass leaving no or little effects on world economy. Initially the reaction coming from rest of the world was simply to blame United States of America for its turbo capitalism but the validity of this blame is still questionable. Due to the inefficiency of monetary policy followed by United States ’monetary authorities the seeds of global recession are deeply implanted and is blowing the current bubble on an international level. It is very hard to remove the signs of recession because the housing bubble in United States has indicated to be the warning for the housing sector of rest of the world (Brahmbhatt, et al, 2010).



最早采用新技术的理论之一是Davis,Bagozzi和Warshaw(1989)提出的技术接受模型。该模型是基于社会心理学理论和计划行为理论,并建议任何技术的接受取决于两个因素,包括“技术的有用性的感知”以及该技术的“感知的易用性”(戴维斯,Bagozzi和Warshaw,1989)。这里的感知有用性意味着可能使用该技术的人认为该技术会提高他或她的表现的程度(Davis等,1989)。感知易用性意味着一个人认为该技术使用起来容易和舒适的程度(Davis et al。1989)。对TAM模型的有效性进行的实证研究表明了积极的结果。例如Adamson和Shine(2003)发现证据表明,银行信息系统的感知有用性和易用性改善了客户对新的银行信息系统的态度。同样,Hsu和Lu(2005)发现,消费者发现有用性和易用性是购买在线视频游戏的主要因素。




One of the first theories on adoption of new technologies is the Technology Acceptance Model forwarded by Davis, Bagozzi and Warshaw (1989). The model is based on social psychology theories and also planned behaviour theories and suggests that the acceptance of any technology depends on two factors including the “perception of usefulness of the technology” as well as the “perceived ease of use” of the technology (Davis, Bagozzi, and Warshaw, 1989). Perceived usefulness here means that the extent to which the person who is likely to use the technology believes that the technology will improve his or her performance (Davis et al. 1989). Perceived ease of use means the degree to which a person believes that the technology is easy and comfortable to use (Davis et al. 1989). Empirical studies conducted on the validity of the TAM model indicated positive results. For instance Adamson and Shine (2003) found evidence that that perceived usefulness and ease of use of banking information systems improved customers’ attitude towards new banking information systems. Likewise, Hsu and Lu (2005) found that consumers found usefulness and ease of use to be the main factors in their purchase attitudes towards the purchase of online video games.


However, other studies such as Chau and Hu (2001) found no relationship between ease of use and positive attitudes towards adoption of new information technologies. Furthermore in another study, Lee and Lehto (2013) found in a study of using YouTube for the first time for learning purpose, that whilst perceived usefulness due to YouTube’s content and information richness was linked was a factor in generating positive attitudes towards YouTube, ease of use was not a major factor. Therefore it is possible that factors other than perceived usefulness or ease of use played a role in the adoption of new technologies.





事实上,目前的研究表明,最近的经济衰退已经导致了一个国家,消费者最终挂甚至最常见的趋势的购买选择的商店,提供具有竞争力的价格和其他地方的一线员工是有助于使他们能够找到合适的产品(亚瓦斯et al,2011)。在这种情况下,在分析影响一线员工服务质量的因素时,首先要考虑的是一线员工必须如何对待消费者。这是很难回答,因为一线员工往往在购物环境、服务中心等各部门的参与,所以没有固定的方式来提高服务质量(卡拉泰佩,Babakus,和亚瓦斯,2012)。服务质量的改善将取决于许多不同的因素,特设的建设将需要提高前线雇员的服务质量。


The good or bad performance of services can impact not only satisfaction also on the customer’s loyalty, which means the frontline employees as being critical to business success (Exandrov, Babakus, and Yavas, 2007). The consequence of a service failure could be lead to customers stop buying the product or telling other customers about the dissatisfaction (Kirkbir and Cengiz, 2007). The current market is very competitive. Businesses are coming up with competitive practices in order to ensure that newer segments of consumers are attracted towards their products and services. In this context retention of existing consumer segments becomes a challenge. Here when front line employees do not meet the needs of existing consumer segments, the consumer might no be loyal anymore as they have price wise and product wise competitive choices elsewhere.


In fact current research indicates that the more recent economical decline has led to a state where consumers ended up hanging even their most common trend of purchasing opting for shops that offered competitive prices and others where the frontline employees were helpful in enabling them to find the right product (Yavas et al, 2011). In such cases an important question to consider when analyzing the factors affecting the service quality of frontline employees is that of how the frontline employee must act towards a consumer. This is something that would be difficult to answer because frontline employees are often involved in various departments in a shopping environment or in a service centre etc, so there is not fixed way to improve service quality (Karatepe, Babakus, & Yavas, 2012). The service quality improvement would depend on many diverse factors and ad-hoc constructions would be required to improve the service quality of frontline employees.



Chatime是澳大利亚的一家台湾茶叶连锁店,当地的特许经营商Charley Zhao希望将其打造成为连锁店的星巴克。他目前正瞄准澳大利亚的亚洲人口,把Chatime定位为一个利基细分市场。这个观点可以被看作是赵想要出现的一个亚洲的鸽子洞。他想把加盟商定位为主流澳大利亚人的主要连锁店。但是,从亚洲客户群转向主流澳大利亚人并不容易。 Chatime应重新定位,以迎合澳大利亚主流人口的文化,需求,需求和偏好。需要通过充分的市场调研来帮助做出关键决策,从而实现彻底的SMART计划流程。规划过程就是弥补当前情况和Chaitime应该定位在茶店连锁星巴克之间的差距。

Chatime加盟商的目标是成为热门的茶吧连锁店,就像星巴克咖啡连锁店一样。然而,市场营销和特许经营专家认为,还需要走一段相当长的距离才能使Chatime适合澳大利亚的主流市场。这项研究是需要做出什么调整才能使Chatime适应主流市场(Brandon,2004)。目前,Chatime正瞄准以中国人口为主的亚洲澳大利亚市场。 Chatime店铺开业的地区主要是亚洲人口。


The Chatime is a Taiwanese tea shop chain in Australia, which the local master franchisor Charlley Zhao wants to make it the Starbucks of tea shop chains. He is currently targeting the Asian population of Australia and positioning the Chatime as a niche segment player. This view can be seen as an Asian pigeonhole from which Zhao wants to emerge. He wants to position the franchisee as a staple tea shop chain for the mainstream Australians. But switching from the Asian customer base to the mainstream Australians is not easy. The Chatime should be repositioned so that it caters to the culture, needs, wants and preferences of the broad demographics of the mainstream Australians. A thorough and SMART planning process is required that is helped by adequate market research in helping to take critical decisions. The planning process is way to meeting gaps between the current scenario and where Chaitime should be positioned in order to be the Starbucks of tea shop chains.

Issue Identification
The aim of the Chatime franchisee is to become popular chain of tea bars, much like what Starbucks is to the coffee shop chains. However, the experts of marketing and franchising opine that a fair distance still needs to be traversed to make Chatime to fit into the mainstream market of Australia. The research is needed as what adjustments are required to enable Chatime fitting into the mainstream market (Brandon, 2004). Currently, Chatime is targeting Asian Australian market that is predominated by the Chinese population. The localities, where the Chatime shops are opened are dominated by the Asian population.
Zhao aims for the mainstream market and thinks the mainstream population of Australia will embrace the tea brand. However, his franchisees are skeptical regarding his claims. The market research needs to be carried out to gauge the mainstream consumer preferences related to the product range Chatime offers (Malhotra, Peterson, & Kleiser, 1999).



“消费者行为本质上是指人们如何以及为什么做出购买决定。营销人员努力了解这种行为,以便他们能够更好地制定适当的营销刺激措施,从而提高销售额和品牌忠诚度(Mason,2015)。有机食品市场的研究一直集中在目标消费者的消费行为趋势上。 Kaiser和Wilson(2000)关注有机食品在文化方面的驱动因素。这里的重点是不同的文化是否会激励人们消费有机食品,其他人可能不会被动机购买。这里的作者试图研究如何生态行为将有助于选择的偏好,以及如何可以跨文化的变化。然而,这种对自然有益的看法可能不是人们选择有机食品的唯一原因。有机食品的选择可以根据年龄,班级,性别研究水平,收入和更多。研究集中在消费者购买某些类型食品的心理动机上。大多数消费者喜欢高质量的食物,而购买优质食物产品则经常引用健康问题。 Krystallis和Ness(2004)能够确定如何购买某些食物有一些关键的动机决定。作者试图通过进行目标产品调查来映射消费者偏好,其中分析产品质量的外在和内在线索以影响消费者动机。消费者带来了他们认为质量很高,健康的食品,也可以称得上满意的道德意识。他们还专注于他们所做的食物选择的美味。


“Consumer behavior essentially refers to how and why people make the purchase decisions they do. Marketers strive to understand this behavior so they can better formulate appropriate marketing stimuli that will result in increased sales and brand loyalty” (Mason, 2015). Research on organic food markets have been focused on the consumption behavior trends of the target consumers. Kaiser and Wilson (2000) focus on the drivers of consumption for organic food with respect to culture. The focus here is on whether different cultures will motivate people to consumer organic food which others might not be motivated to buy. Authors here attempt to study how the ecological behavior will contribute preference for choices and how there could be cross cultural variations. However this perception of what is good for the nature may not be the only reason behind why people make organic food choices. Organic food choices may be made based on the age, the class, gender study level, income and more also. Research studies have focused on the psychological motivations of the consumer towards buying certain types of food. High quality food is preferred by most consumers and health concerns are often cited for purchasing quality food products. Krystallis and Ness (2004) were able to establish how there were some key motivational decisions for the purchase of some food. The authors attempt to map the consumer preferences by conducting an target product survey where both extrinsic and intrinsic cues of the product quality were analyzed for influencing consumer motivations. Consumers brought food that they thought had a very high quality, and were healthy and could also be rated as satisfying ethical consciousness. They also focused on the tastiness aspect of the food choice they made.





In common law, a contract can be defined as a legally binding agreement between two parties. There are few very important conditions that should be fulfilled before a contract becomes valid. According to Friedman (2011), Parties to a contract have to make a contract that is legally binding in nature. The key parts of a contract are offer, acceptance and consideration.
Prior to creation of a contract, a consumer has to make an offer and if the trader accepts it for a certain price, than the parties have a contract.
The contract between parties to a contract can only be materialized if an offer is accepted.
Consideration means that both parties must do something or promise to do something which they intend to be legally binding
Application to the scenario
Ross and Francis
The case of Ross and Francis is an invitation to treat because there was no consideration and acceptance from Francis. Francis is not supposed to sell the goods just because there is an advertisement on display. It does mean that Ross was invited to make an offer but there is no legally binding agreement between Ross and Francis.
Harriet and Francis
In the case of Harriet and Francis, there is a legally binding agreement. It is because Harriet has signed the letter and promised to pay the $300,000 for Townhouse. Though payment may not have to be made when the offer was accepted but Harriet is bound to pay later on. The contract between Harriet and Francis was signed on 7 September 2014.