


最早采用新技术的理论之一是Davis,Bagozzi和Warshaw(1989)提出的技术接受模型。该模型是基于社会心理学理论和计划行为理论,并建议任何技术的接受取决于两个因素,包括“技术的有用性的感知”以及该技术的“感知的易用性”(戴维斯,Bagozzi和Warshaw,1989)。这里的感知有用性意味着可能使用该技术的人认为该技术会提高他或她的表现的程度(Davis等,1989)。感知易用性意味着一个人认为该技术使用起来容易和舒适的程度(Davis et al。1989)。对TAM模型的有效性进行的实证研究表明了积极的结果。例如Adamson和Shine(2003)发现证据表明,银行信息系统的感知有用性和易用性改善了客户对新的银行信息系统的态度。同样,Hsu和Lu(2005)发现,消费者发现有用性和易用性是购买在线视频游戏的主要因素。




One of the first theories on adoption of new technologies is the Technology Acceptance Model forwarded by Davis, Bagozzi and Warshaw (1989). The model is based on social psychology theories and also planned behaviour theories and suggests that the acceptance of any technology depends on two factors including the “perception of usefulness of the technology” as well as the “perceived ease of use” of the technology (Davis, Bagozzi, and Warshaw, 1989). Perceived usefulness here means that the extent to which the person who is likely to use the technology believes that the technology will improve his or her performance (Davis et al. 1989). Perceived ease of use means the degree to which a person believes that the technology is easy and comfortable to use (Davis et al. 1989). Empirical studies conducted on the validity of the TAM model indicated positive results. For instance Adamson and Shine (2003) found evidence that that perceived usefulness and ease of use of banking information systems improved customers’ attitude towards new banking information systems. Likewise, Hsu and Lu (2005) found that consumers found usefulness and ease of use to be the main factors in their purchase attitudes towards the purchase of online video games.


However, other studies such as Chau and Hu (2001) found no relationship between ease of use and positive attitudes towards adoption of new information technologies. Furthermore in another study, Lee and Lehto (2013) found in a study of using YouTube for the first time for learning purpose, that whilst perceived usefulness due to YouTube’s content and information richness was linked was a factor in generating positive attitudes towards YouTube, ease of use was not a major factor. Therefore it is possible that factors other than perceived usefulness or ease of use played a role in the adoption of new technologies.