标签存档: 英国essay代写


英国论文代写-非动物实验方法的实施。在美国,最近由FDA, NIH和环境保护署合作开展了一项名为Tox21的研究。在同样的条件下,各公司的专家们也不断涌现,以一种有效的方式来定义和开发一些非动物实验方法,通过这些方法可以在很短的时间内测试大量的化学物质。这种技术被称为高通量测试(Robinson et al, 2002)。

Another initiative has been taken in Europe under the program which has been sponsored by the government. This program has been named as SEURAT-1. Under this program the focus is being laid on the creation of non animal ways for the purpose of testing in order to do the evaluation of toxicity which may be cause of the repeated exposure (Goh et al, 2015).
The change has also been observed in China, where animal testing isn’t required on some of the regular cosmetics such as perfumes, make up, shampoos, conditioners, nail polish etc. This will ensure that the companies shouldn’t use animals for the purpose of cosmetics. This can help in the significant decrease in the suffering which had to be beard by rabbits, mice and other animals as well.

Thus, in the present times, a worldwide sentiment is growing for the purpose of ending the animal testing. All the methods which have been mentioned above are as a result of the social, political and economic changes which have been addressed by the government, the people and the animal activist agencies. The nations and the companies have taken decisions to create such technologies in which there is a minimal use of the animal testing methods. Also the impact of animal activists is forcing the companies to change their decisions who aren’t supporting the cause.

It is important to ensure that there should be a proper protection to animals. A large number of agencies are working throughout the world in order to ensure that the rights of the animals are protected and their sufferings are reduced by a great extent. The companies are now taking up initiatives through which the pain and the sufferings on the animals can be minimized and they are also devising out a number of new methods which must be created for the purpose of testing. The three Rs have been launched for the purpose of reduction in animal testing which states that there should be an improvement in the animal testing techniques; improvement should be there in data analysis and sharing of the information with other companies and researchers. The recent replacements has been done by the animal testing companies by the employment of more and more computer based programs and the models, by studying the alternatives to animal testing and by conduction of the experimentation on cell cultures rather than using the complete animals (Goldberg, 2015).
Thus, from the literature it can be concluded that animal testing decisions have been changed because of the number of political, social and ethical factors studied in the literature review.

英国论文代写Advanced Thesis网站平台是一家论文代写信誉高的留学教育机构,其中有24小时专业客服为留学们提供随时在线咨询服务,还有一些硕士论文代写、paper代写、essay代写、assignment代写等服务, 英国论文代写Advanced Thesis 会以专业认真的教学态度来帮助留学生们完成学业目标,从而顺利拿到专属自己的学位证书!而且以上提供的论文范文,未经授权任何人不得私自转发,如有发现将依法追究其法律责任!



有关论文写作方法虽有很多,但也需要中国留学生平时多积累些学习经验。比如多查阅参考 些资料文献,课程学习中认真做好笔记,把老师展示的重点和观点标示出来,课下可以试着探讨其中的论证方法等。在论文写作的时候要适当加进自己的观点,做到文章的创新,而且也贴近现实。大多中国留学生在准备选题的时候都会考虑到文章的实用度,对于纯理论的研究,学生的深度达不到,对特别专业的知识了解不全面,写起来是很棘手的,容易陷进某个漩涡出不来。如果从事的专业能够和实际联系起来,这样的论文更有现实意义和实际价值。



有关英国代写论文-留学生如何提高论文写作水平就为中国留学生们分享到这里。中国留学生如何提高论文写作,可以点击咨询英国高阶论文代写Advanced Thesis平台,英国高阶论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构为留学生们提供英国代写、essay代写、paper代写、硕士毕业论文代写等论文代写服务,帮助留学生们解决论文的写作困扰,圆自己一个留学提升学位的梦想!



This case is considered very knowledgeable and meaningful research problem. The case talks about how the colonisation of pacific islanders is being done in the history. Earlier the pacific islands were accommodated by the people coming from Southeast Asia. It was inhabited by black people from Melanesia. These pacific islanders then made up a twin-hulled vessel which was very efficient working sea-going vessel. Pacific islanders started acquiring more islands which were present between Melanesia and Polynesia. The case is about how the whole pacific island colonised. The history given above is connected to this spread and expanding of pacific island. The specification as regard to the pacific islanders is being explained in detail above. (Johannesson & Perjons, 1970)
Kind of research I would be doing
I would be doing surveying and analysing research of our key topic so that there is a clear picture of how colonisation of pacific islands took place. Both qualitative and quantitative data analysis will be used to research the case. There will be revealing of the history of pacific islands in a systematic manner and how islanders acquired all the islands under pacific islands. I would also be using action research for researching. (“Historical Background: Colonization of Pacific Islands”, 2017)
Research strategies I would be using
I would firstly conduct a survey for the given case and then analyse the history connected to the colonisation of pacific islands. The island was first migrated by Southeast Asian people who started acquiring and spreading to other islands which eventually lead to creation of pacific island. (Stanley, 2017) I would be surveying the island history and its grounded theory. In order to collect data for the relationship between colonisation and pacific islanders, I would do detailed observation of the minor details, analyse various documents and evidences related to the history of pacific island, focus on the group of islanders, do questionnaires and interview the inhabitants of the island. Firstly, I will analyse the case and find out the relationship so that there is a clear picture of how colonisation of pacific island took place. Secondly, I will collect evidences on the basis of observations and documents related to the history of this island so that I can easily build the relationship between colonisation and pacific islanders. (Stanley, 2017) There is a deep history present for this colonisation of the islands. In this way, a clear picture of the history of colonisation of pacific island would be researched and presented. (Colonial Rule, 2017)

英国论文代写Advanced Thesis网站平台是一家论文代写信誉高的留学教育机构,其中有24小时专业客服为留学们提供随时在线咨询服务,还有一些论文代写、paper代写、essay代写、研究生论文代写等服务, 英国论文代写Advanced Thesis 会以专业认真的教学态度来帮助留学生们完成学业目标,从而顺利拿到专属自己的学位证书!而且以上提供的论文范文,未经授权任何人不得私自转发,如有发现将依法追究其法律责任!


在许多雇主的心目中,阻止或不阻止已成为明显的不同的政策所采取的雇主。据统计,大约36%的雇主可能会在工作场所屏蔽社交媒体。这一数字高于2012年的数据,当时约29%的雇主希望在工作场所屏蔽社交媒体。5%的人屏蔽Facebook,约15%的人屏蔽Twitter, 14%的人屏蔽YouTube。允许免费进入的雇主只有不到53%。本次辩论的主题问题是“由于法律法规越来越复杂,企业是否应该禁止员工使用社交媒体”,我们团队的立场是反对该声明。因此,我们的观点是,公司不应该禁止员工使用社交媒体。接下来有关这个辩论利兹市论文代写-企业是否应该禁止员工使用社交媒体如下:

It makes sense if social media is blocked in areas of high security such as maybe the Federal Reserve Bank. Nobody wants an employee to inadvertently post a selfie or a video of sensitive areas in the Federal Reserve Bank, albeit though there would be very strict policies on how and where smart phones could be used. High security clearances are required for some jobs and for these the use of social media might be restricted from the onset, which is the employee knows what they are getting into. However, the majority of jobs where a ban is entertained, the reasons are wrong. Employers are worried that employee productivity would go down. Some fear unwanted publicity (both negative and positive) is generated for the company which they cannot control and some fear work related claims might increase. Our arguments will point out the reasons why such fears are trivial and except for the high security zones, companies will actually benefit when they give their employees freedom with respect to using the social media on their smart phones.
Our argument centres around the fact that social media is essential for employees to have a link to the outside world. We do not argue that there must be some form of policy constricting the use of the social media in the workplace. Our argument is merely that there should not be a complete ban. A complete ban will reduce information sharing. It can restrict communication and bring down the morale of the employees. Furthermore, with any new project in the workplace, there should be some form of social connection between team members in order for them to work well in the workplace. A complete ban on social media will destroy the chances of this rapport formation. Finally, the social media marketing space is one that is used by companies for furthering their name and reputation. The exposure that they get through such marketing space is enormous and it would be double standards if they were to restrict access to that marketing space to their employees for a significant portion of their day (assuming a work day of 8 hours).

Social media networks do not exist for the purpose of fun and social interactions alone. Social networking forums such as Facebook, MySpace, and Twitter are main portals for sharing of information of political, economic news as well. Around 72 percent in adults make use of the internet for the purpose of getting their information. More and more users do not rely on the traditional news sources anymore. Information gathering and current happenings are updated via the social media. Therefore, to deprive the user of the social media in the workplace would mean that the user would be cut off from vital information sources. This would not only reduce morale of the user in the workplace, it would also make them more restricted in their information space resulting in a feeling of being trapped in their workplace settings.

英国论文代写Advanced Thesis网站平台是一家论文代写信誉高的留学教育机构,其中有24小时专业客服为留学们提供随时在线咨询服务,还有一些论文代写、paper代写、essay代写、研究生论文代写等服务, 英国论文代写Advanced Thesis 会以专业认真的教学态度来帮助留学生们完成学业目标,从而顺利拿到专属自己的学位证书!而且以上提供的论文范文,未经授权任何人不得私自转发,如有发现将依法追究其法律责任!


爱尔堡论文代写-RAP模型的理性选择。在任何问题情况下,都有必要弄清楚问题发生的原因。问题的发生是因为糟糕的决策。人都会犯错,犯错是人之常情。理解他们犯错的原因会让他们更容易改变。此时,rational actor范例就派上用场了,因为它可以用来建模行为。理性行为者范式源于理性行为者理论。在更广泛的抽象中,理性行为者理论认为人类是战略思考者。战略思考者总是缺乏结果,因此无论他们做什么都是有目的的。他们以目标为导向,并一直朝着这个目标努力。RAP扩展了理性行为者理论。它使声明更加具体。关于RAP模型的一些重要声明如下。

RAP presents a more atomistic view in rational choice making. All actions according to RAP can be reduced to the individual choices of people who initiate the actions. Secondly, RAP assumes that it will be possible to have a clear differentiation between means and ends for both institutions and people. RAP furthermore clarifies the role of the actor in the maximization of personal utility. The human actor will end up choosing that course of action when there is a better maximization. The course of action that helps the human actor become more satisfied will be the motivation for the choices.
RAP also acknowledges that existing knowledge on an outcome will make the person analyse the consequence of their decisions. It will increase the chances of their making a decision, which is more favourable to them. It also gives them the choice of preferences as far as decision making is concerned. They can evaluate their values and the benefits in a better manner when they are aware of the consequences and their preferences. Finally, RAP specifically states that the predictability in human action will increase because of the preference and existing subjective knowledge.
Two examples can be understood when RAP might not be applicable. Firstly, RAP might not perform well for assessing individual choices in decision making because people do not always act rationally. It is human nature to challenge rules and norms and humans might end up violating the norms of rational action more often. Therefore, even if it can be applied in some normative scenarios, it cannot be considered as a descriptive tool to judge and understand individual action. Even when a person is analysing the individual behaviour of another person whose preferences and subjective knowledge are known, he might not be able to judge them properly.
Secondly, there are social contexts where RAP seems out of place. There is multiple subjective knowledge when a decision is made. Cultural social contexts usually invite contingencies that not everybody can be aware of. In such cases, why an individual makes a certain decision cannot be explained satisfactorily by RAP.
The net present value NPV is useful for analysing profitability in investment. A basic premise is that net present value of a dollar in current times is the same value in future. Since the NPV logically draws from the most basic idea of the changing value of money, its most obvious advantage is its simplicity. NPV also holds the advantage of being able to incorporate inherent costs of risk and capital when projecting cash flows.
The disadvantages of NPV are that NPV has a certain amount of guess work involved in understanding the cost of capital of firm and the inherent risks. A lower cost of capital assumption will result in investments that are less then optimal. Hence, this becomes a significant disadvantage by using NPV.
The purpose of breakeven analysis is to assess cost volume and profit relationship in order to understand investments. The breakeven point is where the business will not make any profit nor will it incur any loss. The money generated is the money spent in production. The advantage of the breakeven analysis is that profit and loss can be measured by varying production levels. The corresponding effect on sales can be analysed and future predictions can be made. The influence of fixed and variable costs and the costs on profitability can also be understood better.
The disadvantages in using breakeven analysis are the assumptions made on sales price. More often, the sales price has to be fixed and assumed as being constant across different levels of output. Another disadvantage is that this analysis is only applicable for one product.

留学生论文不会写,请关注英国代写论文Advanced Thesis网站平台,英国代写论文Advanced Thesis平台网站是一家论文代写信誉高的留学教育机构,其中有24小时专业客服为留学们提供随时在线咨询服务,还有一些论文代写、paper代写、essay代写、研究生论文代写等论文服务,英国代写论文Advanced Thesis会以专业认真的教学态度来帮助留学生们完成论文写作,也不会出现论文字数和抄袭的情况,留学生们可以放心的选择英国代写论文Advanced Thesis网站平台!





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The developmental process of the real estate or the property business shows the interrelation between seven sequential stages. This stage includes the land banking sites, the land packaging sites, land development stage, building development stage, operating stage, renovation stage and the ultimate stage or the redevelopment stage. There are few requirements that include the service of professionals in the developmental process of real estate. The major requirements are the feasibility, underwriting, contract, and the due diligence (Cha, Kim & Ko, 2012). Due to the presence of the seven stages, the developmental process, the financing and the market research becomes easier. The clear and rational discussion about the competencies in the development of the professionals can be enhanced by the application of their marketing thoughts and presence of requisitions, necessary for the development process of real estate and property.
The evaluation of the development process can be demonstrated in the marketing and the policy aspects. Marketing strategies and marketing knowledge are one of the significant skills which should be present within a professional. To determine the current and the future market condition of the property, the most appropriate marketing strategies and the proper marketing tasks are required. Majorly, three policies are involved in the development process of the property or housing (Chan, 2011). The engaging policies are the project selection criteria, the target level of development activity and the elimination of production activity.
Risk factors in development process
This assignment highlights the risks and the types of risks in the development process of “1075 bay street, Toronto, Ontario”. The potential negative impact on that particular property may arise because of the application of strategies unknowingly. Majorly, the systematic and the unsystematic risks are related to the developmental process. In the development process of “1075 bay street, Toronto, Ontario”, the developer had to face many risks such as the sponsor risks which include property management and the asset management. The debt risks including the over leverage, debt maturity and the reward risk are a challenging factor of this development process. On the other hand, the developmental process of “1075 bay street, Toronto, Ontario” are negatively affected by the hazards related to the cap rate risk, the tenant risk which involves the rent roll quality and the rollover risk (Hakami & Yousif, 2014). The physical asset risk, construction risk, the employees’ labour market-related risk and the financial risks are disturbing factors during the development. The risks of overbuilding and the interest rate risk can be a high-risk zone for the developer.

留學生論文不會寫,請關註英國代寫論文Advanced Thesis網站平臺,英國代寫論文Advanced Thesis平臺網站是一家論文代寫信譽高的留學教育機構,其中有24小時專業客服為留學們提供隨時在線咨詢服務,還有一些論文代寫、paper代寫、essay代寫、研究生論文代寫等論文服務,英國代寫論文Advanced Thesis會以專業認真的教學態度來幫助留學生們完成論文寫作,也不會出現論文字數和抄襲的情況,留學生們可以放心的選擇英國代寫論文Advanced Thesis網站平臺!



Logistics is the detailed planning that is done in a supply chain as part of the supply chain management efforts towards coordinating sourcing, manufacturing and movement of goods to the end consumer, thus satisfying customer requirement. Logistics at each stage attempts to contribute something to meet customer requirements. At each stage of the supply chain, the contributing logistics varies as the aim is to add to the overall usefulness of the supply chain by making that stage exemplar.
In the production of feed for cows, feed quality is checked. Cows feed time and health regulations will apply in the milk production centre. In transportation, information systems for checking refrigeration temperature would be implemented. Fonterra will have information systems for quality checking. Distribution warehouses and the retail end point will have the necessary systems to keep products in the right temperature until end consumers purchase. Warehouses make use of Exceed.
Each point adds values, for instance, the refrigerated truck distribution ensures that the product is kept cooler so as to meet recommended expiry date. Retailers will hence not suffer loss because of lost shelf life. There are areas of loss. For instance, demand and supply at the end consumer end could be a problem zone. Where end consumer does not need much product, they would not buy it, and this could threaten the stability of the supply chain.
The retailer would be responsible for forecasting needed (demand) milk volume as well as warehouse parties. The retailer responsibility is fair and equitable as they are the ones who deal with the direct consumer demands. Thus, they will have a better chance to gauge the consumption rates and should request for products based on that demand. However, based on supply end, it could be said that the producer should forecast what volume he can supply.
In the last 4 years, much of the work within Fonterra and its associated partners in the supply chain have become automated because of information systems and tools. For instance, the use of Agrigate, which prototype was launched in 2016 with 70 farmers helped them to plan ahead for supply based on different farmer assessments, weather conditions and animal health etc. Agrigate helped farmers to track effects of factors on one another. This empowers the warehouse process system. A higher than usual capital expenditure was faced by the company when they were transitioning to the use of information systems, but over time, this changes as benefits can be reaped with their use (Gray, 2017).
b. The use of these information systems helps to collate information across many of the supply end sources. Information was disseminated in parallel to everybody. However, this form of information dissemination might serve as a hindrance to the normal way of communication and relationship building between different human entities in the supply chain.

中國留學生畢業論文不會寫怎麽辦?英國論文代寫推薦英國論文代寫Advanced Thesis平臺機構,英國論文代寫Advanced Thesis是一家論文代寫信譽高的留學教育機構,其中有24小時專業客服為留學們提供隨時在線咨詢服務,還有一些英國代寫、paper代寫、essay代寫、report代写、研究生畢業論文代寫等論文服務, 英國論文代寫Advanced Thesis 會以專業認真的教學態度來幫助留學生們完成論文寫作,從而順利拿到專屬自己的學位證書!



The question has its roots in past research works Schon (1988) who emphasizes the use of technology to be a tool that completes the process of graphic design making. Schon repeatedly stated that technology like the computer was only taught as a tool to be used by the graphic designer and the tool itself did not complete the needed necessities in the graphic design space for professional design works. However, in current times, this is not the case.
At one end, the design techniques of current times are altered by the use of computers and technology (Allen, 2012). The internet has changed the way technology is used. The fundamentals taught in a graphic design curriculum had changed because of technology. Graphic design is now appealing to an overlapping segment of graphic designers and computer software specialists. The end user is also empowered as they can now just download templates instead of hiring a graphic designer. The roles of the graphic designer are empowered, however, strict demarcations between graphic and web designers are dissolving. Given this context, this research work hence assesses whether technology tools have made the role of the graphic designer flexible or even obsolete in some commercial situation. What form of a future does the graphic designer have in the technology empowered graphic design industry? This is the research question to be answered in order to improve opportunities for graphic design students in the future.
Research Methodology
Qualitative research methodology is used here. Qualitative data is needed as the research work needs to collect data from graphic designers themselves. In order to understand the role graphic designers played, the researcher intends to use their expert opinions for assessment. Therefore, it makes sense to collect qualitative data. Quantitative empirical data is more structured and numerical in form, and would not serve the purpose of this research. Qualitative data is more opinionated, open and unstructured, which would carry the designer perspective in their words; hence it would bring better understanding to the research question. The researcher question furthermore is solvable using an interpretive in philosophy where a phenomenon is studied by studying, observing or collecting data from actors who are directly interacting with the phenomenon. The phenomenon here is the modernized, technology empowered graphic design space. The actors identified are the graphic designers. Therefore, it follows logically that they are in the best position to share data for analysis.
The research tool used for collection of data is a focus group. A focus group was selected for the following reasons. Firstly, primary data collection is often considered as being very time consuming. Using a focus group would be easier to collect graphic designers or graphic design students like myself in one collective space. Secondly, the use of the focus group will be helpful for better sharing of open unstructured information (Patton, 2005). The researcher would act as a facilitator or moderator in the situation and just assist the participants to speak out their opinions more frankly (Morse & Field, 1995). The responses would be open ended pertaining to the topic and these responses would hence be more frank and more honest. In the context of any other form of data collection, there would have been constraints in terms of the data that was presented, like constraints in choices (in the case of the interview method).

留學生論文不會寫,請關註英國代寫論文Advanced Thesis網站平臺,英國代寫論文Advanced Thesis平臺網站是一家論文代寫信譽高的留學教育機構,其中有24小時專業客服為留學們提供隨時在線咨詢服務,還有一些論文代寫、paper代寫、essay代寫、硕士論文代寫等論文服務,英國代寫論文Advanced Thesis會以專業認真的教學態度來幫助留學生們完成論文寫作,也不會出現論文字數和抄襲的情況,留學生們可以放心的選擇英國代寫論文Advanced Thesis網站平臺!


印刷质量、清晰的声音和连通性是区分一家公司与另一家公司的主要因素。福克斯、英国广播公司(BBC)、英国电信体育频道(BT sport)和网飞公司(Netflix)总是面临着这样的威胁:一家新的创新公司可能会在收视率上取代它们。因此,他们不断寻找新的技术,以保持观众对自己的频道的忠诚。来自海外市场的新技术竞争一直是一个威胁(威尔斯和奥利弗,2010)。当狐狸、英国广播公司、BT运动或Netflix决定进一步拓展业务他们显然策略壁垒将面临新战略成本、分销渠道、供应商、壁垒通过政府法律要求,影响经济,产品验收和独特性,资本成本、其他杂项成本和退出政策。这些现有的渠道可以通过限制价格、检查新竞争对手提供的价格、提高自身品牌知名度和忠诚度等方式确保自己在市场中的地位。重要的是这些现有的电视网络品牌要有良好的现金流,品牌忠诚度,在市场上的知名度,声誉良好的合作伙伴,已建立的分销商和产品的可用性,以维持在市场上。新渠道进入市场的威胁较低,因为与新渠道相比,现有渠道已经具有成本、经济、品种等方面的优势。接下来有关英国代写论文-英国广播公司(BBC)的分析如下:

The strength of BBC being the oldest and most watched TV network, largest broadcaster in the globe and give high respect to its employees. BBC has very robust brand image , high on revenues and profits always, variety of products like radio, television, internet, broadcasting etc., first in introducing colour television, High Definition TV and 3D, Their website is also always updated and radio is broadcasted in multiple languages for listeners all around the world. Their weaknesses are in broadcasting one sided views, cost of operation is high for the viewers, employees has faced threat in war zones and are criticized on news for Iran, Turkey, political matters and religion. Their opportunity lies in not broadcasting biased views, increase the number of correspondents worldwide, more aware of their brand in international market, increase business in Asian countries, focus on latest fashion and technological trends. They face threat from CNN channel and they should focus on international market and not launch small domestic TV channels.
The strength of Fox lies in sticking to the original content of the show, they cater to all age group of viewers and very high viewership for Fox entertainment. They offer services in diverse fields like creating, distribution, airing, retail etc. their weakness that they rely totally on advertisement for revenue. Fox TV has consolidated with various other small time channels to increase its viewership and increased their ownership in foreign market and that is the opportunity they have worked upon, Fox faces threat from digital platforms offered by Netflix.
BT sport has a wide range of network and service, customer portfolio in 170 countries; they are part of largest energy deal in the world.
Their weakness is relying only on YK market for revenue generation. They have opportunity in telecommunication, mobile growth in European countries. They have threat from regulation and licensing, competition etc.
Netflix has a strong relationship with studios, it is the largest subscriber of online DVD’s, and it has limited set of suppliers. They have an opportunity to expand in digital technology and their threat is their fluctuating prices which are not appreciated by the viewers.

留学生论文不会写,请关注英国论文代写Advanced Thesis网站平台,英国英国论文代写Advanced Thesis平台网站是一家论文代写信誉高的留学教育机构,其中有24小时专业客服为留学们提供随时在线咨询服务,还有一些论文代写、paper代写、essay代写、研究生论文代写等论文服务,英国代写论文Advanced Thesis会以专业认真的教学态度来帮助留学生们完成论文写作,也不会出现论文字数和抄袭的情况,留学生们可以放心的选择英国代写论文Advanced Thesis网站平台!