




虽然Netflix提供了便利,但它的整体质量比不上电影院,但也不能忽视巨大的投资。任何一家影院根据电影的票房成绩,只在几周内发布和安排一部电影(Harper & Konstan, 2016)。一旦一部电影下线,人们就不能再看了。相反,Netflix允许观众不受任何限制地观看任何电视剧、电影或节目任意次数。此外,Netflix将这些电视剧、电影和节目作为图书馆存储书籍。任何来自公众的人都可以访问任何他们喜欢的东西,除非他们有订阅,并在网站上可用(Waldfogel, 2016)。现在,人们有选择和资金在家里改善他们的电视技术,这可以克服电影院提供的广泛质量。通过使用正确的设备和设备,人们可以在家里创建一个电影院,整天看Netflix没有任何不便(Waldfogel, 2016)。

This is not the case in movie theatres. For a single movie, everyone has to purchase his or her own ticket to get a seat in the theatre. This further adds scope of purchasing snacks such as popcorn and coke which is costlier in theatres than the market price.

As Amazon and Netflix are in the movie competition simultaneously, they are taking completely different approaches (Finney, 2010). Amazon comes in partnership with distributors of theatre to release their films in theatres. They respect the historical frame of exclusivity prior to their availability on Prime stream. On the contrary, Netflix does not focus on releasing its movie on the theatres and only prefers its online streaming availability .

However, one must not ignore that going to movie theatres is a mere personal choice and no one can be forced to like Netflix over movie theatres. People who prefer traditional ways of living still prefer going to movie theatres with their close ones.

While there is convenience in Netflix, it has no match with the overall quality provided by theatres but significant investment cannot be ignored. Any movie theatre releases and schedules a movie only for a few weeks based on the box office success it enjoys (Harper & Konstan, 2016). Once a movie is off the theatre, people cannot watch it again. On the contrary, Netflix allows viewers to watch any series, movies or shows any number of times without any restrictions. In addition, Netflix stores these series, movies and shows as a library stores books. Anyone from the general public can access anything that they like or unless they have subscription and it is available on the website (Waldfogel, 2016). These days, people have the option and funds for improving their TV technologies at home and this can overcome the extensive quality provided by movie theatres. By using the right equipment and devices, people can create a movie theatre in their house and watch Netflix all day long without any inconvenience (Waldfogel, 2016).
