


第二个例子是《中国日报》发表的一篇关于北京雾霾问题日益严重的文章;这篇文章很清楚地说明了首都雾霾的情况。文章非常积极地要求首都约2100家公司停止生产,不要加剧雾霾问题(Jiran, 2015)。但在《经济学人》看来,全球新闻频道并没有把重点放在可以避免这个问题的解决方案上,而是从全球的角度来看待这个问题(《经济学人》,2015)。这清楚地说明了像《中国日报》这样的地方媒体是如何报道与雾霾问题相关的所有细节的,也为如何应对首都雾霾问题提出了建议。后分析北京烟雾情况下由《经济学人》和《中国日报》已经注意到,中国日报是想现在一切以积极的方式由于其民族感情和经济学家作为一个大品牌,覆盖全球专家决定外交关系的基础上,政治影响和优先级的消息。
第三个例子是在《经济学人》上发表的关于中国新铁路网的“比子弹还快”的新闻(the Economist, 2015)。它已经是世界上最长的铁路网,《经济学人》报道称,它还将延伸得更远。它已经涵盖了对中国经济影响的许多重要方面。但《中国日报》的同一篇文章却对经济、技术等方面的发展进行了大量的关注(《中国日报》,2015)。它提出了一幅非常大的新铁路网图,其中有大量地图可供理解。因此,新闻的不同之处在于全球新闻频道的报道较少。因此,新闻对于这两个平台的意义是不同的。相似之处在于,这两个新闻都提供了统计和分析来阐述新闻。


The second example is an article published by China Daily about the growing issue of smog in Beijing; the article very clearly explained the condition of the heavy smog in the capital. The article very positively requested about 2100 companies in the capital to halt their production and do not contribute towards growing smog issue (Jiran, 2015). But as far as The Economist is concerned, the global news channel did not focus on solutions that could be adopted in order to avoid this problem rather taken it from a global perspective (The Economist, 2015). This clearly illustrates how the local media like China Daily covers all the minute details related to the issue and also suggests ways to cope with the problem of smog in capital of China. After analysing Beijing Smog case by The Economist and China Daily it has been observed that China Daily was trying to present everything in a positive manner due to its national affection and The Economist being a big brand and global coverage expert decides on the basis of diplomatic relations, political influences and priorities of the news.
Thus, the similarities in the news are related to the facts and figures .But the points of differences are perspective of news, positivity, concern etc.The third example is the news that has been published in Economist as “faster than speeding bullet” about China’s new rail network (The Economist, 2015). It was already the world’s longest rail network and The Economist reported that it is going to stretch farther. It has left to cover so many significant dimensions that are its impact on economy of China. But the same article in China Daily has focused a lot on development of economy, technology etc. (China Daily, 2015). It had presented a very large picture of new rail network with substantial maps for understanding. Hence, the point of difference in the news is that coverage in global news channel is little. Thus there is a difference in the significance of the news to both the platforms. The point of similarity is that both news have presented statistics and analytics to elaborate the news.