


  The research aim was to understand the social, cultural and economic impact that motivates a person to make the choice towards taking up a cruise vacation. The research made use of a mixed research approach where both quantitative and qualitative data was collected. The quantitative data for the research was collected by means of closed ended questions and the survey questionnaire method focused on collecting more quantitative data. The interview method was also used here. In the interview method open ended questions were used. The purpose of the interview method was to understand in detail why participants selected the cruise. The open ended questions furthermore are useful to collect data directly from the participants in a way where the researcher does not provide scaffolding in the form of questions, as used in the questionnaire method.

  From the data it can be inferred that the number of frequent travellers are quite balanced in the group. While for all questions the participants answered that they would choose a hotel as the majority, when going out as friends they seemed to indicate that Airbnb could be preferred. However, the preference is not too high to show they will choose it for sure. Only 32 of them stated that they have booked a cruise.

  In the interview the questions asked was in the form of whether the participants have used Airbnb and if they will book a cruise on it etc. Most of the participants have a very good opinion of the technology, yet that they don’t use it much is like a mystery. Airbnb might require more marketing to reach out to the population.

  In terms of cruises all participants seem to liken the experience with relaxation, they did not mention the cruise experience as an adventure or as anything that would liken it to a nomadic experience. When prompted as to whether they would consider the tour as being destructive of the normal tourist experience it was seen that the participants hinted that it would depend on the individual and the experience might not be as artificial as it is made out to be.

  For the research questions it can hence be said that the nomadic experience or the out of urban life experience nor even vanity might be the reason why people elect a cruise. They might like it because it is relaxing and sometimes even cost effective compared to a planned normal trip.

  论文范文英国代写-为什么选择参加邮轮度假的研究访谈就为留学生分享到这里。英国高阶论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构为留学生们提供英国代写、essay代写、paper代写等论文代写服务,帮助留学生们解决论文的写作困扰,圆自己一个留学提升学位的梦想!