


组织理论包括科学管理理论、韦伯的官僚主义方法和行政理论。科学管理是基于泰勒提出的原则。在这一点上,原则主张科学是一个主观推理的问题,而员工的选择必须以工人的管理为基础。必须减少冲突,并且必须给予工人技能培训以满足要求。就韦伯的方法而言,它是基于结构、专业化、稳定、理性和民主的原则(macey&schneider, 2008)。行政管理理论是以规划、培训、指挥和职能协调为基础的。这一理论是法约尔提出的。它基于新古典主义理论。


公司采用系统方法、社会技术方法或基于情境要求的应急方法。组织理论是根据情况的主要要求而设计的。然后与现有的资源进行比较。在澳大利亚,ASIC(澳大利亚证券投资)解释了公司治理。这些都是对公司诉讼程序有具体影响的广泛立法。这些公司必须遵守政府规定的任务。例如,公司将使用授权来建立内部审计功能(Noe et al., 2006)。这将使公司能够了解特定立法的影响。高级管理人员将确保系统中有适当的透明度。这些将作为组织工具来开发特定的过程。


The organizational theory includes the scientific management theory, Weber’s bureaucratic approach and the administrative theory. The scientific management is based on the principles proposed by Taylor. In this, the principle advocates that science is a matter of subjective reasoning, and the selection of the employee for the work must be based on the management of the workers. Conflicts must be reduced and the workers must be given skill training to address the requirements. In the case of Weber approach, it is based on the principles of structure, specialization, stability, rationality and democracy (Macey& Schneider, 2008). Administrative theory of management is based on the set of planning, training, commanding and in the coordination of the functions. This theory is proposed by Fayol. It is based on the neoclassical theories.

The companies use system approach, socio technical approach or contingency approach based on the requirement of the situation. The organization theories are devised based on the primary requirement of the situation. It is then compared with the resources that are available for the situation. In the case of Australia, ASIC (Australian Securities Investments) explains about the corporate governance. These are broad legislations that have specific impact on the company’s proceedings. It is imperative for the companies to follow the mandates that have been set forth by the government. For example, the company will use the mandates to set up an internal audit function (Noe et al., 2006). These will enable the company to understand the impact of a specific piece of legislation. The senior management will ensure that there is appropriate transparency in the systems. These will be used as an organizational tool to develop the specific processes.