


苹果的竞争对手之一是谷歌。谷歌的子公司之一是摩托罗拉,该公司推出了搭载安卓系统的Moto X智能手机。这是苹果iPhone的竞争对手。谷歌Drive云服务也是苹果iCloud的竞争对手。苹果和谷歌之间的财务比率将进行比较,与前面讨论的相同。负债率:2014年苹果公司负债率为0.26,谷歌为0.30。这意味着,为谷歌融资的债权人比苹果更多,而不是其他资金来源。流动比率:苹果公司2014年的流动比率为1.08,谷歌为4.08。谷歌的流动比率非常高,这意味着流动资产管理效率低下,尤其是短期融资选择和现金。在那里,高流动比率的谷歌在管理流动资金方面可能会遇到问题。苹果的流动比率很低,这意味着它可能无法在规定时间内毫无障碍地偿还流动负债。
速动比率:苹果公司2014年速动比率为0.82,谷歌为4.52。谷歌具有很高的速动比。这意味着谷歌将能够用手中的资金来履行当前的财务义务(Bodie, Kane & Marcus, 2004)。然而,谷歌手头现金过多,或可能在获得应收账款方面遇到困难。另一方面,苹果的速动比率较低,表明其库存可能在快速增长。净资产收益率(ROE): 2014年苹果公司净资产收益率为33.61%,谷歌为15.06%。因此,苹果的净资产收益率远远高于谷歌,说明苹果利用股东资金创造利润和公司增长的效率更高。净利润:苹果公司2014年的净利润为21.61%,谷歌为21.88%。这说明谷歌更有效地将收益转化为实际利润。


One of the competitors of Apple is Google. One of the subsidiaries of Google is Motorola that has launched Moto X smartphone powered by Android. This is a competitor of iPhone of Apple. The Google Drive cloud service is also a competitor iCloud of Apple. The financial ratios to be compared between the Apple and the Google are same as discussed before. Debt-to-Equity Ratio: The debt-to-equity ratio of Apple Inc. for 2014 has been 0.26, while for Google it is 0.30. That means there are more creditors for Google than Apple who finances the business, rather than other financial sources. Current Ratio: The current ratio of Apple Inc. for 2014 has been 1.08 and for Google it is 4.08. The current ratio of Google is very high, which means there are inefficient management of current assets, especially the short-term financing options and the cash. There Google with high current ratio can encounter problems to manage working capital. Apple’s current ratio is low signifying that there is a risk that it might not be able to pay its current liabilities without impediments within the due time.
Quick Ratio: The quick ratio of Apple Inc. for 2014 has been 0.82 and for Google, it is 4.52. Google has a very high quick ratio. This means Google would be able in meeting the current financial obligation with funds in its hands (Bodie, Kane & Marcus, 2004). However, Google is having too much cash on hand or may be encountering difficulties to obtain accounts receivables. On the other hand, Apple has a low quick ratio indicating its inventories may be moving fast. Return on Equity (ROE): The ROE of Apple Inc. for 2014 has been 33.61%, while for Google, it is 15.06%. Therefore, the ROE of Apple is much higher than Google, indicating greater efficiency of Apple in using the shareholders money in generating profit and growth of the company.Net Profit Margin: The net profit margin of Apple Inc. for 2014 has been 21.61%, while for Google, it 21.88%. It indicates that Google has been more effective to convert revenue into actual profit.