




In this analysis of literature, there is consideration of the overall demographic data, independent studies undertaken and also the research that suggests music does not have an impact. All these are analyzed in the following sections. Inclusion criteria was the research that had used purposive sampling to analyze the palliative Cancer patients who were the seniors in the population. The researchers that were excluded were the research that did meet the PICO question.The advantage of this research literature is that it enables the people to gain comprehension of the situation as a whole. Many layers of care in the society were considered while making the determination. The advantage of this trail was that it concluded that the people benefited by seeking music therapy. This was observed in people receiving medical treatment. This determination is an important deduction that has been made in this research. The limitation of this research is that patients receiving many forms of treatment along with palliative care were considered. There were huge volumes of data that were used.
Hence, the nuances of the situation could not be considered in greater detail. This is the limitation of this research. In the case of secondary data, the personal bias of the original researcher can be found.Evans (2002) conducted a systematic review to investigate the impact of music therapy for the people in palliative care. Music therapy has been prescribed to enable the patients to gain more coping strategies and also help the patients with their quality of life. Some of the predetermined goals of the music therapy is to improve the wellness, pain alleviation and expression of the sentiments.Some of the musical therapy states that they aid in the memory enhancement of the people and in improved communications (Pratt and Wood, 2015). The method undertaken for this study is the comprehensive search that was undertaken on the adult hospital patients in a randomized trial design. They did not reduce the pain or change the morale of the patients. One positive factor was an overall improvement in the tolerance of the people.