

assignment代写-公司产品价格的定价策略。本公司用于制定本公司产品价格的定价策略将完全基于本公司产品的价值。虽然公司目前是一家新公司,但它的运作方式将使公司的声誉继续得到很大的发展。该公司的声誉将有助于该公司在市场上保持和克服其在行业中的竞争对手(Berger et al., 1991)。产品的定价方式将使其价格低于竞争对手。人们普遍认为他们会从产品中获得最大的价值。以价值为基础的定价策略最适合目标市场。

The pricing strategy which would be used by the company for setting the price of the products of the company will be completely based on the value of the product. Though the company is a new company at present, it will work in such a manner that the reputation of the company continues to develop in the great manner. The reputation of the company will help the company to sustain in the market and overcome its competitors in the industry (Berger et al., 1991). The prices of the products will be set in such a manner that the prices will be lower in comparison to its competitors. It is generally expected by the people that they will get the best value out of their products.
The pricing strategy in case of the value based is most appropriate for the target market. This is because of the fact that in general, the target market mostly consists of the parents who wants their kids to get more and more better products. But they are also conscious that they get the best product at the lowest price.

The company’s strategy therefore will be to provide the value to the products and will also insure that the prices will be lower than the competitors. The company will make the people realize that how important is the products for their children and it will leave the decision to the people that they want to buy the valuable products at the lower price in comparison to the selling price of the competitor of the product. The major competition of the company at the present times will be with the XYZ Company which manufactures the same set of product. The company will keep the prices much lower than the products of the XYZ Company but it will provide the best quality products which would be even better in comparison to the primary competitor of the company.
The T shirts which are being manufactured by the company have been priced between $12 and $55. This is lower in comparison to the price which has been set up by XYZ Company whose products have been set at the price of $20 to $90. Also the shoes of the company have been set up at the price between $20 and $150. The price of the caps is as low as $5. Also the company will give a complementary offer initially under which it will give free caps on the purchase of shoes or T shirts. The company though has to figure out some of the other core competitors but it is sure that it will easily take a good place in the market.
Another most important thing is the distribution of any product. This forms to be the most important phase for the success of any product (Mohamed et al., 1999). The company will distribute the products with the help of the different wholesalers which would include the national level wholesalers. The wholesaler will provide the products to the retailer. In order to implement the proper control in this strategy it will be important to ensure that there is a proper distribution at different places in the nation. The company also needs to ensure that the retailers give the products to the customers at the fair price. Also, each of the products which have been sent from the company should reach the customer properly. There will be a complete scrutiny of the different products which would be sending to the wholesalers and the retailers. Also, it will be ensured that the money reaches the company after the sale of the product. With the help of this method the distribution will be done in different a part which ensures that there is no loss of the product during the time of distribution. The company will make sure that the products easily reach to the customers. The company will make sure that most of the products which are developed by the company are given to the national level distributors. It is very important to have a proper implementation of the different products which are manufactured by the company. The company is new in the market therefore it is important for the company that the different strategies should be implemented successfully.

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