

Psychological concepts: This is an important concept which discusses the source of happiness and also claims that happiness is a state of mind and is a feeling. Various kinds of feelings give rise to what we call happiness. It is when someone leads a satisfactory life and balances out the good things with the bad things. The psychological conception also includes the hedonistic view on happiness. In the hedonistic view, happiness is sought through pleasures in life. A happy life is a life of maximum pleasures or pleasant experiences and minimum pain. It has its roots in Bentham’s utilitarianism. Hedonistic view is more of an affect. When pleasure is chosen over pain, happiness is said to have sought. This is said to be based on subjective wellbeing, which is another concept that scientifically denotes “a happy life” and everything required for it.

Also, for the participants, it is all about being stuck up with the company that the people think is best. The customers believed that this phone is really the fastest one in the market especially when it came to the high price of the product. With its high price, came forward higher maintenance, but this was ignored by the customers of the company (Albert, 2010). The focus was also on trying to find a proper schedule, contact and reminder for the product. There was no issue in finding out any other problem by the customers with regard to their Apple I-phone. The focus was on ensuring that transparency of the product is maintained. If there is no transparency then the customers do not prefer purchasing the product.

This paper is of the notion that through in depth analysis of interviews, it becomes possible to understand the needs and requirements of customers with regard to a product or service. I-phone 6 has been successful in the market, but its flaws have also been prominent. This flaw needs to be prominently dealt by the company to make a difference for its product and its service delivered to the customers. Therefore, needs analysis and prioritizing the needs were of utmost significance.

The affective component in this theory is mainly the component which includes the increase of positive affect in life (more pleasures), the decrease of negative affect in life (lessening of pain), and the cognitive component which is satisfied with the way life is going on. Also this conception states that people who are happy as per this concept have more persistent moods. It means that a person’s emotional condition can be said to be stable, with better judgements, satisfactory decisions and stable moods. Thus, keeping the psychological conception of happiness in mind, it can be said that when man seeks pleasures and more positivity and not negativity and is satisfied with the way his life works out, he receives happiness.

中國留學生畢業論文不會寫怎麽辦?英國論文代寫推薦英國論文代寫Advanced Thesis平臺機構,英國論文代寫Advanced Thesis是一家論文代寫信譽高的留學教育機構,其中有24小時專業客服為留學們提供隨時在線咨詢服務,還有一些英國代寫、paper代寫、essay代寫、研究生畢業論文代寫等論文服務, 英國論文代寫Advanced Thesis 會以專業認真的教學態度來幫助留學生們完成論文寫作,從而順利拿到專屬自己的學位證書!





2.行文格式:所有dissertation毕业论文行文格式有7个大部分,其中Introduction, Literature Review, Methodology, Data findings and analysis, Conclusion and Recommendation!其中几部分的字数分配如下:通常Introduction和Conclusion部分占总字数的25%、Literature Review占35%、Methodology占15%、Data findings and analysis占25%!



以上就是Essay格式和Dissertation格式的一些不同之处,如果留学生还需要更多论文写作方面的帮助,详情可以点击咨询英国论文代写Advanced Thesis网站平台,英国论文代写Advanced Thesis平台网站是一家论文代写信誉高的留学教育机构,其中有24小时专业客服为留学们提供随时在线咨询服务,还有一些硕士毕业论文代写、paper代写、essay代写等论文服务,英国论文代写Advanced Thesis会以专业认真的教学态度来帮助留学生们完成论文写作,也不会出现论文字数不够和抄袭的情况,留学生们可以放心的选择英国代写论文Advanced Thesis网站平台!


論文代寫-麥當勞的服務理念。服務理念是麥當勞的一個重要理念。服務理念確保公司或組織提供的服務有助於在客戶需求和公司戰略意圖之間進行冥想(Mondurailingam, Jeyaseelan和Subramani, 2015)。對於快速服務餐廳來說,消費者面臨的最重要的問題是等待時間。快速服務餐廳的重要特征之一就是為顧客提供快捷的服務。

Even though this is the main aim of the firm often time, there are longer queues in the quick service fast food restaurant such as McDonalds. In case of tourists visiting, a particular place, they often are ready to stand in the long queue, but in case of the local customers is not the case (Harrington et al., 2017). They are not ready to stand in the long queue and therefore, it creates a problem for the growth of the organization or the firm. Therefore, if the waiting times were much less, it would become easier to satisfy the customers who are there (Lim and Loh, 2014).
According to McDonalds, there are several queues that encourage the firm to keep the queue in order. The parallel queues often allow the customers to change their queue. The queues are used to make orders, payment and along with it, there is another queue; and according to various critics and the scholars, this particular queue is an invisible queue and here the consumers wait, while their order is prepared (Mondurailingam, Jeyaseelan and Subramani, 2015). Hence, it is said that the time taken to cook the food is equivalent to the time taken to gather the food. Therefore, there are mainly two stations and those include the order and the pay station, and at the same time, there is the waiting station, it refers to the waiting time while the food is gathered by the people working there (Lim and Loh, 2014).
McDonald also has the policy of serving the fresh quality food to their customers and at the minimum time that is available. It is been done in order to satisfy the customers so that more customers get attracted to the outlet and the profit of the organization is increased as well (Harrington et al., 2017). Therefore, the layout of the organization plays an important role in this case. Thus, the chairs are arranged in such a way inside the outlet that if the customers stand in the queue they do not have any collision with the chairs. Moreover, the distance from the queue and the chairs are not much therefore, the staff takes less than one minute time to serve the customers who are there. In addition, the firm keeps the tills open so that the staffs do not face any problem in serving the customers in less than one minute (Lim and Loh, 2014).
The organization has made investment in their technological sector. In this particular sector, the firm has made investment so that they could improve the service that is provided to the customers. In the year 2001, the organization has made investment in order to improve the point of sale of the organization and has linked it with the computer at the back office. It has also helped them to look after at the services that are provided by the organization around the whole world (Harrington et al., 2017).
Another most important strategy that has been taken by the firm and an importance in this firm is its franchise. The most important strategy that McDonalds has adopted includes the strategy of operating through the franchises. It is particular strategy that has actually assisted the firm to gain global significance. Therefore, this is an important strategy of the organization, which has helped the organization to become profitable around the world (Yunus et al., 2013).

英國高階論文代寫Advanced Thesis平臺機構為留學生們提供英國代寫、essay代寫、paper代寫等論文代寫服務,幫助留學生們解決論文的寫作困擾,圓自己一個留學提升學位的夢想!



According to the study conducted by Matthew, James Kushin and Masahiro Yamamoto published under the name of Mass Communication and Society (2010). In the recent times, there has been a significant growth in the behaviour of the political parties throughout the world, the emergence of a number of new and interactive media houses and other websites. It has been found that around one in every 5 person in America has used Twitter as a social networking medium for the purpose of political campaigns. The study has also revealed that with the use of social media, political views can opinions can be easily expressed. It is something that not only provides important information to the users but also helps them to interact with the help of online interaction such as by posting political comments on different blogs and social network websites (Hong and Nadler, 2012). The Facebook users have been expressing their views in a number of political campaigns by updating their status, messages, opinions and attitude. Thus, the research paper discusses how the social media has transformed the political campaigns in recent times. There will be investigation on the recent political campaigns, impact of social media on the same and the importance of the social media campaigns in future.
Negative Use of social media for political campaigns
There have been a large number of events where social media has been used in the political campaigns. Though with respect to political agendas, social media has been a very new and a recent term for the people to communicate during the political campaigns, and it may be important to note that there have been a number of changes in political campaigns because of social media. But along with this, there have been a number of negative effects of the use of social media for political campaigns (Ceron, 2014). According to the article by USA Today (2011), it was stated that a complete political campaign can be destroyed with a single post. Other problems arise when the social media is used by the campaigners without taking any help from the staff. Many times because of the lack of skills, the campaigners who are in local parties may get adverse impact of promotion through the use of social media (Larrson et al, 2012).
Internet and social media have changed the world. Each and every person is being impacted because of the same. It has made communication between individuals and groups much easier. Because of social media, people are connected to each other and the world is in a better manner. Political parties are also using social media for their campaigns. It has changed the manner in which the campaigns have taken place in the past. In this research paper, the ways in which social media has changed the political campaigns has been discussed. The analysis has been done on the use of social media in the 2008 elections by Obama. Further, studies have been conducted on how social media has been beneficial for the political campaigns in the present times. There has been a discussion on the negative impacts of the same. But, social media has largely changed the ways in which political campaigns were held in the past.

留学生论文不会写,请关注英国论文代写Advanced Thesis网站平台,英国论文代写Advanced Thesis平台网站是一家论文代写信誉高的留学教育机构,其中有24小时专业客服为留学们提供随时在线咨询服务,还有一些毕业论文代写、paper代写、essay代写、研究生论文代写等论文服务,英国论文代写Advanced Thesis会以专业认真的教学态度来帮助留学生们完成论文写作,也不会出现论文字数和抄袭的情况,留学生们可以放心的选择英国代写论文Advanced Thesis网站平台!



The impact of globalisation such as free labour movement, capital investments, formation of international collectivist political economy like Europe has had impacts on the way employment relations are formulated and enforced in the economy. With more influence from US based businesses, France was more eager and quick in changing its stance on employment relations and provided more powers to employer, whereas Sweden has its reaction but it did not change must from its stand of being a social economy.
France’s history of economic freedom started with the occurrence of the July Revolution of 1830 where the King Charles X and a new economic liberated country were formed. France has been the first unified European state with deep rooted administrative and legal system (Browne, 1997). The country had insisted the sustenance of agriculture and experienced late industrialization.
The primary actor of the employment relation in France are the Medef, which is a mixture of employers’ organisation and business association, the CGPME, working along with Medef, and SNPMI, which is more militant and autonomous. France has a very low and declining union density which is a cause of concern for the welfare of workers and having less power in negotiations when required (Corby and Symon, 2011). In addition, it has weak organisational and financial resources, indicating that it’s over dependence on external funds and organisational support. France plays an important role as a social partner with employers’ organisations at national level, and also manages many social welfare funds of the state. France gives extensive individual rights to workers and right to strike is to be covered through collective agreement. It represents workers and with organisations and intervenes in reaching an amicable solution during conflicts. The Auroux Laws in 1982 and the Aubry working style laws has brought in many changes in the way workers manage their relation with employers (Corby and White, 2002).
The collective bargaining power in France is getting more qualitatively weaker. In contrast, the number of unions as shown in the chart below is getting less and weaker when collective bargaining is getting stronger. The state’s individual intervention in negotiating company and employment contracts has been increased lately which can set a bad example of government and state getting involved in business agreements (Cunningham, 2008). This has created a situation where employers and unions have not been able to make efforts in growing their relationship and have started to remain dependent on state intervention if they fail. This gives a weak signal to the international market and warns further investments due to an image of excessive intervention where it is disliked.

留學生論文不會寫,請關註英國論文代寫Advanced Thesis網站平臺,英國論文代寫Advanced Thesis平臺網站是一家論文代寫信譽高的留學教育機構,其中有24小時專業客服為留學們提供隨時在線咨詢服務,還有一些論文代寫、paper代寫、essay代寫、研究生論文代寫等論文服務,英國論文代寫Advanced Thesis會以專業認真的教學態度來幫助留學生們完成論文寫作,也不會出現論文字數和抄襲的情況,留學生們可以放心的選擇英國代寫論文Advanced Thesis網站平臺!



For Groves, on every scene, there were usually two or more disk records which were cut and played back after being recorded. This way of playing it back was an immediate review of quality of recording how the artist had performed (Grove, 1973). This was important as usually there was a long time gap between recording and completing the full record. The role of audio engineers, prior to 1990s, was expanding inside recording studio. There were changes in the technology of recording in the 1990s. Therefore, it was becoming more complicated to record (Emmerson, 1975). Prior to 1990s, the engineer was merely observed as just a technician. However, after 1990s he was given an additional creative role in the procedure of producing music.
1980s already had witnessed the compact disc, synthesis, midi, and digital records. In 1980s there was a high welcome to visitor entering the records business. This was the compact in 80s which modified the approach by which people listen to the music and also it initiated the digital technology in recording industry. The CDs had been highly successful and the recording business could make huge revenues from selling and reselling CDs. All the prior released albums were resold in forms of compact disc (A sound argument, 2010).
Although most of the technicians and recording industry did not like the disks rather than vinyl tapes, this digital technology removed the unwonted sounds of clicks, pops. There was no skipping there for people started liking the quality of competition. The technicians, who started using digital technology for recording, were able to reap benefits in the long run. The digital technology had brought in various benefits ahead of analogy such as the better dynamic range. There was no hissing sound of tapes. The technicians and engineers were very happy because they could create exact copies of their recordings without any decrease in the quality of track.
In 80s, midi sequencer allowed the performances to be recorded and additions to be made until there was perfect record. The synthesisers drum machines and samplers rather than actual acoustic equipment were utilised by Groves to create the synthetic songs. There were small rooms for recording but the control rooms were bigger so that all technical changes could be made by the engineers in those control rooms.
The work of Groves was much complex as the performances were recorded and the recordings were done simultaneously with performance. This led to getting satisfactory records and close-to-perfect synchronisation among the picture and sound in close-up shots. These kinds of recordings were known as “standard recordings”. These records were played back to the artists and performers so that they could duplicate their performances very minutely in synchronisation with the created sounds. In case there was any lack of synchronisation, the photographs would be taken from little distance so that their lips could not be seen, which was not easy for the viewers to detect such flaws.

英国论文代写Advanced Thesis网站平台是一家论文代写信誉高的留学教育机构,其中有24小时专业客服为留学们提供随时在线咨询服务,还有一些硕士论文代写、paper代写、essay代写、assignment代写等服务, 英国论文代写Advanced Thesis 会以专业认真的教学态度来帮助留学生们完成学业目标,从而顺利拿到专属自己的学位证书!而且以上提供的论文范文,未经授权任何人不得私自转发,如有发现将依法追究其法律责任!


为了有效管理呼叫中心的OHS,建议使用NOHSC在其2002-2012年国家OHS战略(澳大利亚法律改革委员会ALRC, 2016)中规定的国家重点和原则如下:必须在呼叫中心确定高发病率和高严重性风险,并降低这些风险。雇主和轮班经理必须对这项业务可能遇到的危险形式有足够的了解,并必须相应地处理这些危险。工作场所的职业压力会很大,因此有必要请一名内部医务人员。由于现有的医生已经离职,有必要任命另一个人代替他。接下来论文代写-呼叫中心的OHS管理的具体分析如下 :

Hazards in the workplace must be identified in the design stage and must be eliminated (NSW Government, 2012).
A proper risk and safety control protocol must be created.
Three Tasks and Hazards associated with the Tasks
(1) Hot Desking is a main workplace task, where the employees will have to work at a workstation in a seated posture for a long time (Queensland Industrial Relations, 2003). The hazard associated with hot desking is that the physical posture of the person is restricted when they hot desk.
(2) Call activities are the major task and the hazard here is that there is limited task variation. The hazard here is that the limited task variation could cause mental fatigue for the worker.
(3) Night Shift work is being listed here as a task because in most call centres, the night shift is given as a mandatory rotation every month or in some defined period. Night shift work contributes to hazards of increased stress, lack of sleep quality, and domestic-social difficulties for the worker (Queensland Industrial Relations, 2003).

Organization can use the OH & S management system in order to administer their risk management. There are 5 steps in using the OHSMS for risk management (WorkSafe, 2016) which are:
The commitment and policy of the top management has to be such that they are open to developing hazard and risk management planning. Key measurable targets and more are developed.
Planning is the second step in the development of the OHSMS system and here the work activities that are potentially connected to the risk and hazard system are identified.
The actual implementation of the OHSMS system will happen in a way that the risk management system is well supported by means of capabilities and mechanisms and also the OHS policy and objectives are aligned to meet the working of the OHSMS (Makin &Winder, 2008).
Measurement and evaluation is a final step and the effectiveness of risk management is assessed here. Corrective action will be taken based on necessity.
Necessary improvement will be made as needed (as in if newer risks are identified etc.)
As a basic minimum, the OHS management system should have the following in its content and should cover everything in those areas,
An OHS policy statement for all the personnel, employees in the University to follow.
The rules and responsibilities of the OHS management system must be listed out along with individual responsibilities, delegations and reporting substructure includes.
The OHS management system will need to have a planning and communication system where training information would both be given out and information from the employees would also be collection (Kitney, 2014).
Procedures for Emergency Management, Incident reporting and Performance Management would also be part of the OHS management system (Kitney, 2014).

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  国外的大学通常会在课堂上让同学们完成Daily Report,,这与一般需要协作的英国论文不一样,它的目的是锻炼学生们的口头表达能力,但这对于中国的留学生而言却是非常令人头疼的,因为除了语言上障碍外,还有中外在教学上的差异,中国的留学生可能普遍的课堂临时反应和口头表达会比较弱一些,所以不知道怎样去进行Daily Report。因此,今天数学作业代写老师给大家讲的是如何做好DailyReport。


  背daily report内容。提前一个星期开始背你之前确定要作为daily report的文章,因为这是要在全班同学面前脱稿讲的,一定要背得滚瓜烂熟,一定得前些下苦工才行,每日反复背,才不至于一上讲台一紧张啥都忘了。


  巧妙运用黑板。在汇报的时候,争取可以把自己介绍的内容在黑板上用一些箭头、流程、英语词汇等展示出来。一边用英语说一边写。虽然这些东西完全可以用PPT就轻松做到,但是运用PPT的同时再巧妙配合黑板的图解,可以更好展示自己的风采、自信。比较daily report本身就是提供一个展示自己的机会。


  以上就是英国高阶论文AdvancedThesis教育网为大家带来的如何去进行Daily Report的仔细讲解,希望留学生们可以参考上文去认真准备,好好把握这次锻炼自己的机会。如果有需要数学作业代写的同学,请快来联系我们哟。


食物是所有生物的自然需求,這並沒有什麼新鮮和令人驚訝的。因此,這是一種自然而無意識的行為,是所有生命的一部分。然而,media spectacle是一個最好的例子,它進一步證明了食品公司操縱消費者味蕾的意圖,以及他們對美味食品的不斷渴望,使之成為一個極其重要和具有巨大價值的奇觀。由此可見,消費者被食品企業所創造的奇觀所控制,他們傾向於通過各種控制機制來屈服於企業的邀請,而這些控制機制在實踐中具有很大的操控性。不是消費者控制食物的攝入量,而是食物能夠控制他們,並說服他們做出不利於他們的決定。消費者過度消費的現象時有發生,消費者是過度消費的受害者,集體危害社會和資源。


Food is a natural requirement for all living beings and there is nothing new and surprising about it. Hence, it is a natural and rather unconscious act that is a part of all beings. However, media spectacle is the best example of furthering the intent of food companies who manipulates consumer taste buds and their incessant hunger for delicious food to make it a spectacle of utmost importance and having immense value. As a result, it is seen that consumers are controlled by the spectacle created by food companies and they tend to give in to the invitation of the companies through usage of control mechanisms of all kinds which are largely manipulative in practice. Instead of consumers controlling the food intake, it is the food that is able to control them and also convince them to make decisions which unfortunately are also against them. Several occasions have occurred where consumers have consumed beyond their limits and are victims of over consumption harming the society and resources collectively.
For example, McDonalds, Burger King, and Subway are successful brand that has risen with the help of media and this food spectacle being promoted as an artificial force without intelligence is the result of the commodification of the act of eating and eating tasty foods. This media spectacle has been contemporary since ages and will remain so because eating as an act is natural to humans and they are controlled by the food companies by using consumers’ weak habits and capitalising on their weak instincts and decision making process. Food companies marketed broadly over the world and through mass media is a large spectacle which is successful and currently ruling over the consumers mind and has weakened their decision making process that they have succumbed to the intelligent and attractive pressure by the food companies. This spectacle is rising and is governing the minds and habits of most consumers in society indicating that the media spectacle is more or less able to wash the cognitive abilities of humans and subsist their powers by offering them something in an interesting manner what they naturally do every day.