


首先,现行SAT的写作部分(Essay)主要依赖学生个人的自由表达,例证可以来自事实也可以来自学生个人经历。由于不是每个人都有那么多素材可以挖掘,很多学生会瞎编乱造个人经历,严重违背了College Board一切以事实为准绳的严谨风格。其次,多项研究表明加不加写作后的结果对学生大学表现的预测效果并无太大影响。


































Researchers suggest that despite there being much exposure on why it is necessary for businesses to have a very defined strategy, small scale businesses might still forge ahead without much defined objectives or clear strategy as such. Businesses might make plans for a social media platform usage and go ahead with it. Remaining active on only one or a few selective platforms makes these business have less forethought. Customers expect more and their interests and demands might not be satisfied with marketing information posted only on one of the social media platform. Opportunities to connect with the consumers are wasted and also the business success sustainability is threatened as other competitors might gain entry into the business’s targeted markets.

Furthermore, the use of a single social media space or tool might result in word of mouth marketing on third party websites which could also increase challenges for the business. Therefore, Social media entry without a defined strategy is hence as much a threat to a business as one that does not have any media strategy at all. Social media strategies have to be well planned, have to be comprehensive and should also ensure that it is planned around a goal. Media strategies have to fit the needs of the company, and furthermore should try to understand all actors in the marketing media space, such as the ones that the marketing is trying to reach, the ones who will be used in marketing, etc. Platforms, technology and a marketing plan that would be a futuristic are necessities here. The purpose of the project proposal is to present the need for a social media marketing strategy for Truffle Café which would help increase the number of customers for the Café.



维纳斯吉尼特里克斯神庙,凯撒广场。凯撒广场被发现是第一个帝国广场。建造论坛涉及在卡皮托林山的侧面的土地,它是长方形的160米* 75米。维纳斯吉纳特里克斯神庙是恺撒论坛的一个亮点,吉纳特里克斯是一位被恺撒尊为远祖的女神。这是大理石做的,女神坐在讲台的顶端。这个复杂的建筑被用作公元前46年凯撒胜利的示范建筑。



Venus Genetrix Temple, Caesar Forum.The forum of Caesar is found to be the first of imperial fora complexes. Building the forum involved a land at the Capitoline Hill’s flank and it is in rectangular shape 160 m * 75 m. 。Venus Genetrix temple is a highlight to the forum of Caesar and Genetrix is a Goddess that was celebrated as a distant ancestor by Caesar. This is made of marble where the Goddess sits at the top of podium. This complex was used as a demonstrative piece for Caesar’s victory in 46 BCE.

The Forum of Trajan was the last imperial forum and it was largest as well as lavishly built. Having completed and inaugurated in 112 CE, there are 6 areas in this forum. They are numbered accordingly representing forums of Caesar, Augustus, Templum Pacis, Transitorium, Trajan and Basilica Ulpia. The Basilica Ulpia is an integral part of Forum of Trajan. The column of Trajan as shown in the figure also has a free standing temple aside. The plan shows the respective positions and appearances. The reconstructions in the modern era have also permitted the presence of free standing temple – shrine against western exedra of Augustus Forum.






1、 读书破万卷下笔如有神



写作是一种训练,需要日积月累,要坚持每天写点东西,选个话题就可以写,你看到的,听到,有感而发的,或者是你自己编的故事,什么都可以的,贵在坚持。写好的东西,即使是同一个话题,可以写几次,不同的角度,不同的人物,有时候时间来不及,先打个草稿,然后再慢慢雕琢。有条件的话,找个英文好的笔友 (pen pal),让他/她帮忙提提意见反馈,你会提高更快。


避免重复(Eliminate the repetitive word or phrase)

少用陈词滥调 (cliche)



Essay要少用被动语态 (passive voice),多用主动语态(Active voice)


多用日常用语、平易近人的词汇(use simple words)












在生活的各個方面,每個人的人際交往能力都得到了觀察和檢驗,因此,具有很強人際交往能力的人在個人和職業領域都取得了成功。人際有效性指的是幫助我們參與和理解人際關係的技能,幫助我們在優先事項和需求之間找到平衡,也就是平衡“想”和“應該”,從而幫助我們形成掌控感和自我尊重感。人際交往能力對於幸福生活至關重要,幸福生活取決於溝通和溝通與人際關係的關係。這篇文章討論了建立和保持有效的人際交往技能非常必要的因素,以及它們必須保持和保持的原因(Geller, & Srikameswaran, 2015)。人際效能是指兩個或多個個體之間成功的溝通。


在人際交往中,衝突的傾向是不可避免的,因為沒有兩個個體是相同的,因為他們都有不同的觀點,不同的心態,所以沖突必鬚髮生在人際交往中,通過人際交往的有效性發生。很多衝突對關係都是破壞性的,但是如果處理得當,很多衝突會對發展關係產生積極的影響。因為它有助於提高個體之間的理解、耐心和寬容,從而加强两個個體之間的聯繫(Langan, Blake, & Lonsdale, 2013)。文化意識是有效溝通的主要支柱,它包括僅從我們自己站起來的能力。它讓我們意識到我們的文化價值觀、觀念和根深蒂固的信仰。文化意識將幫助我在一個跨文化的社會中生存,從而影響我成功的人際關係和職業關係。


In every aspects of life, the interpersonal skills of an individual are observed and tested thus people having strong interpersonal skills succeed in personal and professional fields of life. Interpersonal Effectiveness means the skills that helps us to attend and understand relationships, helps us in balancing between priorities and demands which also refers as balancing ‘wants’ versus ‘should’, thus helping in developing a sense of mastery and self-respect. Interpersonal skills are very essential to live a happy life as happy life depends on communication and communication relates with interpersonal relationship. This writing discusses the factors which are very essential to build and maintain effective interpersonal skills, and what is the cause that they must be kept polished and maintained (Geller, & Srikameswaran, 2015). Interpersonal effectiveness is referred as a successful communication between two or more individuals.

The tendency of conflicts are inevitable in the case of interpersonal communication, as no two individual are same, as they all have different opinion, different mindsets, so conflicts are must in interpersonal communication which happens through interpersonal effectiveness. Much conflict is very disruptive to relationships, but if it has been handled with care, much conflict can contribute very positively in developing a relationship. As it helps in improving understanding, patience, and tolerance amongst individual, thus strengthening the bonding between two individual (Langan, Blake, & Lonsdale, 2013). Cultural awareness is the main pillar of effective communication, and it includes the capability to stand back from only ourselves. And it makes us aware of our cultural values, perceptions, and deep rooted beliefs. Cultural awareness will help me in surviving in a cross cultural society, thus it effects in my successful personal and professional relationships.

personal statement 怎么写:风险管理

personal statement 怎么写:风险管理

风险可能是商业组织中常见的现象。尤其是那些由不同部门组成的组织。在整个会计部门中,有一个最重要的部门,负责处理一个重要的问题,那就是钱。金融是所有组织的基础,没有适当的财务基础,任何组织都无法成长。本研究工作应结合航空行业对会计系统中不同的风险进行调查和识别。众所周知,航空业是一个多面性的行业,有几个部门负责组织的整体运作。Larkin (2012, p.12)认为,风险管理意味着承认、分析、监控、管理、控制、减少或最小化业务组织中可能妨碍组织运营活动的不需要的风险。为了防止任何损失,企业组织必须重视风险管理战略的实施。企业组织的管理试图通过实施风险管理战略来量化或衡量损失的可能性。风险管理过程有两个主要步骤。

personal statement 怎么写:风险管理

第一步是识别业务组织中存在的风险。另一方面,第二步是用最适当的方式处理和控制已识别的风险。有效的风险管理策略有助于保证企业组织的成功。有效的风险管理策略有助于识别公司的机会、优势和弱点。适当的风险管理策略可以帮助企业组织应对公司的任何意外事故。为了制定一个公司的风险管理计划,管理层必须解决公司的内部和外部风险。成功的风险管理策略可以帮助组织很容易地实现其目标和目标。成功地实施风险管理策略可以使业务组织更自信地做出业务和管理决策。McNeil et al. (2015, p.96),会计系统为所有部门的业务提供财务支持。人们注意到,在航空公司的会计系统中,存在着某些可能的风险。本研究项目将阐述航空行业的风险管理策略。

personal statement 怎么写:风险管理

Risk is possibly a common phenomenon in a business organization. Especially in those organization which consists of different departments. Out of these entire accounts department is one of the most significant departments and deals with an important issue which is money. Finance is a base of all organization without proper financial grounds no organization can grow. This research work shall investigate and identify different risks in the accounting system in context with the airline industry. It is known that the airline industry is a multifaceted industry and has several departments to operate the overall operation of the organizations.According to Larkin (2012, p.12), risk management implies the recognition, analysis, monitor, manage, control, reduce or minimization of unwanted risks in a business organization which can hamper the operational activities of an organization. In order to prevent any loss, the business organizations must place a stress on the implementation of risk management strategies. The management of business organizations attempt to quantify or measure the potentiality of losses through the implementation of risk management strategy. The risk management process has two major steps.

personal statement 怎么写:风险管理
The first step is the identification of existing risks in the business organization. On the other hand, the second step is about handling and controlling the identified risks in a most appropriate ways. Effective risk management strategies help to ensure the success of business organization.Effective risk management strategies help to identify the opportunities, strengths and weaknesses of a company. Proper risk management strategy helps the business organizations to meet and cope up with any unforeseen mishap of the company. In order to create a risk management plan of a company, the management must address the internal and external risks of the company. Successful risk management strategies help the organization to achieve its goals and objective very easily. Successful implementation of risk management strategies enables the business organizations to take the business and management decisions more confidently.McNeil et al. (2015, p.96), accounting system facilitates the provision of financial back up for the operations of all the departments. It has been observed that there are certain possible risks that is emanating in the operation of the accounting system in the airlines industry. This research project shall elaborate the risk management strategies of the airlines industry.


這個項目的觀眾是位於新威斯敏斯特的學校行政團隊。目前,行政部門約有10人,教師30人,最好使用Excel電子表格系統。整個團隊都不了解技術細節,他們想要一本關於如何使用microsoft Excel(硬拷貝版本)來管理操作的簡單培訓手冊。裘德所面臨的問題標識:學校(一所學校到年級8)手動記錄學校的數據是很難管理和維護。該學校還計劃削減不必要的人力資源,並參與一個項目,以緩解運營和學校管理。學生入學人數最近也有所增加。評估選項有三個主要的標準來評估選項。



The audience for this project is the administrative team of the school located in New Westminster. At the moment, there are about 10 people in the administrative department and 30 teachers who would preferably make use of the Excel spreadsheet system. The entire team is not exposed to technicalities and wanted a simple training manual on how to use microsoft Excel (hard copy version) to manage the operations. Problem identification:The problem faced by Jude school (a school upto Grade 8) is that recording school data manually is very hard to manage and maintain. The school is also planning to cut down unwanted human resources and to involve a program that will ease the operations and the school management. The student admission to school has also increased recently. Criteria to evaluate optionsThere are three major criteria set to evaluate the options.

These include: $15 per copy of Excel manual and 10 copies of the same manual.Easy to understand with clear screenshots.Does not require external training to follow As the next academic year has begun, the school wants the training manual on urgent basis. Taking the budget and time into consideration and also to regard the quality of the manual, the options will be chosen after thorough analysis from different sources. The main purpose of this proposal is to suggest the right training manual that will fulfill the criteria and let the staff to easily record data with no hassles. As the manual has to give a thorough idea and step by step instructions, the proposal is meant to highlight the possible options at the moment.



为了废物管理、回收和再使用,可实施以下活动:库存管理和订购,以尽量减少由于包装造成的废物。对废物进行分类,以方便收集有害及可循环再造的液体废物及固体废物。减少切削液的含量,使在金属商人的帮助下更容易储存和回收。清洗和脱脂废油的分离。这将有助于重复使用脱脂液或延长脱脂液的使用寿命。使用油漆监控软件,以确保汽车可能需要的油漆的确切数量(Subramanian, 2000)。为了确保所有的泄漏和泄漏都应该在化学处理过程中完全填满。使用滴灌盘和真空系统收集可能用于回收的废油和其他液体。回收冷却水和其他未使用的水,以便重复使用,而不是将其排放到下水道。


为内部回收而收集模压和挤压废料。如果粉尘控制在一定的范围内,并且金属含量有限,可以采用组合袋的方式来实现对废流的分离。减少切削液可以通过压缩施华洛夫或软金属进入砖使用包压机。废油的分离可以通过回收或回收来实现。废油可以通过从有害成分中分离出来再用。这将有助于解决方案的重用过程,可用于脱脂(Guerrero et al., 2000)。油漆驱动软件可由软件工程师开发。在同样的发展之后,应该对所有的员工进行适当的培训。喷涂喷嘴等设备的维护也有助于提高喷漆的性能。此外,高、低体积和压力喷枪也可用于相同的用途。要实现水的循环利用,必须采用多种废水回收技术。


The following activities may be implemented for waste management recycle and reuse:Management of the stock and ordering so as to minimize the waste because of packaging. Separation of the waste streams so as to allow the easy collection of the hazardous and recyclable liquid waste and also the solid waste. Reduction in the cutting fluid content so as make it easier to store and recycle with the help of the metal merchants. Separation of the waste oil for cleaning and degreasing. This will help in the reuse of the degreasing solution or to extend the life of the same. Using the paint monitoring software so as to ensure the exact amount of paint which may be required for the automotive (Subramanian, 2000).To ensure that all the leaks and the spills should be completely filled up in the chemical handling processes. Using the drip pans and the vacuum systems to do the collection of the waste oil and other liquids which may be used for recycling. Recovery of the cooling and other unused water for the purpose of re-use instead of discharging the same to sewer.

Collection of moulding and extrusion wastes for the purpose of internal recyclingThe separation of the waste streams can be implemented by the use of composing bag house dust may be the suitable components for the composition process, if the dusts are controlled and have limited amount of metallic content.Reduction of the cutting fluid can be done by the compression of swarf or the softer metals into the bricks by using the bale press. Separation of the waste oil can be done by recovery or recycling. The waste oil can be reused by the separation of the same from the harmful components. This will help in the process of reuse of the solution, which can be used for the purpose of degreasing (Guerrero et al., 2000). The paint motoring software can be developed by the software engineers. After the development of the same, there should be a proper training to all the employees. The maintenance of equipment for painting such as a spray nozzle will also be helpful in improving the spray painting. In addition to this, high and low volume and pressure spray guns can be used for the same purpose. The water reuse should be implemented by assuring a number of waste water recycling techniques.