

他们的艺术重点是介入艺术界的建立,艺术史的准则以及日常生活的社会互动。苏珊娜·莱西(Suzanne Lacy)是一篇描述女性主义艺术目标在于影响文化态度并导致刻板印象的转变的文章(Sandler, 1996)。历史上,不存在任何个人媒介或独特的风格统一这些女权主义者工匠,这些艺术家认为从几个方面结合媒体和运动包括人体艺术、概念艺术,甚至视频艺术到任务,展示信息经验的女性和要求平等的性别(Springer,1996)。女性主义艺术创造了机会,也为女性和小工匠创造了空间。




The focus of their art was over intervening in the art world establishment, the canon of art history along with social interactions of everyday basis. Suzanne Lacy as an article depicted that the Feminist art goal lies in influencing the attitudes of culture and resulting in transformation of stereotypes (Sandler, 1996). Historically, there did not exist any individual medium or unique style which united these Feminist artisans, as these artists considered combining the aspects from several media and movements inclusive of Body Art, Conceptual arts and even Video art into tasks presenting information on experiences of women and the requirement for equality of gender (Springer et al, 1996). Opportunities were created by Feminist art as well as spaces which previously were not present for female’s and minor artisans.

The movement also paved the way towards activist art and identity art that undertook in the 1980s. There were several key ideas behind this movement. The first was that the feminist artisans sought at creating a dialoguing form between the artwork and the viewer by women’s perspective inclusion (Sandler, 1996). Merely, art was not an aesthetic admiration object but it could also lead towards inciting the audience to doubt the landscape socially and politically. By questioning as such, a possible influence over the world was looked into in order to incite some form of change that leads towards the equalization of men and women.



德比臂提升区和巡航服务是劳斯莱斯典范的技术园区的一部分。该公司目前正致力于解决一些业务问题,如业务的高要求和可持续性(DC Council, 2014)。该公司希望在推广和it操作过程中有新的方向。如果考虑到外部因素和内部操作,项目管理将是有效的。这将使公司能够满足消费者的需求。为了在业务中带来变化,必须对产品进行需求分析。




Derby Arm Boat Lifting area and Cruise services are a part of the technology park of Rolls-Royce paradigm. The company is currently focussing on ways to address some of the operational issues such as high requirement and sustainability of the operations (DC Council, 2014). The company wants newer directions in its promotions and in it operational procedure. The project management will be effective if there is factoring of external factors and also the internal operations. This would enable a company to meet the demands of the consumers. To bring changes in the business need analysis must be done for the product.

External factors play an important role. In case of extending the demography of the people important factor in the consumer behaviour and alter the processes of the company based on these factors. In this analysis, there is a funnel based approach that has been used to understand the demographics. As an initial step the nation economy index, the city economic status and the internal planning for addressing the consumer has been probed. This is followed by having a monitoring and process of control. A detailed analysis of these factors has been probed in the following analysis.



定价策略是基于三个主要的概念。它是单个公司的最终现金流目标,是消费者对产品的需求,也是市场上现有的竞争。为了确定价格,公司试图增加所有的成本,并找到产生利润的方法(Goi, 2009)。在此基础上,确定了价格范围。因此,任何定价都是基于成本需求、产品需求和现有竞争(Manchanda、Rossi和Chintagunta, 2004)。在以成本为基础的定价的情况下,价格完全基于产品的生产成本,而不考虑产品的最终需求。


在需求定价模型中,价格是根据消费者需求和产品需求来确定的。产品的竞争定价是基于竞争对手(Muhlbacher, Leihs and Dahringer, 2006)确定的。产品的品牌赞助和品牌形象的可信性也有其内在的因素,形成了定价模型。根据这些因素,这些公司决定了当前市场的价格。有许多理论都与市场上的产品定价有关。


Pricing strategy is based on three major notions. It is the final cash flow objective of the individual company, the consumer demand for the product and the existing competition in the markets. To determine the price, the companies try to add all the costs involved and find ways to generate profits (Goi, 2009). Based on this, there is the price range that is determined. Thus, any pricing is based on the cost requirements, demand of the product and the existing competition (Manchanda, Rossi and Chintagunta, 2004). In the case of cost based pricing, the price is based purely on the production cost of the products without consideration of the final demand of the products.

In the case of demand pricing model, the prices are determined based on the consumer needs and requirement of the products. The competition based pricing of the product the prices is determined on the basis of the competitors (Mühlbacher, Leihs and Dahringer, 2006). There are also the intrinsic factors that the brand patronage for the products and the credibility of the brand image create a pricing model. According to these factors, the companies determined the prices in current markets. There are a number of theories that have been associated with the pricing of the products in the market.







In the global economy that all countries are participating in, it could be said that countries face both threats and opportunities. On the one hand, countries and their respective industrial establishments have opportunities in the international trade market. Demand is created for goods and surplus is offloaded onto the international markets to help the internal trade situation. This improves the economic situation of the country immensely. On the other hand, threats also exist in the form of intense competition in international trade.

Smaller countries might be marginalized or could face threats of losing out to larger ones. The effects might propagate in both the international and the internal market as foreign brands and firms can bring their surplus at real competitive prices to local industries. Now, it is in the intention of utilizing opportunities and reducing threats that regional economic arrangements are made. This essay presents the costs and benefits of participating in regional economic arrangements and presents why states join these organizations.



人们经常用流行的、流行的、流行的、流行的、时尚的、街头的时尚等词来描述时尚的现象。许多人对时尚的理解仅限于上述几句话,或者是一种含糊不清的混合物,或者是其中的一种。街头时尚目前没有一种大众流行的语言来理解(Okonkwo, 2016;佩里&塔,2013)。如果一个人忽视了时尚街时尚发展的历史,就会考虑到一系列的主观扩张。例如,唐代的胡风在街头流行,属于街头时尚。与此同时,目前的街头时尚是基于更现代的潮流(Kuang-Ying & Hackley, 2013)。这种理解忽略了两者之间的本质区别:大型生产加工背后的商品和商品的公共时尚仙境。

一是消费文化的本质,追求一致和服装的主题是公共服装公司,是全球时尚一体化和统一的远大目标(Rook, 2016)。另一个则更具社会意义。街头时尚造就了特立独行的个性群体。有些人认为这是他们对阶级、金钱或地位的反对(Baptiste, 2012)。他们利用街头时尚,反对社会结构划分的基准。其他人可能会用街头时尚来追求自我满足,享受个性的体验,他们的终极目标不是融合,而是创造一个公共时尚的叛逆(Hinerasky, 2012)。在这一点上,可以说街头时尚是原创的,但同时,社会影响力也可以被用来主张街头时尚适应变化的环境(Arbuckle, 2010)。


People often use fashionable, popular, fashion, pop, fashion, street fashion and other words to describe the phenomenon of fashion. The understanding of fashion of many is limited to the above few words, or a vague mixture or one of the words. Street fashion does not currently have a public prevailing language for its understanding (Okonkwo, 2016; Perry & Tower, 2013). If one is to ignore the history of the development of fashion street fashion, a range of subjective expansion would come into consideration. For instance, the Tang Dynasty Hu Feng popular in the street scenes belong to street fashion. At the same time, current street fashion is created based on more modern trends (Kuang-Ying & Hackley, 2013). The understanding ignores the essential difference between the two: a public fashion wonderland of goods and commodities behind the machining of large-volume production.

One is the nature of consumer culture, the pursuit of consistent and clothing the same as the subject is public fashion clothing company and their lofty goal of global fashion integration and unity (Rook, 2016). The other has more social significance. Street fashion hence creates maverick personality groups. Some present it as their opposition to class, money, or status (Baptiste, 2012). Using street fashion, they oppose the benchmark of the division of social structure. Others might use street fashion to pursue self-satisfaction, and enjoy the experience of individuality, their ultimate goal is not convergence but to create a public fashion rebel (Hinerasky, 2012). In this, it could be said street fashion is original, but at the same time the social influence could also be used to claim street fashion adapts to changing conditions (Arbuckle, 2010).




《悉尼先驱晨报》上刊登的一篇特别的报纸文章是关于Baird政府关于将公众服务外包的决定。根据这篇媒体报道,澳大利亚已经开始雇佣外籍人士,以尊重该国的IT部门。Baird政府现在已经决定在457签证(Patty, 2017)的帮助下,为公共服务工作承包或外包工人。报纸编辑安娜·帕蒂的报告强调了这样一个事实:尽管有足够的技能,但澳大利亚的大众正被招募为全职IT专业人员。


Baird政府,公共部门特别是在新南威尔士地区32个全职员工临时签证将聘请公共部门工作,这是一个阻碍发展的国家,因为国家的青年是剥夺接受来自公共部门的任何类型的工作。全球化是一种多面的现象,它不仅涉及政治领域,也包括经济、社会和文化领域(Titi Amayah, 2013)。


The particular newspaper media article published in Sydney Morning Herald is about the decision taken by the Baird government with regards to outsourcing people for public service works. According to this media report, Australia is already into hiring foreign people with respect to the IT sector that is there in the country. The Baird government has now decided to contract or rather outsource workers for the public service work with the help of the 457 visa in the country (Patty, 2017). The report by the editor of the newspaper Anna Patty focuses on the fact that in spite of having enough skills, the Australian mass are being recruited as the full-time IT professionals.

Now, with the Baird government, public sector especially in the NSW area 32 full-time employees on temporary visa will be hired for public sector works, which is a hindrance for the growth of the country, because the youth of the nation is deprived of from receiving any kind of jobs from the public sector in the country.Globalization is a multi-faced phenomenon, where the term encompasses great variety of things not only in the political sphere but also in the economic, social as well as in the cultural sphere (Titi Amayah, 2013).







Ethics is an extremely focal element in a business that operates in the present society. It is a factor that defines the level of credibility of a business and at the same time also helps a business establish goodwill in the market. There are several ethical theories which can be adapted in the situation on hand in an ethical choice it is to be made. It is possible to make several choices and variations within the ethical framework based on using a suitable framework. The equity theory of ethics should be adopted in this instance, as it is important to build equal opportunities for all in the organization.

It is required to ensure that there is no discrimination done against any one and so it is possible to create an environment where all work is at the same level. It is possible to help candidates or employees to recognize the equality factor and this can be done only by forming the same rules for each of them [3]. It is extremely important to ensure that there is trust and good faith maintained. The act of the firm is not in good faith as the data has been given to a third party without prior permissions from the client.



本文着重分析了与Descanso Gardens相关的所有方面,如客户和顾问在花园中的作用。本文还着重分析了与Descanso Gardens相关的一个最重要的项目,即可持续发展项目。通过与Portico集团合作实施的可持续发展项目,真正使洛杉矶县受益于在这个国家最美丽的环保项目之一的Descanso花园的改革。




This paper has focused on analyzing all the aspects associated with Descanso Gardens such as the role of clients and consultants in the garden. This paper has also focused on analyzing one of the most important projects associated with Descanso Gardens which is the sustainability project. The project of sustainability implemented through the collaboration with The Portico Group really benefited Los Angeles County to reform the Descanso Gardens in one of the most beautiful eco-friendly projects in the country.

The major significance of the project is that it allowed conserving water, developing energy and reducing and recycling the waste generated by the garden. Due to this project, the Award of Excellence for 2014 was awarded to Los Angeles County. The lesson learned from this assignment is to focus on the aspect of sustainability and save nature. Descanso gardens, design, elements, process, challenges, consultants, clients, maintenance management, social, environmental impact, site challenges, site coverage





它的作用是建立雇佣关系(Rudman, 2002)。这些原则被发现要求雇员、工会和雇员以一种诚实和建设性的方式来处理彼此。这些规则适用于雇主、工会和公司雇员。设置这些术语的原因是为了确保所有的利益相关者都从这个过程中受益。这意味着过去的事件为这些立法的设立开创了先例。这种分析的目的是了解雇佣关系法案的根本原因。


Employment Relations Act (2000) was passed in order to understand the employment structure. The act is provided as a structure for the employers and the unions to negotiate terms. They enter into collective agreements and the employees enter into individual agreement. The act provides a system for resolution of the employment related problems. There are free mediation services that are offered to the people. Principles of good faith efforts are a central point to the Employment Relations Act.

It is found to act in the aim of building employment relationships (Rudman, 2002). The principles are found to require the employees, unions and the employees to deal with each other in an honest and constructive manner. These rules apply to the employers, unions and the employees of the companies. The reason for setting of these terms is to ensure that all the stakeholders are benefitted from this process. This implies that the past events had set the precedent for the setting up of these legislations. The purpose of this analysis is to understand the root cause for the Employment Relations Act.






This letter is written for my re-admission of the AAU for the summer 2017 semester again. I felt so regretted that for the sake of my poor academic performance and frequent absence from classes in the past semester, I had to quit school. In this period of time, I had also made a profound self-examination. Now I make up my minds to totally immerse myself in my professional studies.I am confident to achieve better achievements in academic courses and combine my professional goals with the college educational requirements. As a student from a not very rich family background, it isn’t very easy for my parents to work very hard to support my education.


My failure this time is a severe blow to them and also the denial of their efforts. I don’t want to make them feel disappointed any more. Thence this time, whatever in learning or in other areas, I will be stricter with myself than ever before and try my utmost to develop good learning habits so as to seize this opportunity to catch up with others and overcome my personal shortcomings. I will spend more time and energy in my professional studies. Otherwise,it will be a waste of my life and time, which is not what I want to see. I deeply recognized that my past behavior and performance is not warranted and may prevent me from obtaining my degree in my field of studies. However, I still sincerely expect that you could consider giving me an opportunity for the re-admission.