

在Fama的研究出现之后,全球各地的研究人员开始调查各个股票市场的股票市场的随机性,以找出国家(Abbas, 2014)的效率形式。然而,大多数研究人员关注的是发达国家和新兴国家,因为中东的股票市场没有受到关注,在研究中受到的关注较少。文献已经证实,对大马士革证券交易所(DSE)的随机性的审查比较少。新兴的股票市场价格波动很大,DSE也很年轻,并且对交易的看法(Abbas, 2014)。因此,对叙利亚股票市场中随机游走的特征进行调查,为对市场效率的实证研究和对中东地区的随机漫步行为做出贡献成为必要。


研究人员使用各种技术来检测线性和非线性依赖(Abbas, 2014)。在异方差和同方差的分布假设中,进行了方差和相关比的估计,并进行了非参数性检验,并利用BDs检验进行了序列相关性的评价。


After the emergence of the Fama’s research, various researchers across the globe started to investigate the stock market randomness across various stock markets to find out the form of efficiency present in the nations (Abbas, 2014). However, majority of the researchers focused on the developed and emerging nations due to which the stock markets of Middle East was left out of the focus and gained less attention within the studies. The literature has established that the examination of the randomness of the Damascus securities exchange (DSE) was less. There is high price volatility in the nascent stock markets and the DSE is both young and think on trading (Abbas, 2014). Therefore, it becomes essential for the investigation of the characteristics of random walk within the equity market of Syria for making contribution to the empirical literature on the market efficiency and random walk behaviour with emphasis on the Middle East region.


The researcher used varied techniques for the detection of both linear and non-linear dependency (Abbas, 2014). The parametric evaluation was performed in which the variance and correlation ratio rests were undertaken for the random walks within the distributional assumptions of the heteroscedasticity and homoscedasticity along with the tests of non-parametric nature made used the BDs test for the evaluation of serial correlation.




根据阿巴斯(2014)的观点,随机漫步行为理论与有效市场理论相关联。研究人员认为,只有股票市场在本质上是有效的,价格的连续变化将是独立的,随机漫步将遵循价格(Abbas, 2014)。在本文中,他引用了许多基于Fama随机游走理论的文章。在全球股票市场的股票回报中,调查了随机漫步的行为。通过对文献的回顾发现,研究人员对股市回报行为没有达成共识(Abbas, 2014)。人们认为,随机漫步假说所表达的各种贡献已被证明有利于发达的股票市场。一些研究人员和作者发现,德国、英国、西班牙、瑞典、葡萄牙和爱尔兰的欧洲市场与随机漫步假说(Abbas, 2014)一致。然而,法国的市场与随机漫步的需求是一致的。


研究人员指出,随机漫步假说并不适用于美国,而且来自发展中国家的经验证据相互冲突和混合。在某些研究中,弱形式的效率与墨西哥、智利、阿根廷和巴西的股票市场(Abbas, 2014)的随机行走假说相关联。然而,其他国家却对随机行走假说的有效性提出了强有力的支持,并拒绝了智利、巴西、中国、墨西哥、韩国、印度、委内瑞拉、哥伦比亚、秘鲁、巴西和阿根廷等新兴和发展中国家的弱形式效率。当中东和北非市场进行调查时,人们发现,经验主义的文献已经拒绝了在确定区域内的国家的股票回报的随机性。


According to Abbas (2014), the random walk behaviour theory is associated with the theory of efficient market. It is regarded by the researcher that only if stock market is efficient in nature, the successive change of the price will be independent and the random walk will be followed by the prices (Abbas, 2014). In this paper, he has cited many articles that have developed and based on the random walk theory of Fama. The behaviour of random walk was investigated within the stock returns across the global stock markets. It has been identified through the review of literature that there be no consensus agreed by researcher about the stock market returns behaviour (Abbas, 2014). It is considered that the variety of contributions articulated on the random walk hypothesis has proven to be in favour of the developed stock markets. Several researchers and authors have identified that the European markets of Germany, United Kingdom, Spain, Sweden, Portugal and Ireland showcases consistency with the random walk hypothesis (Abbas, 2014). However, the market of France is aligned with only few of the random walk requirements.


The researchers have indicated that the random walk hypothesis is not applicable for the United States and there are conflicting and mixed empirical evidence from the developing nations. Weak form of efficiency is linked by certain researches without rejecting the random walk hypothesis for the stock markets of Mexico, Chile, Argentina and Brazil (Abbas, 2014). However, the others have surfaced strong support against the random walk hypothesis validity and rejected the efficiency in weak form across the emerging and developing nations of Chile, Brazil, China, Mexico, Korea, India, Venezuela, Columbia, Peru, Brazil and Argentina. As the Middle Eastern and North African Markets were investigates, it was found that the empirical literature has rejected the stock returns randomness across nations in identified regions.





从这篇文章的使用来看,未来关于价格变化分布的研究已经有了两门可能的课程。在本文写作之前,大部分研究都集中在寻找与价格变化经验分布相一致的统计性质的分布(Fama, 1965)。相对而言,花费较少的精力去探索提供经验分布上升的常见过程。在这一视角下,任何一般的价格形成模型都不存在于股票市场中,用来解释价格水平和价格变动在一般经济变量行为上的分布。通过本文提供的建议,可以开发和测试模型,在理论上可以为建立强大的基础做出巨大贡献。本文还建议利用蒙特卡罗技术,建立一个近似的抽样理论。甚至当密度函数相关的显式表达不为人所知时,也会出现这种情况。


本文简要地指出,在不同的情况下,在不同的情况下,对于长尾自然的经验分布频率,在这样的结果下,个体的后续态度是相似的。然而,有效市场假说是最重要的贡献。根据这个假设,如果市场是有效的,那么价格的变化将会立即反映出来,否则他们将不会(Fama, 1965)。


The paper has added by providing some additional dependence tests for this hypothesis. It states that there are two distinct processes for independent testing. Pure statistics test can be carried out for example. All these have been utilized in order to elaborate completely the nature of whether this hypothesis is right or not. This has been a major contribution.
From the use of this article, two possible courses have been taken by future research over price change distribution. Until the writing of this article, most of the research was focused on only finding the distribution of statistical nature which can coincide with price change empirical distributions (Fama, 1965). Relatively there was lesser effort being spent to explore the much common processes providing empirical distribution rise. Within this perspective, any general price formation model did not exist within the market of stocks for explaining the level of price and price changes distribution with regard to the behaviour of general variables of economics. With the suggestions provided in this article, it has been possible to develop and test models that can greatly contribute towards establishment of a strong foundation theoretically. The article also recommended making use of techniques of Monte Carlo in order to develop an approximate theory of sampling. This was suggested even when density functions related explicit expression are not known.


The article in brief stated that provided the empirical distribution frequency of long tailed nature being under observation, in various situations, subsequent attitude of an individual under such results will be similar. Efficient market hypothesis however is the most essential contribution. According to this hypothesis, if market is efficient, then the price changes will immediately reflect or else they will not (Fama, 1965).







Expected gains can be increased in this manner. On the other hand, as per the article, the random-walks theory depicts that the price level future pathway related to security is nothing much predictable in nature. This has been compared to the cumulated random numbers series path. In terms of statistics, the theory states that successive changes in price have independence (Fama, 1965). This independence comes forward in the variables with random identical distribution. This implies most simply that the price series and the changes do not have any memory.


This further means that what has occurred in the past cannot be utilized for prediction of the future in any meaningful manner. This is the reason why favour in the article is given to the random walks theory of stock prices. The random walks theory within the prices of stock involves 2 distinct hypotheses. First is successive changes in prices has independence and secondly, the changes in price have conformance to certain distribution of probability. The hypothesis has been discussed in this article independently. When reading the paper, there is clarity on the fact that the paper has offered enormous and strong support for random walk hypothesis. However, within business and research by economists, it is not possible for one to claim that a hypothesis has been established without any doubt (Fama, 1965). Always there are more tests that can be done either tending towards hypothesis validity confirmation or previously obtained results opposition. Within the final paper paragraphs, the paper indulged in suggesting certain directions for future research.



所选的文章是关于股票市场价格在《商业杂志》上发表的. 本节描述了这篇祖父文章的概要,并提供了对知识主体如何在该领域做出贡献的评估。本文在本质上具有高度的描述性,其目的在于探讨理论的随机游走模型。关键是测试模型的实证效度。本文的基本结论解释了信息的一致性以及对使用该模型的更强烈支持(Fama, 1965)。本文认为,作为经验自然的证据,有利于随机漫步模型,但现在模型仍然是巨大的。文章的知识体系通过对这一领域的贡献大大增加了。


多年来,这篇文章提出了一种解决办法,一直存在争议。这一争议是在以往的股票一般价格的历史范围内,可以用来预测未来股票价格的有意义的性质。这个问题的答案要么是由图表分析师提供的理论,要么是通过随机漫步理论。这篇文章指出,尽管有各种不同的宪章理论,但仍然有更相似和普遍的假设(Fama, 1965)。所有这些都假设,以前的安全成本行为在预测未来行为方面具有丰富的数据。在以往的成本行为中,一些模式和历史会导致重复本身,历史成本也会在未来出现。因此,通过价格图表的仔细分析,可以开发出这种模式的理解。这可以用来预测未来的价格行为。


The article selected is Fama, E.F., (1965) on the behaviour of stock-market prices published in the journal of Business, 38(1), pp.34-105. This section describes a synopsis of this grandfather article along with providing assessment of how the body of knowledge has contributed in the field.
The paper is highly descriptive in nature and its purpose lies in discussing the random walk model underlying theory. The key was also testing the empirical validity of the model. The essential conclusion of this paper explains that information has shown consistency as well as stronger support for using this model (Fama, 1965). The paper suggests that as evidence of empirical nature is produced in favour of the random-walk model, but still the model now is hefty.


The article’s body of knowledge has added tremendously through its contribution to the field. For various years, a controversy remained for which the article offered a solution. The controversy was on the range previous history of a general price of stock can be used for making predictions of meaningful nature with regard to future stock price. This question had been answered either through theories provided by chartists or through the random walk theories. The article states that even though there are various distinct chartist theories, all the more similar and general assumption is still made in them (Fama, 1965). All of them are the assumption that the previous security cost behaviour has data rich in predicting behaviour in the future. Within the previous cost behaviour are some patterns and history results in repeating itself, the historical cost comes forward in the future as well. Therefore, by price charts careful analysis, an understanding can be developed of such patterns. This can be used for predicting prices behaviour in future.








u =孔隙压力

l =片底座长度



一般方法满足力矩平衡条件,忽略剪切力和层间法向力,提供了安全的保护因子,并用于演示。在实践中常用的简化方法是圆形剪切面。该方法包括层间法向力,不包括层间剪切力。垂直力平衡满足确定和评价基础法基的基础,由: 毕肖普的简化方法假定了圆形的破坏面,并利用方程来确定安全系数。计算需要迭代过程,因为非线性关系作为安全系数出现在等式两边。因此,该方法满足安全与垂直力平衡的力矩平衡或因子。它包括层间法向力,主要适用于圆形剪切面。主教严密的方法包括夹层剪力。该方法假定了结果力的分布,满足切片的力矩平衡。迭代过程决定了安全系数。


The ordinary method satisfies moment equilibrium for the circular slip surface and neglects both the shear and interslice normal forces. The main advantage of the method is that it examines the factor of safety in a simple way and the equation does not require the interaction process. The factor of safety is based on the moment equilibrium.

u= pore pressure
l= slice base length
α = inclination of the slip surface


The ordinary method satisfies the moment equilibrium condition, neglects the shear and interslice normal forces and provides the conservation factor of safety and useful for demonstrations.
The simplified method of Bishop is commonly used in practice for the circular shear surface. The method includes the interslice normal forces and does not include the interslice shear forces. The vertical force equilibrium is satisfied to determine and evaluate the base normal base which is given by: The Bishop’s simplified method assumes the circular failure surface, and the equation is used to determine the factor of safety. The computation requires the iterative process because of nonlinear relationship as the factor of safety appears on the both sides. Thus, the method satisfies the moment equilibrium or factor of safety and vertical force equilibrium. It includes the interslice normal force and mostly applies to the circular shear surfaces. The Bishop rigorous method includes the interslice shear forces. The method assumes the distribution of the resultant forces and satisfies the moment equilibrium of the slice. The iteration processes determine the factor of safety.




为了分析边坡的稳定性,提出了许多极限平衡方法。第一个方法是引入普通基力的新关系。因此,安全系数方程变得非线性。非圆面失效的简化方法将潜在滑移的质量分为不同的垂直切片。同时介绍了切片的一般处理过程,从而引出了简化方法的发展。对不同假设的夹层力进行了进一步的贡献。一般极限平衡的过程是随着Morgenstern price和Spencer方法的扩展而发展起来的。




Many limit equilibrium methods have been developed for the analysis of the slope stability. The first method was introduced for introducing the new relationships for the normal base force. Thus, the equation of factor of safety became nonlinear. The simplified method for the failure of the non-circular surfaces divided the mass of potential sliding into different vertical slices. The general process of slices was introduced at the same time which leads to the development of the simplified methods. Further contributions were made for interslice forces with different assumptions. The procedure of the general limit equilibrium was developed as the extension of the Morgenstern price and Spencer methods.


All the limit equilibrium methods are based on the assumptions for the shear forces and interslice normal, and the main difference between the methods is based on how the forces are assumed or determined. The equilibrium conditions for estimating the factor of safety and the shape of the slip surface are assumed in this case. The interslice forces rely on many factors which include deformation characteristics of materials and stress-strain. The evaluation becomes more complicated in the presence of limit equilibrium methods. The assumptions are made in the methods either to neglect one or both of them. The forces are considered in most of the advanced methods in the limit equilibrium analysis.










Before the major stock market bubbles are explored, it is essential that the positive feedback associated with the stock market bubbles is understood. The positive feedback takes place as rising price of share attracts the investor’s focus. This attraction leads to the investor to ignore the study of share intrinsic as researchers have established that the increment in price is considered a sufficient reason by the investors for making considerable investments. Furthermore, the extra investment delivers buoyancy towards the price that results in the completion of the positive feedback loop.
It is to consider that similar to the dynamic systems, the markets of finance operate in an equilibrium which is ever changing in nature and this results in the volatility of price. However, a negative feedback in the form of self-adjustment takes place on the market. This is considered as the systems that comprises of positive feedback enters within the position of growing disequilibrium. This is evident across the financial bubbles in which, the prices of asset increases vertically over the amount that can be regarded as economic value that is rational after which it falls rapidly.
It is identified through the literature that the new global financial system was agreed by the delegates of Bretton Woods. This system received support through the International Monetary Fund which was a new institution with the concentration of the stability in macroeconomics along with the economic growth was viewed as the elements that will guarantee peace. The demise of the post war Bretton Woods agreement in resulted in emergence of period where trade conflicts, low growth, inflation and exchange rate volatility was seen. Herein, the value of the finance shifted from the commodity to the confidence on value.






The essay investigates the class nature of society as pertaining to the American society. The focus is on how class is socially constructed, and how inequalities in the society are creating problems for people. The final part of the essay discusses the same issues in the broader idea of living the American dream.

1. Class is Socially Constructed
When class is defined as being socially constructed, the meaning of class extends beyond that of one dictated by just economy, although economic value of members of that class also plays a role in that social construction. Therefore, income alone was not a differentiation. Class has been explored as a process in itself in which different societal members included some members and excluded others. For instance, upper middle-class Americans tend to exclude people based on issues in moral superiority such as their honesty, their competency, their work ethics, etc. They also considered socio-economic superiority elements. The professional prestige of the upper class, the intelligence levels, the experience levels etc. contributed to the characteristics of the upper class.
There is a general belief that class distinctions in the US, socially constructed or otherwise is less. However, actual data states that there might have been a steady increase in class differences in the post-cold war era (Gabrenya, 2003). Those with a college degree might be stratified as a much higher class compared with one that just completed a high school degree, even if both were to earn the same. Such a class construction based on many factors also changes the opportunities available to people.






Based on the Pre IFRS values, it could be argued that Great Britain and France, in the aftermath of the Second World War were more focused on long term orientation, and uncertainty avoidance, they did not want to risk chances (Appendix C). Although there was some amount of power distance, they still focused on accounting values that were balanced for all investors, local and international trades. Even now companies of the United States still view the United Kingdom as a gateway into broader US markets. However, this was not observed in the case of China, where the open-door policy still lead to issues as foreign investors were often left in doubt about the company’s actual financial portfolio.
PRE-IFRS accounting values and the Gray Model:
Based on the Pre IFRS elements and the cultural dimensions as understood through the Hofstede, it can be said that France has more professionalism over statutory control (Appendix D). According to Gray when a country ranks high up in terms of individualism and low in terms of uncertainty avoidance and power distance, then it can be ranked to be highly professional. In that context, Both France and Great Britain are both highly professional. On the other hand, China with more rigid set of rules is ranked as being under statutory control.
The second hypothesis of Gray is that when a country is ranked high in terms of uncertainty avoidance and power distance and low in terms of individualism, then it would be ranked highly in uniformity. Now France and Britain are ranked quite low when compared relatively with China, and low in terms of power distance too, so they are more flexible. On the other hand, China is more uniform.

The third hypothesis of Gray postulates that when a country is higher in terms of uncertainty avoidance and lowers in terms of individualism and masculinity, it would rank with conservatism. Since France and Great Britain do not meet this criterion, they can be ranked as being more optimistic whereas China is more conservative.
Finally, the last criteria postulates that when a country is ranked high in terms of uncertainty avoidance and power distance but lower when it comes to individualism and masculinity, then they are more secretive. Once again, China meets this criterion and hence falls under secrecy whereas United Kingdom and France come under Transparency.