


为了废物管理、回收和再使用,可实施以下活动:库存管理和订购,以尽量减少由于包装造成的废物。对废物进行分类,以方便收集有害及可循环再造的液体废物及固体废物。减少切削液的含量,使在金属商人的帮助下更容易储存和回收。清洗和脱脂废油的分离。这将有助于重复使用脱脂液或延长脱脂液的使用寿命。使用油漆监控软件,以确保汽车可能需要的油漆的确切数量(Subramanian, 2000)。为了确保所有的泄漏和泄漏都应该在化学处理过程中完全填满。使用滴灌盘和真空系统收集可能用于回收的废油和其他液体。回收冷却水和其他未使用的水,以便重复使用,而不是将其排放到下水道。


为内部回收而收集模压和挤压废料。如果粉尘控制在一定的范围内,并且金属含量有限,可以采用组合袋的方式来实现对废流的分离。减少切削液可以通过压缩施华洛夫或软金属进入砖使用包压机。废油的分离可以通过回收或回收来实现。废油可以通过从有害成分中分离出来再用。这将有助于解决方案的重用过程,可用于脱脂(Guerrero et al., 2000)。油漆驱动软件可由软件工程师开发。在同样的发展之后,应该对所有的员工进行适当的培训。喷涂喷嘴等设备的维护也有助于提高喷漆的性能。此外,高、低体积和压力喷枪也可用于相同的用途。要实现水的循环利用,必须采用多种废水回收技术。


The following activities may be implemented for waste management recycle and reuse:Management of the stock and ordering so as to minimize the waste because of packaging. Separation of the waste streams so as to allow the easy collection of the hazardous and recyclable liquid waste and also the solid waste. Reduction in the cutting fluid content so as make it easier to store and recycle with the help of the metal merchants. Separation of the waste oil for cleaning and degreasing. This will help in the reuse of the degreasing solution or to extend the life of the same. Using the paint monitoring software so as to ensure the exact amount of paint which may be required for the automotive (Subramanian, 2000).To ensure that all the leaks and the spills should be completely filled up in the chemical handling processes. Using the drip pans and the vacuum systems to do the collection of the waste oil and other liquids which may be used for recycling. Recovery of the cooling and other unused water for the purpose of re-use instead of discharging the same to sewer.

Collection of moulding and extrusion wastes for the purpose of internal recyclingThe separation of the waste streams can be implemented by the use of composing bag house dust may be the suitable components for the composition process, if the dusts are controlled and have limited amount of metallic content.Reduction of the cutting fluid can be done by the compression of swarf or the softer metals into the bricks by using the bale press. Separation of the waste oil can be done by recovery or recycling. The waste oil can be reused by the separation of the same from the harmful components. This will help in the process of reuse of the solution, which can be used for the purpose of degreasing (Guerrero et al., 2000). The paint motoring software can be developed by the software engineers. After the development of the same, there should be a proper training to all the employees. The maintenance of equipment for painting such as a spray nozzle will also be helpful in improving the spray painting. In addition to this, high and low volume and pressure spray guns can be used for the same purpose. The water reuse should be implemented by assuring a number of waste water recycling techniques.