



发起人的资本主义的理念和市场结构,亚当•斯密(Adam Smith)称,一名工人在做许多的工作和学习的inter-changeability产品,节省时间和被使用在不同的工艺在不同季节有一个丰富的优势拥有知识使用它自己的一个好处(史密斯,1839)。另一方面,亚当•斯密(Adam Smith)也以大头针制造为例,提出了一种更好的事件操作系统,其中一名工人正在做一项确定的大头针折叠工作。另一个参与为其他工人做别针之类的工作,最终会在一天内建造数千个别针,而在这种情况下,一个工人会做所有的工作,甚至不会在一天内完成一到两个别针。资本家开始直接以固定的工资雇佣工人,让他们在他们的监督下工作,并通过给每个工人分配固定的工作范围来学会系统化生产方法。如果工人们意识到他们所拥有的知识的价值,那么内部合同制度就有可能使他们变得更加强大。


The nature of the inside contract system and its impact on the workers。In an inside contract system, when a capitalist who has the capital, but no knowledge of the product to be made had only one option. And that was to hire craftsmen on a contractual basis and then contract the production to them on a pay per piece model of payment. The contractor who would bring in all the craftsmen would hire them, supervise their work, pay them their wages and make his own money in the difference of the amount paid by the capitalist and those paid to the workers as wages (Buttrick, 1952). This system primarily existed and kept on gaining interest and popularity on the firm foundation of the lack of superior knowledge of production by the capitalist. This knowledge-poor capitalists paid substantial money to contractors, who also paid substantial wages to workers and craftsmen since they were knowledge-rich and had all the methods of producing superior products, even on a mass scale.

The originator of the idea and market structure of capitalism, Adam Smith asserts that one worker doing the work of many and learning about the inter-changeability of the products at a time, along with saving time and being employed in different crafts during different season has an abundant advantage to possess knowledge an use it to his or her own benefit (Smith, 1839). Adam Smith on the other hand also proposed an event better system of operations considering the example of pin manufacturing, where one worker doing a define work of folding the pin. The other involved in shaping the pin and so on for other workers would end up building thousands of pin in a day compared to the situation, where one worker would do all the work who would not even make one or two pin in a day. This proposition taking its flight reaped in a lot of benefits and the capitalists started to hire the workers directly on a regular pay and allowing them to work under their supervision and learn to systemise the method of production by allotting fixed scope of work to each worker. The inside contract system had the potential of making the workers more powerful had they realised the value of the knowledge they possessed.





他们想帮助社会中的妇女和女童。她说,用Elsie Elliot的话来说,“大多数孩子,即使是最小的婴儿,由于营养不良和湿热的生活条件,都遭受了巨大的脓疮和皮肤感染。”英国的女传教士有一个独特的理由来中国服务。一般来说,女传教士对中国女性的要求和她们的困境更加敏感。以埃尔西·埃利奥特(Elsie Elliot)为代表的这些传教士更愿意帮助中国妇女所处的恶劣环境。他们想要帮助女学生和学生,并且在反缠足运动中扮演不可或缺的角色。为了减轻人们的痛苦,特别是提高妇女在男权社会中的地位,许多女传教士选择到中国来帮助人民。他们参与教学,提供卫生保健服务和建议,这些都是人口中妇女所独有的。


The Hong Kong Government also asked for the support of the Catholic and the Protestants aid into the nation after Hong Kong was ceded to the British Government. Hong Kong government had its own logistics of operations. They had a unique socio-cultural environment and they wanted the aid of the British government to maintain the current standards. There were unique church-state relations. This helped in building a better rapport with the local government and also was fostered by the British government to improve the perception of the United Kingdom government in the eyes of the people. Hence, the fundamental notion of the British government to send missionaries into the state was altruism, religiosity and to alleviate the suffering of the people. The Hong Kong government wanted the people to live better quality of life and therefore they accepted the offerings of the missionaries into the state. The missionaries from United Kingdom who were chosen to service in China were either Catholics or Protestants. There was a general contention among the people in China that this was an indirect effort by the British governance to bring in cultural imperialism in the nation. Nevertheless, the works of the missionaries in the nation cannot be discounted. Women missionaries in China had different motives.

They wanted to help the women and girl children in the societies. In the words of Elsie Elliot, she stated,“Most of the children, even the tiniest of babies, suffered from enormous boils and skin infections, due to malnutrition and hot and sticky living conditions”. There was a unique reason for the women missionaries of Britain to visit China for services. In general, women missionaries were more sensitive to the Chinese women requirements and their plights. These missionaries represented by Elsie Elliot were more ready to help the harsh surroundings in which Chinese women lived. They wanted to help the girl students and the pupils and were integral in their role of the anti-footbinding movement. There were a number of women missionaries who chose to visit China and help the people in order to alleviate the sufferings of the people esp. improvement of the position of the women in the patriarchal society. They were involved in teaching, providing health care and services and advice that were exclusively required for the women in the population.











































摘要不宜长篇大论,扼要介绍论文的背景和解决了什么问题就可以了。很多学生的毛病是把该写在引言里的内容都放到摘要里来了。 一般可以说:“本文首先介绍了…,然后用了什么什么方法,最后得出什么什么结论,可以有什么什么应用”,约两百多字就可以了,也可以先用一两句说说论题背景,然后说:“本文用什么方法解决什么问题得出什么结论等等”。

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1、 读书破万卷下笔如有神



写作是一种训练,需要日积月累,要坚持每天写点东西,选个话题就可以写,你看到的,听到,有感而发的,或者是你自己编的故事,什么都可以的,贵在坚持。写好的东西,即使是同一个话题,可以写几次,不同的角度,不同的人物,有时候时间来不及,先打个草稿,然后再慢慢雕琢。有条件的话,找个英文好的笔友 (pen pal),让他/她帮忙提提意见反馈,你会提高更快。


避免重复(Eliminate the repetitive word or phrase)

少用陈词滥调 (cliche)



Essay要少用被动语态 (passive voice),多用主动语态(Active voice)


多用日常用语、平易近人的词汇(use simple words)




















另一方面,1948年在乔治·奥威尔的书中成为了“1984”。他简单地把1948年的最后两个数字互换,给出了一个未来的日期。书的叙述体现了作者对未来主义噩梦的想象,故事发生在大洋洲的伦敦,背景是战后的英国(Amazon.com, 2016)。书中描述的是一座城市,这座城市刚刚经历了一场与希特勒统治下的德国的可怕战争。作者见证了德国人对伦敦的轰炸,他在伦敦度过了大部分的战争时光。因此,在灾难过后,恢复速度非常缓慢,到处都是被毁的建筑,基本物资实行了定量配给,一种新的威胁以苏联的名义出现在欧洲东部。小说是科学上的摩擦,“老大哥”作为党的领导人,由于他的个性而享有优越的地位。内党只为自己的利益而工作,对他人的利益不感兴趣。




On the other hand, 1948 became “1984” in the book of George Orwell. He gave a futuristic date by simple interchanging the last two numbers of 1948. The narration of the book represents the author’s vision of a futurist nightmare, which is set in the city of London in the state of Oceania at the background of post-war England (Amazon.com, 2016). The description in the book physically depicts of a city, which has just emerged out of a shocking war against Hitler’s country Germany. The author has witnessed the German’s bombardment over the city as he spent most of the war time in London. So after the devastation recoveries were quite slow and there were ruined building everywhere and rationing was done on essential items and a new threat in the name of Soviet Russia was emerging on the eastern part of Europe. The novel is a science friction where “Big Brother” the leader of the party enjoys a superior position because of his personality. The inner party only works for its own benefits and is not interested in the good for others.

The main protagonist of the novel “Winston Smith” works for the outer party and works for the “Ministry of Truth”. Every building in the city has “Tele-screens” and cameras to help the “thought police” to monitor anyone who moves against the party’s will. Winston works as an editor and is responsible for revision of the past history. He becomes keener to know about the past history and starts writing against the party. So he was punished for sure death, on the other hand Julia a young lady who maintains the novel-writing machine secretly expressed her love feelings for Winston. Winston became part of a sting operation where he manipulated the though process. The movie “Gattaca” talks about future whereas the book “1984” also talks about a future country where people can revisit and revision the history as per the command of the political party “inner party”. In both the cases the authors criticises, the concept of future societies that has been created by the mutual effort of people and knowledge of technology (Orwell, 1949).


損益表主要特點和結構:本報表又稱損益表,是財務會計報告。它顯示了一個公司在特定時間內的收入,具體包括收入和收入所產生的收入(Horngren et al, 2013)。損益表的結構可以解釋為損益表的應用,其公式為收入減去支出。損益表的格式為每個等式項建立詳細的格式。現金流量表的主要特點和結構:目標在於對財務報表使用者提供企業現金流量表的數據。該基地將在評估產生現金和現金等價物的企業能力,以及利用這種現金流的企業要求。當用戶評估企業產生現金和現金等價物的能力、生產時間和確定性時,他們就會做出經濟上的決策。


本標準負責通過現金流量表(Carlon et al., 2015)處理現金和企業現金等價物的歷史變化信息。這是負責在運營、投資和融資活動期間對現金流進行分類。現金流量表需要在已說明的分類期間報告現金流。一個公司以一種具有極大洞察力的方式呈現其現金流。經營活動現金流的例子有幾個。這些是包容性的收據從商品銷售和服務呈現的現金,現金收入從費用、佣金和收入,現金支付商品和服務供應商,代表員工的現金支付和支付現金或所得稅退款,直到確定具體活動的投資和財政。


Profit and loss statement key features and structure: This statement is also known as an income statement which is a report of financial accounting. It shows income of a company at a particular time inclusive specifically of the revenues and expenditures resulting from the income (Horngren et al, 2013). The structure of the income statement can be explained as income statement application with equation comprising of revenues minus the expenditure. The format of the profit and loss statement builds detailed for every equation items. Cash Flow statement key features and structure: The objective lies in data over enterprise cash flow provision to financial statement users. The base will lie in assessing the enterprise capability of generating cash and equivalents of cash along with the enterprise requirements of utilizing such flow of cash. The decisions made economically are taken through users when they evaluate enterprise ability of generating cash and equivalents of cash along with generation timing and certainty.

This standard is responsible for dealing with information provision on the cash and enterprise cash equivalents historical changes through cash flow statement means (Carlon et al., 2015). This is responsible for classifying every flow of cash during the operational, investment and activities of financing period. The statement of cash flow needs to report flows of cash during the classified period as already illustrated. A company presents its flows of cash in a way with maximum considerable perspective. The operating activities cash flows examples are several. These are inclusive of receipts of cash from goods sale and services rendering, receipts of cash from fees, commissions and revenues, payments of cash to goods and services suppliers, payments of cash on employee’s behalf and payment of cash or income tax refunds until identified specifically with activities of investment and finances.


最近,中國零售市場的投資基金由於新計劃和新發展而迅速增長。資本市場上的基金管理也出現了羊群行為和黑屏現象。傳統上,基金經理費用是由國家規定的。根據這些指示,市場正在對業績變化做出反應,並進一步為中國企業營造了氛圍。 《中華人民共和國證券投資基金法》對通過託管人投資的證券和基金進行管理。基金集中投資資金和託管,由基金經理管理,通過金融工具用於股票、債券和其他投資。最初,證券投資基金制度還制定了一種權力平衡制度,託管由基金管理人管理。因此,基金存在雙重監管。




Recently, investment funds in China’s retail market have grown rapidly owing to new schemes and developments. There are also signs of herd behaviour and black screen being observed in regard to the fund management in the capital markets. Traditionally, the fund manager fee had been regulated from the state. And as per these directives, the market was responding to changes in performance and further built the climate for Chinese businesses. Securities Investment Fund Law of the People’s Republic of China governs the securities and funds invested through custodians. Funds focus investment money and trusteeship through custodians, managed by fund managers for use in stocks, bonds and other investments through financial instruments. Initially, the Securities Investment Fund System also prepared a Balance of Power system where the trusteeship is with custodian and management by fund managers. Therefore, there is dual supervision for fund.

There is no direct intervention from fund custodian and investors once the assets are invested. The supervision is only exercised by attending to congress held by fund. A large number of investors have the opinion that there are many difficulties to unify, and ‘free rider’ phenomenon is very serious. The fees that mutual-fund firms collect for managing portfolios are set as a percentage of fund assets. It is even more likely that a fund firm can link management fees to a fund’s performance versus its benchmark. Could performance or incentive fees enhance returns, or are they just marketing criteria that can persuade investors into purchasing superior management? Theoretically, these incentive fees are good as active managers have additional reason for boosting fund performance. Also, asset managers are paid high percentage the better funds do and low percentage the worse they do.