



标准型的MBA Essay开头涵盖了以下几方面内容:人物,事件,时间,地点,原因和形式。这种写法很像新闻写作中的六个W,它使读者对于文章即将涉及哪些内容有一个清晰的印象。其中最标准的就是概括性的开头,而最普通的概括性开头往往就是重复一遍问题。




动作型开头则一开始就把MBA ESSAY的读者带入某一行为之中,它尤其适合需要节省空间的短文章以及用故事作为开头的叙述型/描述型文章。


领导型的开头在文章的一开始就给MBA Essay读者一个对于作者的某个领导职能的深刻印象,这对于MBA申请是很重要的。这类文章旨在展现一个自信的、目标明确的申请人。在使用这类开头的时候,文章接下来的内容必须十分有力度,以支撑起这一形象。下面举例的三个开头出于同一篇文章,分别用于引导三个部分的内容。






这种开头把读者引入MBA Essay当中的一场对话之中。它可能是真实的对话,也可能只是你的想法的一个小小片断。


























一篇dissertation动辄一两万字,很多人看到字数就已经频临崩溃了,更别提写一篇好的dissertation了。但是你不知道的是dissertation也是有结构技巧的。Dissertation有其标准结构,并且Uk的老师对结构要求非常严格。一般一篇dissertation分为五个主题部分,introduction、literature review、methodology、data analysis、conclusion。其中,LR、methodology、data analysis是dissertation中的重点。但是严格细化的话abstract,appendix,reference list都算dissertation的部分。下面就由英国高阶论文AdvancedThesis网为您简单按顺序介绍一下dissertation各部分内容。
第四个部分是literature review,也就是文献综述。这一步需要大家大量阅读相关文献,从中整理出文章所需要的内容,通过自己的表述与论文紧密结合,需要展现出你所找的文献与所写论文之间的关系。
第六个部分是data analysis,把自己收集到的所有信息包括数据进行处理得到直观的数据处理结果,然后用可视化的形式展现出来,常用的包括饼图、柱状图等等,让大家一目了然。然后对数据结果进行分析说明,验证topic主题。



企业家是创造新业务的人,他的想法通过他雇佣的人来执行。这些初创企业通常具有创新性和独特性。创业者不仅参与创业的组织,而且在创业的过程中管理工作。创业时的利润和负债也是他的。在过去的十年里,澳大利亚有很多成功的企业家,其中最著名的是马特·巴里,他是一名自由职业者,有自己的事业。他是一位技术企业家,是Freelancer.com网站的CEO。Freelancer.com是一个进行众包工作的市场,同时也是全球在线自由职业者(Beaumont, Beaumont & Bardot, 2006)。


除了是自由职业者和首席执行官,他还是澳大利亚最著名的大学之一悉尼大学的副教授和兼职教授。他是大学计算机科学和网络安全等学科的老师,自2001年起就一直在那里工作。自2010年以来,他也曾在同一所大学从事技术创业。他参与的众包在这些网站中很有名,尤其是那些与设计相关的网站。在这一点上,马特不仅要让自己的业务成为一个根深蒂固的行业,而且还试图拓展众包业务。很多网站和杂志都把他的名字称为最近40岁以下最成功的澳大利亚企业家之一(Butler, 1987)。


An entrepreneur is a person who creates a new business, where his ideas are executed through the people he employs for the work. These start-ups are usually innovative and unique in nature. Entrepreneur is not only involved in the organisation of the business he initiates but also manages the work while the start-up functions. Also the profits and the liabilities are his when the start-up carries out business.Australia in the past decade has been a house of many successful entrepreneurs and one of the most renowned is Matt Barrie, who is a freelancer and has his own start up. He is a technological entrepreneur and is the CEO of Freelancer.com. Freelancer.com is a market place where crowdsourcing takes place and is also involved in the global online freelancing (Beaumont, Beaumont & Bardot, 2006).

Along with being the freelancer and the CEO, he is also an associate and adjunct professor at one of the most renowned universities of Australia, University of Sydney. He is a teacher of various subjects like computer science and network security in the university and has been working there since 2001. He had also been involved in technology venture creation in the same University since the year 2010. The crowdsourcing that he has been involved in has been famous amongst the sites especially the ones related to designs. At this point of time, Matt is trying to not only make his business a deep rooted one but is also trying to expand the crowdsourcing business. Many websites and magazines have covered his name as one of the most successful Australian entrepreneurs in recent times below the age of forty (Butler, 1987).





因此,既然人类是世界上常见的生物,那么权利也应该是普遍的(Friedman, 2012)。在谈到普遍性的时候,也必须提到这个概念与相对主义的概念是完全相反的,这又使我们考虑到最初的问题和讨论的要点。因此,首先可以说,如果人权被说成是普遍的,它们绝不可能与任何文化或任何领土有关。如果它们不是后者,它们就不可能是普遍的。此外,本讨论还简要介绍了文化帝国主义、文化新殖民主义以及人权在理论上不能受到文化限制的原因。随后的讨论证明,在现实中,由于非自然行为,人权变得越来越不普遍,越来越相对。


Whether Human Rights can be considered as something universal or not depends upon the concept of universality. And thus, it would become a little easier to understand as well. When one talks about universality, it pertains to the universe, which means that it is something that should remain the same throughout the universe or in actual context around the world. Universal is something that is present everywhere, and since universe in literal sense is unknown; we would take the earth, the world, to be something where we can apply the concept of universality. This means that universality is something which should be present all around the world. Plus, when one is talking about the human rights, it means something related to humans and their rights, and human beings occupy the world all over. Anything when given to all the human beings all over the world is universal in nature.

Thus, since human beings are the common creatures all over the world, the rights are also supposed to be common for all (Friedman, 2012).When talking about universality, it also has to be mentioned that this concept is something that is completely opposite to the concept relativism, which again makes us consider the original question and the point of discussion thus given. Therefore, to begin with it can be said that if human rights are said to be universal, they in no way can be relative to any culture or to any territory. And in case they are the latter which they are not, they cannot be universal. Further the discussion incorporates brief description of cultural imperialism, cultural neo-colonialism and the reason why human rights theoretically cannot be culturally restricted. Followed by the discussion it proves that in reality because of unnatural practices, human rights are becoming less universal and more relative.







Researchers suggest that despite there being much exposure on why it is necessary for businesses to have a very defined strategy, small scale businesses might still forge ahead without much defined objectives or clear strategy as such. Businesses might make plans for a social media platform usage and go ahead with it. Remaining active on only one or a few selective platforms makes these business have less forethought. Customers expect more and their interests and demands might not be satisfied with marketing information posted only on one of the social media platform. Opportunities to connect with the consumers are wasted and also the business success sustainability is threatened as other competitors might gain entry into the business’s targeted markets.

Furthermore, the use of a single social media space or tool might result in word of mouth marketing on third party websites which could also increase challenges for the business. Therefore, Social media entry without a defined strategy is hence as much a threat to a business as one that does not have any media strategy at all. Social media strategies have to be well planned, have to be comprehensive and should also ensure that it is planned around a goal. Media strategies have to fit the needs of the company, and furthermore should try to understand all actors in the marketing media space, such as the ones that the marketing is trying to reach, the ones who will be used in marketing, etc. Platforms, technology and a marketing plan that would be a futuristic are necessities here. The purpose of the project proposal is to present the need for a social media marketing strategy for Truffle Café which would help increase the number of customers for the Café.







The basic tenets of ethical egoism theory states the businesses should act in self-interest. This construction project would eventually cause growth in the economy and the small businesses should expect losses as a part of business plan. Owing to this, there is no an ethical violation or breech by the government. According to the reports of Canadian Television news and Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, there have been extensive reports and data that suggest that the Halifax Convention should ethically bear the costs of the losses incurred by the local businesses. A number of reports in these television segments seem to focus on the ethical perspective of compensating for the losses. But in reality, there needs to be other important tenets that should be considered. From the primary sources of data that has been collated, it can be understood that the local business owners in the Halifax Downtown area has been facing a number of losses. They do not have access to the basic infrastructure.

There are loud construction noises, street closure and very limited parking.According to the theory of distributive justice, a resource should be equitably distributed equally in a reasonable time. Nova Scotia government has indicated that the construction of the Halifax Convention Center is appropriate. Owing to the fact, there will be more visitors to the province for stimulation of the economic development. One of the most important factors of the government and the developmental stakeholder is that they have the ability to create growth in the economy. This stems from infrastructure building in the nation. From analysis of the ethical perspectives, it could be said from the theory of ethical egoism and distributive justice there is no real need for the government to compensate for the losses incurred by the small business owners in the interim. The small business owners will acquire greater profits once the project is completed.



维纳斯吉尼特里克斯神庙,凯撒广场。凯撒广场被发现是第一个帝国广场。建造论坛涉及在卡皮托林山的侧面的土地,它是长方形的160米* 75米。维纳斯吉纳特里克斯神庙是恺撒论坛的一个亮点,吉纳特里克斯是一位被恺撒尊为远祖的女神。这是大理石做的,女神坐在讲台的顶端。这个复杂的建筑被用作公元前46年凯撒胜利的示范建筑。



Venus Genetrix Temple, Caesar Forum.The forum of Caesar is found to be the first of imperial fora complexes. Building the forum involved a land at the Capitoline Hill’s flank and it is in rectangular shape 160 m * 75 m. 。Venus Genetrix temple is a highlight to the forum of Caesar and Genetrix is a Goddess that was celebrated as a distant ancestor by Caesar. This is made of marble where the Goddess sits at the top of podium. This complex was used as a demonstrative piece for Caesar’s victory in 46 BCE.

The Forum of Trajan was the last imperial forum and it was largest as well as lavishly built. Having completed and inaugurated in 112 CE, there are 6 areas in this forum. They are numbered accordingly representing forums of Caesar, Augustus, Templum Pacis, Transitorium, Trajan and Basilica Ulpia. The Basilica Ulpia is an integral part of Forum of Trajan. The column of Trajan as shown in the figure also has a free standing temple aside. The plan shows the respective positions and appearances. The reconstructions in the modern era have also permitted the presence of free standing temple – shrine against western exedra of Augustus Forum.



Speed/thrash metal是朋克文化的混合体,而金属音乐被认为是极快的,以至于它的粗糙和苛刻。与打击乐相结合,这首歌通常有一个非常快的节奏。几乎所有这种金属风格的歌曲都被卷入了宗教争议。有一些代表挑战传统宗教,这些形式的重金属也将争议推入商品,并与之一起销售。这对娱乐重金属乐观众是必要的。例如,正如作家菲利普斯和科根在他们的书中所指出的,“研究重金属音乐的主要问题之一,不仅是音乐家在演奏金属的同时创造了什么,而且是观众如何与音乐互动,以及他们从音乐中创造了什么意义……”[英语泛读材料含义的常识和有时价值被观众与所谓的文化或亚文化资本共享。


比如《铁娘子》的《野兽的数量》(Number of the Beast),专辑封面就描绘了一件牛仔夹克。这种颜色的牛仔夹克被认为是正在成长的金属亚文化的一部分,这是粉丝们可以接触到的东西。因此,在这里创建了亲属关系的价值。专辑封面印在了夹克上,粉丝们也通过穿上它来展示他们的热情。这是一种共同效忠的形式,更像是一种邪教。现在,研究人员认为重金属的作用类似于邪教,尤其是在他们如何推动歌迷通过歌曲中原始的情感与他们联系的问题上。事实上,那些商业化金属的人被称为假金属,他们不受欢迎。另一方面,真正的重金属是利用生动的意象,混合金属的成分如速度和画眉以及不成文的规定也应该受到批评。


Speed/thrash metal was a mix of punk culture, and metal music that was considered as being extremely fast to the point it was abrasive and demanding. Combined with Thrash, there is usually a very fast tempo to the song. Almost all of the songs of this style of metal have been pulled up into religious controversies. There are representations that challenges conventional religion and these form of heavy metals pushed the controversy into merchandise that was sold with them as well. This was necessary to keep the heavy metal audience entertained. For instance, as authors Phillips and Cogan present in their book, “One of the main questions to examine in studying heavy metal is not only what musicians create while playing metal but also how the audience engages with the music and what meanings they create from the music […] common sense of meanings and sometimes values are shared by audiences with what can be called cultural, or subcultural, capital”.

In the case of the Iron Maiden’s ‘Number of the Beast’ for instance, the album cover portrayed a denim jacket. The painted denim jacket is something that was considered as part of the metal subculture that was growing and this was something that a fan audience base would be able to connect with. A shared value of kinship is hence created here. The album cover was printed on jackets and fans also showed their enthusiasm by wearing it. This was a form of shared allegiance, more like a cult. Now it is argued by researchers that heavy metal operated akin to a cult especially in how they pushed fans to connect with them through raw emotions in songs. In fact, those who commercialized metal were called the false metals and they were disliked upon. True Heavy metal on the other hand was one which made use of vivid imagery, the components of mixed metal such as the speed and thrush and in unwritten rules should also invite criticism.